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Insects species catalog

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Species found: 53763

Pages: 1 ...337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345... 1076

Dixa kaplani Wagner, Freidberg & Ortal, 1992

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa kyushuensis Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa lepnevae Stackelberg, 1948

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa lobata Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa longistyla Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa lunata Edwards, 1929

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa maculata Meigen, 1818

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa maculatala Yang & Yang, 1998

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa martensi Wagner, 1983

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa melanderi Peters and Cook, 1966

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa melanosoma Yang & Yang, 1995

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa mera Seguy, 1930

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa minutiformis Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa modesta Johannsen, 1903

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa montana Brunetti, 1911

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa nebulosa Meigen, 1830

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa neohegemonica Peters and Cook, 1966

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa nigrella Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa nipponica Ishihara, 1947

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa nova Walker, 1848

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa obtusa Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa platystyloides Stackelberg, 1948

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa pollex Nowell, 1980

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa pulchripennis Stackelberg, 1948

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa pullogruma Peters and Cook, 1966

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa punctata Wagner, Freidberg & Ortal, 1992

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa quinta Martini, 1931

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa recens Walker, 1848

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa repanda Peters and Cook, 1966

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa rhathyme Dyar and Shannon, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa rostrata Edwards, 1933

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa rudis Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa serrata Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa serrifera Edwards, 1928

Diptera, Dixidae

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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