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Photo #2045: Timandra comae


Timandra comae

Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Vitaly Gumenuk. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Evgeny Komarov

Place of shooting/catching: Moscow region, Ramensky district, near Hrypan' village.

Comments on this image

15.09.2011 16:46, Peter Khramov

Added shot location from Vitaly.

28.08.2011 22:14, Peter Khramov

Gah. Took all photos away from the species :--(

28.08.2011 20:40, Evgeny Komarov

Yep :)

28.08.2011 19:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov


28.08.2011 19:37, Peter Khramov

Nearby too? http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/2046/.

28.08.2011 18:48, Evgeny Komarov

Petr! As far as I know by many shots at different websites, Vitaly didn't shoot in Russian North or Northwest. All shots were made in his village house in Moscow region. Move to comae.

28.08.2011 15:09, Peter Khramov

Most probably Moscow region, but I asked Vitaly to check it, just in case.

28.08.2011 14:54, Alexander Boldyrev

"...Also, Sungaya is Alexandr Boldyrev who is one of Lepidoptera.pro authors. Hope, he will make it clear".
Personally, I can't make it clear cause I'm not a pro either don't know why it's signed as griseata, or the shot location. If we're talking about this species and if it can be in Moscow region, as far as I know from special sources I've got, there can be only comae in Moscow region. So this question should be posed to the very author of this photo.

27.08.2011 10:04, Evgeny Komarov

There is the next quotation: "Not so lately there was published Kaila and Albrecht work [Kaila, Albrecht, 1994] revisioned this group. Authors showed that Т. griseata can be only in limited areas such as the south part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Baltic States and Northwest Russia (Leningrad region, Karelia). All info about Т. griseata met in other European regions included Russia, also West Siberia (Novosibirsk region) and Turkmenistan should be considered as T. comai, Schmidt, 1931, what was described from Spain as Т. griseata version". Quoted: Vasylenko S. V. Timandra griseata, Petersen, 1902 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) found in Siberia. Euroasian Entomological Journal (7(2): 180–181.).

27.08.2011 8:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov

To be right, in Moscow region there's Timandra comae, A. Schmidt, 1931.
Looking at http://sungaya.narod.ru/hete/geo/geo11.htm.
Also, Sungaya is Alexandr Boldyrev who is one of Lepidoptera.pro authors. Hope, he will make it clear.

26.08.2011 22:20, Evgeny Komarov

No info about shot location, but seeing at author's it should be Moscow region. I'm not an expert in Geometridae, but Evgeny Tsvetkov (Saint Petersburg) thinks there can be only Timandra comae in Central Russia.

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