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Autumn predatory insects

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsAutumn predatory insects

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04.10.2015 17:46, Hierophis

And you don't have any Eumenes to observe this, they are just now full of them on the flowers of the same linseed, which is just now full) So instead of writing sheets, I had to go to look at Eumenesov, you need to scribble sheets in the evening )))
Kstti bumblebees, by the way, have not been seen for a long time, working bumblebees disappear very early, their cycle is short, but the queens now fly and feed on flowers, so-I have a picture of the uterus on the same flax, it drinks nectar through the top wink.gif

An alternative method is that you can measure live wasps on millimeter paper by photographing them in a natural environment, for example, on paper smeared with honey while they lick it off )) but again, you need a lot of pictures.
And amateur approaches are sucking data out of a bunch of instances because it was not possible to collect more, since it is obvious that the more measurements the more accurate the data and the more deviations, 100 os is needed then to identify as many anomalies as possible, so 100 os is also not enough.

04.10.2015 18:57, ИНО

Roma, do you think that a live wasp's abdominal rings don't go back and forth? Are you going to check out the hungry or the well-fed, on the inhale or on the exhale?

04.10.2015 23:25, Oleg Nikolsky

A few more shots from the Predator-And-Prey series. Although the first night frost with frost has already occurred on October 1, insects are still intact, including butterflies. And the ktyri seem to live very well in general-they fly, make love, catch ladybirds. By the way, experts, tell me, what kind of ktyrei in the pictures?

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05.10.2015 2:50, ИНО

I forgot to add: germanics quite visit the inflorescences (in particular, not so long ago I observed one on Seseli tortuosum), but infrequently and do not stay there for a long time. But I've never seen a hornet on flowers. I think size matters - it's hard for such a big wasp to get drunk on nectar without special devices, and even bring it to relatives. It is easier for a hornet to nibble a tree branch or trunk in order to organize a sochnik. Here in the tropics there are flowers with an incomparably large amount of nectar, I wonder if the local species mainly visit them? Or do they also eat trees? Although there are also fruits all year round...

I won't give a link to Rusina yet (since I didn't look for it), instead I'll refer to Greenfeld (Lydia Yurievna, as far as I remember, referred to him): Greenfeld E. K. Nutrition of the social wasp Polistes gallicus L.
(Hymenoptera, Vespidae) Entomological review. – 1977.– 56, №1. – P. 34-42.
According to the author, this work contains the first mention of feeding adults of public wasps with "meat". And yes, Greenfeld's goiter, "which wasps don't have," opened and examined the contents. Or were they not goiters, and there is a terminological confusion? In what way, then, do wasps bring food home? Moreover, protein is also transferred partly inside themselves, and not only in the notorious lump. Although, unlike Eduard Karlovich, I have not personally studied the anatomy of wasps, I can say with confidence about the latter.

P.S. I just caught a glimpse of the error in the link and corrected it. Conclusion: you need to carefully check the phrases copied from PDF files, as their text layer may not contain exactly the same (or not at all) that is visible on the graphic.

This post was edited INO-07.10.2015 13: 46

05.10.2015 7:45, lethrusk

another predator from Volgograd October 1 2015_______.jpg
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05.10.2015 17:48, Hierophis

Ezox, you've edited everything so that you won't notice that something new has appeared there, you don't know what to comment on))
But there is no time to comment yet, because I went to collect the fruits of the rose of Carcharota, and now I need to sort them out, and I advise the rest to collect them - that's where the power and strength, vitamins and health are, and not in all sorts of mushrooms )))
And what a heat wave, well, it was clearly more than +30 in the steppe, it was quiet, everything is warming up, beauty!

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05.10.2015 17:54, Hierophis

Well, as without w without predators.. Not everything is true, insects)
By the way, and in general, the steppe is not a steppe without a black furry ruler! umnik.gif Ezox, do you have any of these in your megastep?" wink.gif
+ another germanic nest in the ground.

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05.10.2015 19:18, ИНО

Well, "rose of Carcharota", of course, in the subject. It may not be predatory, or even insect-like, but it's easy to bleed. How are the poppies doing?"

05.10.2015 19:21, Hierophis

Mine is not your ponema. The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis of equality of averages in two general populations, and not to identify any incomprehensible anomalies. What do you mean by that word anyway? And why should we identify as many of them as possible? Of course, you can take 100 oss of each type, and 1000, and 1000000, but is it only necessary if statistically significant differences are found in each sample, say in 10 instances? After all, your employer can pay you $ 10,000 a month, and I'm sure this will make you work better. But he already has the level of work that you do for those, I forgot how many there, hryvnia, is quite enough. In any business, and in scientific work, first of all, a balance of funds spent and the result obtained must be observed. For example, if the total volume of measured os 20 results in differences that are significant at the level of 0.04, an adequate researcher will not increase it to 2000 to get a significance level of 0.0001. Exceptions may be some areas of science where the lives and health of many people depend on a particularly high accuracy of the result, for example, medicine and pharmacy. They try to achieve a significance level of less than 0.01, or even less than 0.001 (which is fixed in the relevant standards), but this is clearly not our case.

I will say briefly - here is such a student from you and it will be, with such reasoning)) This is all good except for some kind of plant or production, all these balances of spent funds and so on.
Scientific and research activities must be carried out in conditions of redundancy of data and resources, otherwise no one would have discovered anything new)
In addition to the goal that Nuno can achieve, you should always try to get more than you need! Too much for me, uchonyy lol.gif
If you think like this, then Darwin didn't even need to swim anywhere to understand the meaning of the influence of the environment on the development of species, and the importance of natural selection, it all seems to be visible without islands and distant countries, but it is now all visible after Darwin lol.gif
So of course, if you stupidly measure the OS for the sake of finding the differences between the nymph and the dominant, then 20 may be enough, although in the context of the task this is not necessary, because the task is to determine the linear dimensions of the differences between living and whole oss, and not their pieces )
And live and whole wasps, nymphs and dominuli, are visually indistinguishable in length, this is what AVA wrote and I wrote even earlier, so you don't need to measure anything if the task is just that)

05.10.2015 19:27, Hierophis

Well, "rose of Carcharota", of course, in the subject. It may not be predatory, or even insect-like, but it's easy to bleed. How are the poppies doing?"
Who are you talking about? What kind of power? Karakurtikha or something? But why on earth did it get furry? Or is it a projection of your erotic fantasies? I'd rather have a girlfriend.

That's why there are no dead fish in my steppe. But its appearance this year has become very close to yours: everything is burned out, everywhere this vile feather grass-volostik, in some places even burned, which in my memory has never been in the fall.

Mdya.. who's talking about what, and Ezox is talking about women.. Brrrr, about the furry one lol.gif
Ezox, did you just find out that karakurtikhs are furry? Or did you think they were bald like your poddivannye steatodes? )
And poppies poppies red poppies, they have long been dreaming of attacks, those who did not come from these steppes, by the way - the real place of the largest battles of the 2nd world war, all in craters, and shells come across.

And yes, ixpert, there is not a hair-feather grass everywhere at all.

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