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Who is it? Identification of different orders of insects

Community and ForumInsects identificationWho is it? Identification of different orders of insects

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13.10.2018 14:24, Dracus

All transcaucasi

14.10.2018 15:37, Slavinator

And these? Saratov region, Engelsky district
Males or females?

picture: ________1.JPG
________1.JPG — (294.92к)

image: _______. JPG
_______.JPG — (293.27к)

14.10.2018 15:43, Slavinator

All Transcaucasians

That is, they are of the same type? Why are they completely different colors?

14.10.2018 16:59, Dracus

And these? Saratov region, Engelsky district
Males or females?

Both are males of Mantis religiosa.

Likes: 1

14.10.2018 20:22, Slavinator

Saratov region, Engelsky district, August

picture: DSC04091.JPG
DSC04091.JPG — (302.42к)

14.10.2018 22:58, Dracus

This is in the Definition of equidistant wings, where it is more likely to be determined.

16.10.2018 13:06, Ленинец

help identify the praying mantis
picture: 100_1072.JPG
picture: 100_1071.JPG
Bulgaria, Varna region

17.10.2018 12:07, Dracus

help me identify a praying mantis
Bulgaria, Varna region.

Male Mantis religiosa
Likes: 1

28.10.2018 21:08, UraniumResortBiologyExpeditor


Unique views that were captured on the lens of my camera. I don't know what they are, but they are unique. It is easy to explain - this place is located at a great depth, far from normal nature, in the wildest conditions, where radiation exceeds the norm by hundreds, sometimes thousands of times. Beshtaugorsky uranium mine.

- size: 1.5-4 mm on average
-color: grayish
-feed on: mold/fungus secretions.

Does it make sense to register them as a new view? Is there anything similar to them?

29.10.2018 20:57, vini321

Hello! help me determine what kind of animal? at 3 o'clock in the morning I saw it on the wall ...
I've reviewed everything I don't understand who it is? he doesn't look like a bug . on the hay eater, too.... the photo is bad( he began to quickly crawl away ... it's strange that it's red. thank you for earlier.

picture: IMG_20181028_0429443.jpg
IMG_20181028_0429443.jpg — (236.98к)

picture: __________33.jpg
__________33.jpg — (154.85к)

30.10.2018 1:12, Bad Den


Unique views that were captured on the lens of my camera. I don't know what they are, but they are unique. It is easy to explain - this place is located at a great depth, far from normal nature, in the wildest conditions, where radiation exceeds the norm by hundreds, sometimes thousands of times. Beshtaugorsky uranium mine.

- size: 1.5-4 mm on average
-color: grayish
-feed on: mold/fungus secretions.

Does it make sense to register them as a new view? Is there anything similar to them?

This is the Collembola.

30.10.2018 1:33, Dracus

Unique views that were captured on the lens of my camera. I don't know what they are, but they are unique. It is easy to explain - this place is located at a great depth, far from normal nature, in the wildest conditions, where radiation exceeds the norm by hundreds, sometimes thousands of times. Beshtaugorsky uranium mine.

This is the Collembola.

It would be really interesting to know what kind of species it is. UraniumResortBiologyExpeditor, did you collect them or just photographed them?

30.10.2018 3:39, Fornax13

28.11.2018 23:32, tomegatherion

Uzbekistan, Ferghana Valley. End of October 2018

picture: IMG_8454.jpgpicture: IMG_6742.jpg

28.11.2018 23:36, Bad Den

Uzbekistan, Ferghana Valley. End of October 2018

picture: IMG_8454.jpg

Some kind of bug
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01.12.2018 21:54, аруд

Who is it? Thank you.

picture: 460____13_09_22_47____.jpg
460____13_09_22_47____.jpg — (307.14к)

02.12.2018 0:51, WesternDragon

Who is it? Thank you.

Likes: 1

02.12.2018 0:59, Bad Den

Who is it? Thank you.

Chalcophora mariana (Buprestidae)
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06.12.2018 1:23, Пензуит

Please tell me about scorpion girls, Penza region.

1. Regular size, August.

picture: DSCN9389_25.JPG

2. This one is much smaller than the previous one, August.

picture: DSCN7225_16.JPG
picture: DSCN7234_16.JPG

This post was edited by Penzuit-06.12.2018 01: 26

09.12.2018 17:43, Benvenuto

Hello, dear experts,

caught in the apartment here is a copy. The first thought is that a cockroach, but at the same time an unusual, strange cockroach that has not previously been encountered on the path of life in Russian realities. Could it have been brought from a recent trip to Italy?

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

09.12.2018 17:53, Bad Den

Hello, dear experts,

caught in the apartment here is a copy. The first thought is that a cockroach, but at the same time an unusual, strange cockroach that has not previously been encountered on the path of life in Russian realities. Could it have been brought from a recent trip to Italy?

Similar to the marble cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea is a popular food item for terrarium dwellers, as well as a laboratory animal is kept.

09.12.2018 17:53, Fornax13

Hello, dear experts, I came across such a copy in the apartment. The first thought is that a cockroach, but at the same time an unusual, strange cockroach that has not previously been encountered on the path of life in Russian realities. Could it have been brought from a recent trip to Italy?

Nauphoeta. Maybe so. But rather from the neighbors. They are often kept as a feed crop.

09.12.2018 18:18, Benvenuto

Bad Den, Fornax13, thank you so much for the information. Indeed, a feed object.
However, the cat that discovered it did not eat it, apparently because it is, as they say on the Internet, "low-fat and dietary." smile.gif Let's continue our observation.

15.12.2018 20:37, аруд

In principle, everything seems to be clear. But really? Bryansk. Yesterday. At home. Two more cocoons were left at the dacha. An invasion? What kind of view? They should be green-adults crushed green.

picture: 345___.jpg
345___.jpg — (273.52к)

15.12.2018 20:39, аруд

There is also some kind of entity with black. eyes and with 6 paws growing as if from one point.

16.12.2018 11:46, Dracus

In principle, everything seems to be clear. But really? Bryansk. Yesterday. At home. Two more cocoons were left at the dacha. An invasion? What kind of view? They should be green-adults crushed green.

What do you mean, "pushed"?

In the Bryansk region, Mantis religiosa is common and sometimes numerous.

17.12.2018 21:08, KazakovMaksim

Help me identify the shield plates.
On the underside of aspen juvenile leaves.
Forest belt in the vicinity of Minsk, Belarus.

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

22.12.2018 0:51, LiMonCitron

Help me identify the larva

user posted image

There is a suspicion that this is the larva of a bed bug, but the "hairy" wings on the sides and the fact that the insects jump slightly are confusing. Both are not typical for bedbugs. The size is less than 1 mm, it is almost impossible to see without a lens. I apologize for the photo, but there was only a smartphone and a Chinese microscope at hand.

picture: 01.jpg
01.jpg — (288.64к)

22.12.2018 1:00, Dmitrii Musolin

no, it's not a bug ever.

doesn't look like a hay eater ?


17.01.2019 12:34, grechanka

Like senoed

22.01.2019 1:30, Пензуит

Can you tell me if it's Ectobius lapponicus or Ectobius sylvestris? Penza region.

1. May

picture: DSCN0918_15__.JPG

2. June

picture: DSCN1739_13__.JPG

22.01.2019 10:54, Родион

Good day! I live in the village. I pumped this miracle out of the ground with a manual pump. The pipe is clogged for nine meters, on the street minus 30. This is the first time I've seen this. Help me determine who it is? The beetle is 0.5 centimeters long. Gif - https://yadi.sk/i/DzsiW4ABUW60Ew

picture: IMG_20190122_140522.jpg
IMG_20190122_140522.jpg — (379.09к)

22.01.2019 11:53, Mantispid

Good day! I live in the village. I pumped this miracle out of the ground with a manual pump. The pipe is clogged for nine meters, on the street minus 30. This is the first time I've seen this. Help me determine who it is? The beetle is 0.5 centimeters long. Gif -

bokoplav, these are crustaceans
Likes: 1

22.01.2019 16:00, Родион

bokoplav, these are crustaceans
Thank you for your help

08.02.2019 20:12, Раду Кибзий

Hello! Please help me determine who it is? Chisinau neighborhood, September 28, 2017. Thank you in advance!

picture: P1410585_2.__1024_.jpg
P1410585_2.__1024_.jpg — (372.76к)

08.02.2019 21:19, Victor Titov

Hello! Please help me determine who it is? Chisinau neighborhood, September 28, 2017. Thank you in advance!

Thermobia domestica
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11.02.2019 23:26, WesternDragon

Please help me identify the stick insect. September, Spain. If it is not possible to determine up to the species, then you can also determine up to the genus. Thank you in advance! If you can't see clearly in the picture, you can still view it here: https://youtu.be/1IOGmy0C4oc.

This post was edited by WesternDragon - 12.02.2019 12: 45

picture: ________.jpg
________.jpg — (223.48к)

05.03.2019 10:29, Вал

Help us determine if this is possible based on these photos.

picture: 8795___________15.09.2015.jpg
8795___________15.09.2015.jpg — (294.72к)

picture: 8796___________15.09.2015.jpg
8796___________15.09.2015.jpg — (278.7к)

picture: 8799___________15.09.2015.jpg
8799___________15.09.2015.jpg — (309.91к)

05.03.2019 11:22, Mantispid

Help us determine if this is possible based on these photos.

Likes: 1

05.03.2019 12:16, Zheuzhyk

What is this scaly insect?
user posted image

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