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Banchus nox Morley, 1913
Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae
Banchus nubilus Townes, 1978
Banchus pallescens Provancher, 1874
Banchus palpalis Ruthe, 1859
Banchus pictus Fabricius, 1798
Banchus polychromus Provancher, 1888
Banchus poppiti Fitton, 1985
Banchus punkettai Fitton, 1985
Banchus robustus Rudow, 1883
Banchus rufescens Townes, 1978
Banchus russiator Aubert, 1981
Banchus sanjozanus Uchida, 1929
Banchus superbus Cresson, 1865
Banchus teres Townes, 1978
Banchus tholus Fitton, 1985
Banchus tumidus Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Banchus turcator Aubert, 1981
Banchus vittosus Townes, 1978
Banchus volutatorius Linnaeus, 1758
Banchus zonatus Rudow, 1883
Cephaloglypta murinanae Bauer, 1941
Cryptopimpla alpivaga Strobl, 1902
Cryptopimpla amplipennis Townes, 1978
Cryptopimpla anomala Holmgren, 1860
Cryptopimpla arvicola Gravenhorst, 1829
Cryptopimpla brevicaudis Habermehl, 1903
Cryptopimpla brevigena Kuslitzky, 2007
Cryptopimpla brevis Sheng, 2005
Cryptopimpla breviungula Kuslitzky, 2007
Cryptopimpla buareoleta Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla buccinata Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla calceolata Gravenhorst, 1829
Cryptopimpla caligata Gravenhorst, 1829
Cryptopimpla collaris Kuslitzky, 2007
Cryptopimpla cristula Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla ecarinata Townes, 1978
Cryptopimpla eleganta Kolarov, 1984
Cryptopimpla errabunda Gravenhorst, 1829
Cryptopimpla fasciolurida Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla flavopterum Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla genalis Thomson, 1877
Cryptopimpla helvetica Brauns, 1901
Cryptopimpla helvicoxis Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla henanensis Sheng, 2005
Cryptopimpla hertrichi Heinrich, 1952
Cryptopimpla kerzhneri Kuslitzky, 2007
Cryptopimpla labralis Townes, 1978
Cryptopimpla maurocoxis Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla miltotibialis Chandra & Gupta, 1977
Cryptopimpla nigripalpis Cameron, 1909
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