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Subgenus Mythimna

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Noctuoidea family Noctuidae subfamily Noctuinae tribe Leucaniini genus Mythimna → subgenus Mythimna (Ochsenheimer, 1816)



Daughter taxa

Mythimna albomarginata (Wileman & South, 1920) [species]

M. a. rubea

Mythimna anthracoscelis Boursin, 1962 [species]

Mythimna aurotrigoni Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998 [species]

Mythimna bani (Sugi, 1977) [species]

Mythimna bicolorata (Plante, 1992) [species]

Mythimna biundulata (Motschulsky, 1860) [species]

Mythimna cameroni Hreblay, 1998 [species]

Mythimna chiangmai Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1998 [species]

Mythimna clarior Hreblay, 1993 [species]

Mythimna conigera (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) [species]

Совка полосатая желто-бурая

M. c. angulifera

Mythimna cuneilinea (Draudt, 1950) [species]

Mythimna daemona Hreblay & Legrain, 1996 [species]

Mythimna denticula (Hampson, 1893) [species]

Mythimna deserticola (Bartel, 1903) [species]

Mythimna discilinea (Draudt, 1950) [species]

Mythimna ensata Yoshimatsu, 1998 [species]

Mythimna fasciata (Moore, 1881) [species]

Mythimna favicolor (Barrett, 1896) [species]

Mythimna ferrilinea (Leech, 1900) [species]

Mythimna fraterna (Moore, 1888) [species]

Mythimna furcifera (Moore, 1882) [species]

Mythimna godavariensis (Yoshimoto, 1992) [species]

Mythimna hackeri Hreblay & Yoshimatsu, 1996 [species]

Mythimna impura (Hubner, 1808) [species]

M. i. dungana

Mythimna insularis (Butler, 1880) [species]

Mythimna intolerabilis Hreblay, 1993 [species]

Mythimna irrorata (Moore, 1881) [species]

Mythimna khasiensis Hreblay & Legrain, 1998 [species]

Mythimna legraini (Plante, 1992) [species]

Mythimna lineatipes (Moore, 1881) [species]

Mythimna lishana (Chang, 1991) [species]

Mythimna lucida Yoshimatsu & Hreblay, 1996 [species]

Mythimna mediofusca (Hampson, 1891) [species]

Mythimna melania (Staudinger, 1889) [species]

M. m. orientasiae

Mythimna mesotrosta (Püngeler, 1900) [species]

Mythimna multipunctata (Hampson, 1918) [species]

Mythimna nainica (Moore, 1881) [species]

Mythimna opada (Calora, 1966) [species]

Mythimna osseogrisea Berio, 1973 [species]

Mythimna pakdala (Calora, 1966) [species]

Mythimna pallens (Linnaeus, 1758) [species]

Совка полосатая бледная

Mythimna pastearis (Draudt, 1950) [species]

Mythimna pastellina Hreblay & Legrain, 1996 [species]

Mythimna percisa (Moore, 1888) [species]

Mythimna pudorina (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) [species]

M. p. obscurata, M. p. subrosea

Mythimna rubrisecta (Hampson, 1905) [species]

Mythimna saucesa (Pinker, 1963) [species]

Mythimna scottii (Butler, 1886) [species]

Mythimna serradagua (Wolff, 1977) [species]

Mythimna sinensis Hampson, 1909 [species]

Mythimna sinuosa (Moore, 1882) [species]

Mythimna straminea (Treitschke, 1825) [species]

Mythimna striatella (Draudt, 1950) [species]

Mythimna stueningi (Plante, 1993) [species]

Mythimna suavina Hreblay, 1998 [species]

Mythimna subplacida (Sugi, 1977) [species]

Mythimna tangala (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) [species]

Mythimna thomasi Hacker, Hreblay & Plante, 1993 [species]

Mythimna transversata (Draudt, 1950) [species]

Mythimna turca (Linnaeus, 1761) [species]

Mythimna velutina (Eversmann, 1846) [species]

Mythimna vitellina (Hubner, 1808) [species]

M. v. decolorata, M. v. majella


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