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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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11.09.2007 13:14, RippeR

treator: not, not aurulent.. and the female attenuata..
Double A: like 2-3 Loricera pilicornis

This post was edited by RippeR - 09/11/2007 13: 20

11.09.2007 15:22, Bad Den

n0709091.jpg — Pterostichus sp.
n0709092.jpg и n0709093.jpg — Pterostichus oblongopunctatus
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11.09.2007 15:30, treator

Here's yoshio the antique dealer

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (98.08к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (103.83 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (131.97к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (139.1к)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (136.67 k)

11.09.2007 16:05, Nilson

Stenocorus meridianus L., 1758-last three fotki

11.09.2007 19:06, Sparrow

Help identify the Carabidae found in gnilushki near Moscow last Sunday. Approximately 10-15 mm in size, No. 2 is slightly smaller.
It is clear that photographing ground beetles with a flash is still something, but what is there...

1 most likely P. aethiops-I judge by my own from the collection) of course, it's not the best thing to determine it from a photo...
2 and 3 Oblongopunctatus judging by the bronze sheen.
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11.09.2007 20:48, Alexander Zarodov

1 most likely P. aethiops-I judge by my own from the collection) of course, it's not the best thing to determine it from a photo...
2 and 3 Oblongopunctatus judging by the bronze sheen.

Yes, as an option-Ethiopian smile.gif

11.09.2007 22:10, Nilson

I have formed such a beast. On the Internet databases to break through did not work, maybe who knows who it is?
Caught in Kalimantan. Din - approx. 40mm

This post was edited by Nilson - 09/11/2007 22: 11

picture: cer_borneo1_dors.JPG
cer_borneo1_dors.JPG — (126.05к)

11.09.2007 23:32, RippeR

It looks like a typical Xixuthrus, but I don't know, since I don't know smile.gif
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11.09.2007 23:48, Fornax13

Pholioxenus schatzmayri junior synonym of Ph. quedenfeldti Schm. Brief diagnosis: the 4th dorsal sulcus is connected to the suture, the body is black, at most with an indistinct bronze sheen. The side edge of the PSP is without cilia, with a marginal groove and a thin side edge. Dorsal grooves in clear spots. 2.4-3.0 mm. But Pholioxenus kamenskii Kryzhanovskij is not known to me.

The point is that according to Loebl & Smetana, both schatzmayri and quedenfeldti are valid names. In the" Fauna " schatzmayri is listed as a subspecies, in the list for Russia - as a species. Real Pholioxenus quedenfeldti Schm. It is known from NW Africa, but schatzmayri from SE Europe and Southern Europe. parts of Russia (Volgograd region, Dagestan). Ph. kamenskii was described, apparently, from the NW of Kazakhstan and was noted with a question for the Orenburg region. But what to do with a beetle from the east of the Astrakhan region is unclearsmile.gif

14.09.2007 12:15, KDG

I have formed such a beast. On the Internet databases to break through did not work, maybe who knows who it is?
Caught in Kalimantan. Din - approx. 40mm

Armiger grassator Voet, 1778
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15.09.2007 22:07, Guest

Here's yoshio the antique dealer

First and second images - male and female (respectively) Anastrangalia reyi (Heyden, 1889)

15.09.2007 22:24, Victor Titov

Something I was not recognized from the first time with Anastrangalia reyi.

16.09.2007 16:17, Borka

Does anyone know what this barbel is?

Found under a straggling spruce bark in mid-July.

picture: S7301286.jpg
S7301286.jpg — (52.99к)

16.09.2007 17:10, Borka

Here's another leafhopper.

length about 5 mm, September, mixed forest, under the straggling bark of a fallen linden tree.

picture: _________.jpg
_________.jpg — (93.06к)

16.09.2007 17:14, Bad Den

Here's another leafhopper.

length about 5 mm, September, mixed forest, under the straggling bark of a fallen linden tree.

This is not a leaf beetle, it is Endomychus coccineus (L.) (family Endomychidae)

16.09.2007 18:58, Дзанат

Arhopalus rusticus ?

16.09.2007 22:24, Victor Titov

Arhopalus rusticus ?

It looks like ityes.gif's

16.09.2007 23:45, RippeR

It looks more like Trichoferus campestris, but the place isn't his at all..

17.09.2007 5:39, guest: Borka

I also thought it looked more like Trichoferus, but I don't know.
Maybe he just crawled under the straggling bark, there is basically not a pure spruce forest, but a mixed forest.

17.09.2007 8:41, KDG

Does anyone know what this barbel is?

Found under a straggling spruce bark in mid-July.

Trichoferus campestris
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18.09.2007 19:31, lerth

Beetles in the mass in rice groats. Can I tell from the photo?

picture: beetle01.jpg
beetle01.jpg — (158k)

18.09.2007 20:55, Mylabris

Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. is a synatropic species, almost ubiquitous. Previously, it was considered a pest, but then there was information that it destroys the larvae of the barn weevil. I also encountered the dominance of this type-in the complete absence of a barn. So he's still a pest, I think.
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19.09.2007 9:32, akulich-sibiria

good afternoon, Arthopalus (Criocephalus) rusticus is not visually similar, there are no bandages on the elytra...I have a photo of this view, I can share it...

19.09.2007 9:36, Дзанат

Good.Share smile.gif
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19.09.2007 9:43, akulich-sibiria

most likely, the Surinamese flour eater (Oryzaephilus surinamensis L.), not a very good angle, there you need to look at the temples, if they are in the form of a sharp protrusion, then this is definitely similar to this species - the false Surinamese flour eater (Oryzaephilus mercator Fauv.). The species are very similar to each other and are found in huge quantities in plant-based products.
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19.09.2007 9:53, Guest

tomorrow will be exact..photos of the house, at work I can't find his photos smile.gif

19.09.2007 11:39, akulich-sibiria

tomorrow will be exact..photos of the house, at work I can't find his photos smile.gif

19.09.2007 12:45, Bad Den

I think I'll also ask about exotic ones, barbels.
All from Tanzania.
Ceramb2.jpg - Pycnopsis ?brachyptera
Ceramb3.jpg - ? Ceroplesis militaris

This post was edited by Bad Den - 19.09.2007 15: 41

19.09.2007 13:39, Alexander Zarodov

I have again a banal, probably, ground beetle. September 19, in the forest under a log.
Carabus sp.? nemoralis?

This post was edited by Double A - 19.09.2007 13: 51

picture: n0709191.jpg
n0709191.jpg — (143.67 k)

19.09.2007 14:09, aquarius

help me identify the horse, otherwise it is brown on one wing and emerald on the other..

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (109.98к)

19.09.2007 14:17, omar

Carabus nemoralis
The horse is interestingly colored, but probably hybrida. Where was it taken?
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19.09.2007 14:33, Guest

Volokolamsk district of the Moscow
region is a pile of sand... there were also completely brown ones...

19.09.2007 14:34, aquarius

Volokolamsk district of the Moscow
region is a pile of sand... there were also completely brown ones...

19.09.2007 14:55, omar

Then it is.

20.09.2007 7:14, akulich-sibiria

Xylotrechus rusticus caught in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on aspen

picture: P9200005_.jpg
P9200005_.jpg — (59.56к)

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20.09.2007 7:17, akulich-sibiria

Good afternoon...there is also a problem in determining the mount...pre-like C. hybrida but still. Tell me some good determinants of the Carabaidae

picture: P9200001_.jpg
P9200001_.jpg — (137.28к)

20.09.2007 7:20, akulich-sibiria

here's another one from Cicindella sp.

picture: P9200002_.jpg
P9200002_.jpg — (123.84к)

20.09.2007 7:23, akulich-sibiria

About this species already seems to have been asked here, I would like to know the differences between Clytus arietis and C. arietoides... this specimen was caught on timber (pine)

picture: Clytus.jpg
Clytus.jpg — (176к)

picture: P9200004_.jpg
P9200004_.jpg — (50.47 k)

20.09.2007 7:49, Bad Den

here's another one from Cicindella sp.

Cylindera germanica (Linnaeus, 1758)
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20.09.2007 9:15, Дзанат

Xylotrechus rusticus caught in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on aspen

A photo of Arhopalus rusticus is on the third page.

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