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Photo #21993: Eublemma minutata


Eublemma minutata

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Ivan Pristrem. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Alexandr Zhakov

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-06-11 23:01:00, Волгоградская обл., г. Волгоград, пос. Верхняя Ельшанка; 48°41′16″N (48.687669); 44°24′36″E (44.409932)

Photographer's comment: Прилетело на свет.

Comments on this image

26.10.2013 16:07, Lev Bely

Leo is not enough for you, white and fluffy :)

26.10.2013 12:41, Peter Khramov

Galliry is fixed. As for the tooltips, yes, there was bug with incorrect signs on author pages. Now fixed. As for rebukes and other disputes, I'd like to say it fifth time that web messages may be reacted more expressive than real, alive ones, so please let's have some more patience and comprehension. I'm sure we're all here for similar reasons and purposes, and we're all people of reason and peace.

26.10.2013 12:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Sergei, just need to be more attentive. And opened the photo to see what is written on the top. Glitches occur regularly and there is nothing supernatural in this: I hope Peter and fix this.This glitch: when you move the cursor to the "Gallery" there is the following: "Gallery photos and pictures of butterflies" is also necessary fixes removing the letter "and" in the first word.

26.10.2013 12:01, Sergei Kotov

Vasily, so it was finally moved? Just I saw Ivan Pristrem's page and there when you move your cursor over its picture, there is a sign appears "species is not identified". Thus I said. I should've checked the very species photo page if it had the ID. So I didn't, my pardon.
Anyway here's some clear bug about this dyssynchrony between the identified species on its photo page and allegedly "not identified" on the author page. Should be fixed.

Also pity you consider my comments as rebukes solely. I just wanted to fix the species, maybe said it kinda harsh. So it turns out as always.

26.10.2013 11:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov

And where it should be if not in theEublemma minutata? Others do not see the definitions. Something I do not understand the essence of the next collision :)

26.10.2013 11:22, Sergei Kotov

Why has not yet been moved? It is now four months has been determined. And do not blame in this case the employment moderators. First, for the past four months it could be vouchsafed and transfer, and secondly, the site has three moderator.

26.10.2013 3:05, Sergei Kotov

It is necessary to move.

14.05.2013 0:07, Peter Khramov


13.05.2013 21:07, Alexandr Zhakov

Eublemma minutata

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