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Acria psamatholeuca Meyrick, 1930
Lepidoptera, Peleopodidae
Acria sciogramma Meyrick, 1915
Acria xanthosaris Meyrick, 1908
Acriotes saprocarpodes Diakonoff, 1954
Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae
Acrophiletis cosmocrossa Meyrick, 1932
Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae
Actenotis diasema Turner, 1935
Acutitornus kalahariensis Janse, 1958
Acutitornus leucostola Janse, 1958
Acutitornus liebenbergi Janse, 1963
Acutitornus munda Janse, 1951
Acutitornus munroi Janse, 1958
Adelomorpha ritsemae Snellen, 1885
Adoxotricha symbolistis Meyrick, 1938
Adullamitis emancipata Meyrick, 1932
Aeaea dulcedo Hodges, 1964
Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae
Aeaea extensa Braun, 1919
Aeaea juvantis Hodges, 1964
Aeaea ostryaeella Chambers, 1874
Aeaea placatrix Hodges, 1969
Aeaea rhynchosiae Hodges, 1964
Aeaea risor Hodges, 1964
Aeaea sagana Hodges, 1964
Aeaea stipator Hodges, 1964
Aeaea venatrix Hodges, 1964
Aeaea venifica Hodges, 1964
Aeaea victor Hodges, 1964
Aechmioides unigutella Bruand, 1850
Aeolanthes ampelurga Meyrick, 1925
Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae
Aeolanthes brochias Meyrick, 1938
Aeolanthes callidora Meyrick, 1907
Aeolanthes ceratopis Meyrick, 1934
Aeolanthes cianolitha Meyrick, 1938
Aeolanthes cladophora Meyrick, 1938
Aeolanthes clinacta Meyrick, 1925
Aeolanthes conductella Walker, 1863
Aeolanthes coronifera Meyrick, 1938
Aeolanthes cyclantha Meyrick, 1923
Aeolanthes deltogramma Meyrick, 1923
Aeolanthes diacritica Meyrick, 1918
Aeolanthes dicraea Meyrick, 1908
Aeolanthes erebomicta Meyrick, 1931
Aeolanthes erythrantis Meyrick, 1935
Aeolanthes euryatma Meyrick, 1908
Aeolanthes haematopa Meyrick, 1931
Aeolanthes lychnidias Meyrick, 1908
Aeolanthes megalophthalma Meyrick, 1930
Aeolanthes meniscias Meyrick, 1908
Aeolanthes oculigera Diakonoff, 1952
Aeolanthes rhodochrysa Meyrick, 1907
Aeolanthes sagulata Meyrick, 1917
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