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Photo #6437: Neptis andetria


Neptis andetria

Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Eugene Karolinskiy

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2009-07-18 00:00:00, Vladivostok, FEBRAS Botanical garden

Comments on this image

17.03.2011 22:35, Peter Khramov

Moved to N. andetria.

15.03.2011 7:16, Evgeny Komarov The species is added to the database/approved.

15.03.2011 0:16, Eugene Karolinskiy

Summing up: according to the actual info (Synev catalogue; Identifier or insects of Russian Far East), in Russia andetria lives. By the way, in Japan it doesn't (there pryeri lives, and basically pryeri is more southern species). Don't know if both species live somewhere sympatrically (generally can guess, yes). Have nothing more to add. :)

14.03.2011 0:31, Peter Khramov

Sum up?

12.03.2011 12:30, Peter Khramov

Roman, as for commenting, what's wrong with seeing previous ones? You should see them on this very page. Or you mean something else?

12.03.2011 9:00, Vladimir Mescheryakov

I'm very sorry for butting in such serious talks, but we can see so far due to our standing on the shoulders of giants... and they considered (since 1909) that Neptis pryeri had few geographical subspecies such as Neptis pr. arboretorum Oberth.(China), Neptis pr. andetria Fruhst. (Japan, Primorye region), Neptis pr. pryeri Butl. (Japan, Primorye region), Neptis pr. koreana Esaki (Korea).… what is rather common for the species which varies and expanded so much included islands. Can't imagine that Neptis andetria got this marathon stick from Neptis pryeri. Either giants were not so gigantesque, or ... In actual Russian lists this species is mentioned as Neptis andetria Fruhstorfer, 1912 = pryeri auct., kusnezovi Kurentzov, 1949, in other references it's 1913. And it grows there on dropworts. It's very unhandy to make a comment not seeing previous ones.

10.03.2011 21:27, Peter Khramov

Yury, would you get one more consult giving all this information to your consultant, to solve this question finally?

10.03.2011 20:35, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Two different species.

10.03.2011 19:29, Peter Khramov

The very twin, not synonym?

10.03.2011 16:46, Dmitriy Pozhogin

This is Neptis andetria!!! Evgeny Karolinsky is right. Neptis pryeri is a twin species from China.

10.03.2011 12:12, Yuri Semejkin

Got a consult. There is such answer. That's nothing but Neptis pryeri.

07.03.2011 15:04, Eugene Karolinskiy

It's allright... :) pryeri is the previous (wrong) name of andetria. Look through Synev catalogue.

07.03.2011 13:08, Peter Khramov

Hm, that's getting interesting...

07.03.2011 9:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Neptis pryeri.

06.03.2011 21:52, Peter Khramov

Yury, your comment?

06.03.2011 2:31, Eugene Karolinskiy

IMHO Neptis andetria.

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