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Who is it? Identification of different orders of insects

Community and ForumInsects identificationWho is it? Identification of different orders of insects

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26.01.2012 21:43, Dracus

There is definitely a dose, and Iris polystictica is also possible. More precisely, let the Ukrainian colleagues say.
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28.01.2012 11:04, Анфим

Tell me the insect (30.06).

picture: DSC09264.JPG
DSC09264.JPG — (74.01к)

29.01.2012 18:54, VBoris

197del - Ectobius sylvestris?

picture: 197del.jpg
197del.jpg — (85.48к)

picture: 76del.jpg
76del.jpg — (25.65к)

29.01.2012 19:37, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

the cockroach is a larva, so I don't dare to define it. Ectobiidae (the correct name for Blattellidae), but not B. germanica.
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04.02.2012 2:10, Ai.

Tell me neuchu, please, what kind of beast is this?))
(Taken on 15.08 in the Kursk region)

image: _____. jpg
_____.jpg — (78.05к)

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04.02.2012 7:54, Сергуха

for me - as if the larva of some bug from Reduviidae ...
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04.02.2012 10:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus, 1758) is. "Reduvius disguised" or "Dirty predator": the larva sculpts it on itself to disguise smile.gifitself
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06.03.2012 18:49, Насекомыч

Tell me, what kind of spider? Moscow, February
Torso about 1 cm
user posted image
more pictures

This post was edited by Insectych - 06.03.2012 19: 15

06.03.2012 19:56, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Tegenaria domestica?

07.03.2012 18:23, Arikain

No, it's someone else. Perhaps one of the Gnaphosidae, or Cicurina cicur. I need a closer photo.
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07.03.2012 18:50, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Indeed, I looked at the network - Tegenaria seems to have a different color.

Similar spiders (as in the photo above) periodically meet in my apartment, apparently, the usual synanthropus. I called them tegenaria shuffle.gif

26.03.2012 16:50, gonkem1986

Hello!Please help me identify this cockroach-Lapland or forest?Filmed in the Moscow region in Krasnogorsky district in July.

picture: IMG_1395.JPG
IMG_1395.JPG — (143.78к)

26.03.2012 18:49, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Judging by the color - E. lapponicus Linnaeus, 1758.

The shape of the pronotum is difficult to distinguish. In the Moscow region, there is not much to choose from, but I am still afraid to determine by color.

This post was edited by Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg - 03/26/2012 18: 51

26.03.2012 21:52, gonkem1986

Yeah!Thanks!The photo is not so hot, of course)...

01.04.2012 15:24, webjema

Dear professionals in the field of insects =)
Help us identify this micro-miracle.
The size is about a millimeter. Moves with pauses (runs 3-4 lengths of the body, stops, and starts again). It can jump 5-8 body lengths. After crushing, a gray slurry flows out.
They started up after keeping birds (quails) in the house. But they were noticed only after the birds were removed.
They breed quite actively and the number of livestock increases. It's time to decide something =(
Since I don't have a device with macro shooting mode, I hope I can make out what I managed to shoot.
I would be grateful for information about WHO it is, how harmful it is and who its enemies are (how to get this " bug " out of the house).
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

01.04.2012 15:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dear professionals in the field of insects =)
Help us identify this micro-miracle.
The size is about a millimeter. Moves with pauses (runs 3-4 lengths of the body, stops, and starts again). It can jump 5-8 body lengths. After crushing, a gray slurry flows out.
They started up after keeping birds (quails) in the house. But they were noticed only after the birds were removed.
They breed quite actively and the number of livestock increases. It's time to decide something =(
Since I don't have a device with macro shooting mode, I hope I can make out what I managed to shoot.
I would be grateful for information about WHO it is, how harmful it is and who its enemies are (how to get this " bug " out of the house).

Another hay eater in my opinion or someone close. I've had enough here or read on here.

02.04.2012 21:21, webjema

Another hay eater in my opinion or someone close. I've had enough here or read on here.

They also say that there can be a bird louse? Looks like it?

02.04.2012 21:57, Victor Titov

They also say that there can be a bird louse? Looks like it?

Don't believe who's talking. Hay eaters are. Here, read it http://www.floranimal.ru/orders/2721.html
Yes, and you can "Google"it yourself.
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10.04.2012 10:25, Анфим

Please help me identify aquatic animals. All images were taken on September 20 in shallow water near the Snezhet River.

This post was edited by Anfim - 10.04.2012 13: 52

picture: DSC01170.JPG
DSC01170.JPG — (265.21к)

picture: DSC01184.JPG
DSC01184.JPG — (255.98к)

picture: DSC01192.JPG
DSC01192.JPG — (210.38к)

10.04.2012 10:36, botanque

The first one is gladysh, I'm not good at bedbugs.
The second one is definitely not from aquatic animals.
The fourth one is Hydroglyphus geminus.

10.04.2012 11:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Gladysha should be viewed from above for accuracy.
As the most frequent one, I think it is Notonecta glauca Linnaeus, 1758.
And in general I caught two views (there are two posts in a row).

10.04.2012 13:31, Анфим

Gladysha should be viewed from above for accuracy.
As the most frequent one, I think it is Notonecta glauca Linnaeus, 1758.
And in general I caught two views (there are two posts in a row).

That's right, I have the next photos of Notonecta glauca on top. I think I remember: it was upside down for some reason, and then turned over; it's the same specimen. I just don't know why he was lying upside down.
The individual referred to by vasiliy-feoktistov also has black eyes, while mine has red ones.
The bottom is black, and the top is red.
They seem to be spinning this way and that, these smoothies.
Black, I think, will move to the topic of bedbugs.

This post was edited by Anfim - 10.04.2012 13: 51

picture: DSC01174.JPG
DSC01174.JPG — (262.28к)

10.04.2012 13:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

That's right, I have the next photos of Notonecta glauca on top. I think I remember: it was upside down for some reason, and then turned over; it's the same specimen. I just don't know why he was lying upside down.
The individual referred to by vasiliy-feoktistov also has black eyes, while mine has red ones.
The bottom is black, and the top is red.

Notonecta glauca you have no options(black shield: a distinctive feature). I have it dried, but you have it alive-so the eyes are a different color. The second species on my link (N. lutea) is very rare and its shield is light. And the smoothies always live (swim) upside down, so you have it lying smile.gifthere .
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11.04.2012 8:51, ira001

can you tell me who it is? caught in July in the vicinity ofSyktyvkar
picture: DSCN3200.JPG
picture: DSCN3201.JPG

11.04.2012 8:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

can you tell me who it is? caught in July in the vicinity ofSyktyvkar

This is a fairly good barbel beetle (Cerambycidae)" Large half-wing " Necydalis (s.str.) major Linnaeus, 1758

11.04.2012 13:46, Анфим

But in the picture DSC01184.JPG " is that my cicada or something?"

11.04.2012 16:34, Bad Den

Anfim, yes, cicadka
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12.04.2012 14:45, Коллекционер

who is it?! I don't even understand the squad.. it is about 1mm long .. crawling on the desktop
picture: P4131533.JPG

12.04.2012 15:01, XXL

Maybe it's Thrips? confused.gif

12.04.2012 15:05, Коллекционер

what a dread

12.04.2012 15:08, Shtil

What's so terrible? Thrips were harmless to humans, at least until this morning.

12.04.2012 15:21, Коллекционер

dy now to all the flowers of my grandmother's ppc on the windowsill.. frown.gif

12.04.2012 19:40, Pirx

dy now to all the flowers of my grandmother's ppc on the windowsill.. frown.gif

Thrips are very different, and among them there are also predators.

12.04.2012 19:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thrips are very different, and among them there are also predators.

But still, the predators need to eat someone confused.gif.

13.04.2012 7:56, Анфим

Yesterday I saw it under the bark of a dead tree. Which group should I assign it to? Some are long, some are shorter...

This post was edited by Anfim - 13.04.2012 07: 58

picture: DSC00223.JPG
DSC00223.JPG — (353.58к)

13.04.2012 8:20, XXL

It looks like a nematode...

13.04.2012 19:32, Анфим

Tell me, please, what kind of animal is lurking in the forest floor? Met today.

picture: DSC00906.JPG
DSC00906.JPG — (227.53к)

picture: DSC00910.JPG
DSC00910.JPG — (267.11к)

13.04.2012 21:59, John-ST

Tell me, please, what kind of animal is lurking in the forest floor? Met today.

larva of some ground beetle
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13.04.2012 22:49, Dr. Niko

Tell me, what kind of spider? Moscow, February
Torso about 1 cm

To You here

14.04.2012 10:01, Evgenich

Need help identifying it!
My friends sent me a photo of this creature. The branch diameter is about 1 cm. Filmed in the Leningrad region. End of February.

This post was edited by Evgenich - 14.04.2012 14: 24

image: _______. jpg
_______.jpg — (139.99к)

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