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Subgenus Euphaedrana

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Papilionoidea family Nymphalidae subfamily Limenitidinae tribe Adoliadini genus Euphaedra → subgenus Euphaedrana Hecq



Daughter taxa

Euphaedra aberrans Staudinger, 1891 [species]

Euphaedra adonina (Hewitson, 1865) [species]

E. a. adonina, E. a. prasina, E. a. spectacularis

Euphaedra afzelii (C. & R. Felder, [1867]) [species]

Euphaedra alacris Hecq, 1978 [species]

Euphaedra alava Hecq, 2000 [species]

Euphaedra albofasciata Berger, 1981 [species]

Euphaedra alboides Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra alternus van Someren, 1935 [species]

Euphaedra amieti Hecq, 1994 [species]

Euphaedra apparata Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra appositiva Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra asteria Hecq, 1993 [species]

Euphaedra attenuata Gabriel, 1949 [species]

Euphaedra aureola Kirby, 1889 [species]

E. a. aureola, E. a. nitens

Euphaedra bergeri Hecq, 1974 [species]

Euphaedra bouyeri Hecq, 1993 [species]

Euphaedra campaspe (C. & R. Felder, [1867]) [species]

E. c. campaspe, E. c. permixtoides

Euphaedra canui Hecq, 1987 [species]

Euphaedra castanoides Hecq, 1985 [species]

E. c. castanoides, E. c. deficiens, E. c. gashaka

Euphaedra centralis Hecq, 1985 [species]

Euphaedra ceres (Fabricius, 1775) [species]

E. c. artaynta, E. c. ceres, E. c. electra, E. c. lutescens, E. c. zeuxis

Euphaedra cinnamomea Rothschild, 1918 [species]

Euphaedra compacta Hecq, 1997 [species]

Euphaedra confina Hecq, 1992 [species]

Euphaedra congo Hecq, 1985 [species]

Euphaedra controversa Hecq, 1997 [species]

Euphaedra cooksoni Druce, 1905 [species]

Euphaedra coprates (Druce, 1875) [species]

Euphaedra cottoni Sharpe, 1907 [species]

Euphaedra dargeana Hecq, 1980 [species]

Euphaedra delera Hecq, 1983 [species]

Euphaedra demeter Hecq, 1983 [species]

Euphaedra densamacula Hecq, 1997 [species]

Euphaedra disjuncta Hecq, 1984 [species]

E. d. disjuncta, E. d. virens

Euphaedra dubreka Collins & Larsen, 2005 [species]

Euphaedra eberti Aurivillius, 1896 [species]

E. e. eberti, E. e. hamus

Euphaedra edwardsi (van der Hoeven, 1845) [species]

E. e. clarus, E. e. clarus, E. e. edwardsi

Euphaedra eleus (Drury, 1782) [species]

E. e. angustimarginata, E. e. eleus, E. e. gigas, E. e. occidentalis, E. e. semipreussiana

Euphaedra eupalus (Fabricius, 1781) [species]

Euphaedra exerrata Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra fascinata Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra ferruginea Staudinger, 1886 [species]

Euphaedra fontainei Hecq, 1977 [species]

Euphaedra francina Godart, [1824] [species]

E. f. exuberans, E. f. francina

Euphaedra fulvofasciata Holland, 1920 [species]

Euphaedra grilloti Hecq, 1983 [species]

Euphaedra harpalyce (Cramer, [1777]) [species]

E. h. comminuera, E. h. dowsetti, E. h. evanescens, E. h. fasciata, E. h. harpalyce, E. h. lakuma, E. h. serena, E. h. spatiosa, E. h. sudanensis, E. h. vana

Euphaedra hybrida Hecq, 1978 [species]

Euphaedra ignota Hecq, 1996 [species]

Euphaedra illustris Talbot, 1927 [species]

Euphaedra inanum (Butler, 1873) [species]

Euphaedra intermedia Rebel, 1914 [species]

Euphaedra jacksoni Hecq, 1980 [species]

Euphaedra janetta (Butler, 1871) [species]

E. j. campaspoides, E. j. insularis, E. j. janetta, E. j. or, E. j. remota, E. j. viridis

Euphaedra jolyana Hecq, 1986 [species]

Euphaedra justitia Staudinger, 1886 [species]

Euphaedra kakamegae van Someren, 1934 [species]

Euphaedra katangensis Talbot, 1927 [species]

Euphaedra knoopiana Hecq, 1995 [species]

Euphaedra laboureana Toulgoët, 1957 [species]

E. l. bernaudi, E. l. eburnensis, E. l. laboureana

Euphaedra laguerrei Hecq, 1979 [species]

Euphaedra latifasciata Talbot, 1929 [species]

Euphaedra leloupi Overlaet, 1955 [species]

Euphaedra losinga (Hewitson, 1864) [species]

E. l. arcana, E. l. knoopi, E. l. limita, E. l. losinga, E. l. wardi

Euphaedra luafa Oremans, 1998 [species]

Euphaedra luteolucens Hecq, 1995 [species]

Euphaedra margaritifera Schultze, 1920 [species]

Euphaedra margueritae Hecq, 1978 [species]

Euphaedra mayumbensis Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra minuta Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra miranda Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra modesta Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra murphyi Hecq, 1991 [species]

Euphaedra neumanni Rothschild, 1902 [species]

Euphaedra nigrobasalis Joicey & Talbot, 1921 [species]

E. n. ceramica, E. n. nigrobasalis, E. n. upemba

Euphaedra nigrocilia Lathy, 1903 [species]

Euphaedra niveovittata Overlaet, 1955 [species]

Euphaedra occulta Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra ochracea Hecq, 1978 [species]

Euphaedra ochrovirens Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra olivacea Grünberg, 1908 [species]

Euphaedra orientalis Rothschild, 1898 [species]

Euphaedra overlaeti Hulstaert, 1926 [species]

Euphaedra paradoxa Neave, 1904 [species]

Euphaedra permixtum (Butler, 1873) [species]

E. p. diva, E. p. permixtum

Euphaedra perseis (Drury, 1773) [species]

Euphaedra persephona Hecq, 1983 [species]

Euphaedra phaethusa (Butler, [1866]) [species]

E. p. aurea, E. p. phaethusa

Euphaedra phosphor Joicey & Talbot, 1921 [species]

Euphaedra piriformis Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra preussi Staudinger, 1891 [species]

E. p. albipunctata, E. p. njami, E. p. pallida, E. p. perochrata, E. p. preussi

Euphaedra preussiana Gaede, 1916 [species]

E. p. preussiana, E. p. protea, E. p. robusta

Euphaedra procera Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra proserpina Hecq, 1983 [species]

E. p. proserpina, E. p. tisiphona

Euphaedra rattrayi Sharpe, 1904 [species]

E. r. coeruleomaculata, E. r. rattrayi

Euphaedra ravola (Hewitson, 1866) [species]

Euphaedra regis-leopoldi Hecq, 1996 [species]

Euphaedra regularis Hecq, 1983 [species]

Euphaedra rezia (Hewitson, 1866) [species]

Euphaedra ruspina Hewitson, 1865 [species]

Euphaedra sangbae Hecq, 1996 [species]

Euphaedra sarita (Sharpe, 1891) [species]

E. s. abyssinica, E. s. lulua, E. s. sarita

Euphaedra scrupulosa Hecq, 1997 [species]

Euphaedra semipreussiana Hecq, 1993 [species]

Euphaedra simplex Hecq, 1978 [species]

Euphaedra solida Hecq, 1997 [species]

Euphaedra splendens Hecq, 1982 [species]

E. s. ghanaensis, E. s. splendens

Euphaedra stellata Hecq, 1991 [species]

Euphaedra subferruginea Guillaumin, 1976 [species]

Euphaedra subprocera Hecq, 1984 [species]

Euphaedra subprotea Hecq, 1986 [species]

Euphaedra subviridis Holland, 1920 [species]

Euphaedra tenebrosa Hecq, 1983 [species]

Euphaedra themis (Hübner, [1807]) [species]

E. t. auretta, E. t. composita, E. t. innocentia, E. t. inornata, E. t. paupera, E. t. viridifasciata

Euphaedra thierrybaulini Oremans, 1999 [species]

Euphaedra ueleana Hecq, 1982 [species]

Euphaedra uganda Aurivillius, 1895 [species]

E. u. minziru, E. u. uganda

Euphaedra uniformis (Neustetter, 1952) [species]

Euphaedra vandeweghei Hecq, 2004 [species]

Euphaedra variabilis Guillaumin, 1976 [species]

Euphaedra velutina Hecq, 1997 [species]

Euphaedra vetusta (Butler, 1871) [species]

Euphaedra vicina Hecq, 1984 [species]

E. v. longiqua, E. v. pallidoides, E. v. vicina

Euphaedra villiersi Condamin, 1964 [species]

Euphaedra viridicaerulea Bartel, 1905 [species]

E. v. griseargentina, E. v. inanoides, E. v. nitidula, E. v. subargentina, E. v. viridicaerulea

Euphaedra wojtusiaki Hecq, 1993 [species]

Euphaedra xerophila Hecq, 1974 [species]

Euphaedra zampa (Westwood, 1850) [species]

E. z. variabilis


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