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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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18.05.2014 18:39, rpanin

Help plz. Arvensis?
Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district, 01-11. 05

It's a bit strange , the secondary and tertiary gaps are not visible.

18.05.2014 19:25, Dorcus

hello!!! who can tell me what kind of ground beetle???
thank you in advance

picture: IMG_8220.JPG
IMG_8220.JPG — (305.12к)

18.05.2014 19:54, scarit

This is Chlaenius sp. Where are you from?
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18.05.2014 20:11, Fornax13

festivus, should be
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18.05.2014 20:12, Dorcus

This is Chlaenius sp. Where are you from?

Rostov region, Belo-Kalitvensky district. left bank of the Seversky Donets River.

18.05.2014 20:14, Dorcus

festivus, must be

That's right, I found it for the first time. Thanks!!!

18.05.2014 20:44, Victor Gazanchidis

It's a bit strange , the secondary and tertiary gaps are not visible.

I also found it unusual, so I put it up. In size, it is one and a half times larger than the usual arvenzis, which I have there in glasses fall. And there are differences in the dotted line. What other suggestions can there be?

18.05.2014 22:46, Triplaxxx

Help with the definition of Stavropol . Mowing on the grass in a forest clearing. Forest - Beech, Hornbeam, Oak, Ash,Hawthorn. May 2014.

2 - Oedemera sp. (judging by the size, probably a female Oedemera virescens (Linnaeus, 1767))
12 - Ischnomera sp.
13 - Ischnomera sanguinicollis (Fabricius, 1787)

18.05.2014 23:39, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Comrades, help us identify beetles from the comrade's collection! Thank you in advance!
1-Thailand. Koh Larn Island. 2 Aug. 2013. in a snag on the ground. (6 mm)
2-Thailand. Koh Larn island. August 2, 2013 (8 mm)
3-Thailand. About Koh Larn August 2, 2013 (2 mm)
4-China, Hainan Island, Sanya. 15. February.2014 on some branches (12 mm)

picture: RVSJOtV2k6A.jpg
RVSJOtV2k6A.jpg — (314.92к)

picture: 7wj_giqhDoQ.jpg
7wj_giqhDoQ.jpg — (271.56к)

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iXVy7aM8v_g.jpg — (271.95к)

picture: aGYzm7G3XIA.jpg
aGYzm7G3XIA.jpg — (306.5к)

18.05.2014 23:49, smax

Help with the definition of Stavropol . Mowing on the grass in a forest clearing. Forest - Beech, Hornbeam, Oak, Ash,Hawthorn. May 2014.

1. Male Callimoxys gracilis
3. Phytoecia cylindrica
7. Anoplodera rufipes
11. Fallacia elegans

And agapantia should be turned at least in profile, so that the standing hair on the elytra is visible. This is if you check intermediaviolacea. In general, everything is unclear there, in these blue ones.
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19.05.2014 0:26, smax

Comrades, help us identify beetles from the comrade's collection! Thank you in advance!

4-China, Hainan Island, Sanya. 15. February.2014 on some branches (12 mm)

Amazing critters, though.. Hairy abryn (Abryna-the first thing that comes to mind with such an appearance) does not happen. This, I think, applies to Rhytiphora (formerly Prosoplus, and still in use for non-Australian species). But this species is not very similar to the Hainan Rh.bankii. However, I do not have such beetles and their variability is unknown to me. In general, some riddles, as usual. smile.gif
the picture, of course, is not very clear, but it can be compared with http://www.singaporeinsects.com/lamiinae/P...us%20bankii.jpg

This post was edited by smax - 05/19/2014 00: 59

19.05.2014 7:39, AGG

19.05.2014 13:26, Musson max

Good afternoon dear forumchane smile.gif

Please tell me if I understand correctly that all the beetles shown in the pictures are Pedestredorcadion pedestre (Poda 1761), or not?

The lack of luster characteristic of the Pedestredorcadion pedestre caught specimens and a barely noticeable white stripe in the middle of the elytra is disconcerting.

Ukraine, Odessa region, Kodymsky district, Kotovtsy village-28-29. 04. 2014

And, if it's not difficult, tell me the elephant in the last photo.

Thank you in advance cool.gif

picture: 2Y8B5998.jpg

picture: 2Y8B6007.jpg

picture: 2Y8B6010.jpg

picture: 2Y8B6024.jpg

19.05.2014 14:32, stierlyz

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19.05.2014 14:40, Musson max

Not my groups, but my region! Absolutely correctly confused by the lack of gloss and stripes, this is no pedeste, and mass tauricum. Elephant-Chromoderus fasciatus.

Thank you very much!

19.05.2014 19:03, chebur

Please help me identify weevils. All collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 17-18 this year.
1. picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
2.picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
3.picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpgpicture: 4.jpg
4. Collected on black mountain ash. Very fast and small, so the photo is not very good...
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
5. But I found this miracle on a fallen pine trunk lying in a forest clearing.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg

19.05.2014 19:09, chebur

6. Do I understand correctly that this is a spruce weevil and it was accidentally brought to a black rowan bush?
picture: 1.jpg
7. But this melancholy fat man was found crawling across an asphalt road (almost stepped on it).
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 1.jpg
8. I found a couple of such small friends on raspberries.
picture: 1.jpg
9. These, as far as I understand from the photo, are hopeless to determine? Collected on black mountain ash.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
10. This view from the black mountain ash I exhibited last year and with it, it seems, everything is not easy. I apologize for the bad photo. He didn't live to see a proper photo shoot...
picture: 1.jpg
11. picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg

19.05.2014 20:22, OEV

Please help me identify weevils. All collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 17-18 this year.

1. Mogulones asperifoliarum (Gyllenhal, 1813)
2. Tapeinotus sellatus (Fabricius, 1794)
3. Sciaphilus asperatus (Bonsdorff, 1785)
4. Possibly Magdalis ruficornis (Linnaeus, 1758)
5. Orobitis cyanea (Linnaeus, 1758)
6. Hylobius abietis (Linnaeus, 1758)
7. Liophloeus tessulatus (Muller, 1776)
8. Once on raspberries, then Anthonomus rubi (Herbst, 1795)
9. suppose Phyllobius (Metaphyllobius) pomaceus Gyllenhal, 1834
10. poorly visible, maybe Neocoenorhinidius pauxillus (Germar, 1824)
11. Rhinoncus pericarpius (Linnaeus, 1758)

This post was edited by OEV-19.05.2014 20: 52

20.05.2014 12:26, comtrans

Help us identify this miracle. No one has ever been home, because we regularly process the apartment. They found something slightly alive on the floor. Put in a jar - still lives the second day (((

picture: 20140520_130357.jpg
20140520_130357.jpg — (305.85 k)

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20140520_130504.jpg — (288.17к)

picture: 20140520_130507.jpg
20140520_130507.jpg — (285.97к)

20.05.2014 12:54, scarit

beetle of the family Staphylinidae

20.05.2014 13:15, comtrans

Here are those times! Similar! Most importantly, it is a predator and helps to get rid of all other harmful insects, such as ticks. So XS with whom to live, with such beetles or with other evil spirits. We have the first floor. And the most interesting thing is that our company specializes in the sale of insecticides )))) What to do7 to poison everyone or maintain the balance of predators and parasites???

20.05.2014 14:28, Victor Titov

Here are those times! Similar! Most importantly, it is a predator and helps to get rid of all other harmful insects, such as ticks. So XS with whom to live, with such beetles or with other evil spirits. We have the first floor. And the most interesting thing is that our company specializes in the sale of insecticides )))) What to do7 to poison everyone or maintain the balance of predators and parasites???

These beetles do not live indoors. I got into the apartment by accident. If it's not too late and you're a humanitarian, let me go.

20.05.2014 15:23, Buzman

20.05.2014 16:08, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 15.
Agrypnus murinus?

user posted image

20.05.2014 17:36, John-ST

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 15.
Agrypnus murinus?

In my opinion, it seems that we don't have anyone like it anymore

This post was edited by John-ST-05/20/2014 17: 36
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20.05.2014 22:15, chebur

Please help me identify several beetles. All collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 17-18 this year.
1. Very fine (less than 1mm)
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 1.jpg
3. on lilies
picture: 1.jpg
4. on the apple tree. he was very fast, ran around like a madman. in the photo, the beetle, alas, is already dead
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
5. very small. the photo is of terrible quality, so I apologize in advance and don't really hope for anything
picture: IMG_40972.jpg

20.05.2014 22:38, Fornax13

Please help me identify several beetles. All collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 17-18 this year.

1. Pityogenes ?chalcographus
2. Cool beetle-Phryganophilus auritus
3-Lilioceris lilii
or 4. Leiodes sp., so you can not determine.
5. Shaman-like Melanophthalma, but no signs are visible
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21.05.2014 2:57, akulich-sibiria

1. (Pityogenes chalcographus male)
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21.05.2014 18:00, maik

help me determine if it's on a forest clearing today. Stavropol.
1.picture: DSCF4074.JPG
2.picture: DSCF4087.JPG
picture: DSCF4094.JPG
picture: DSCF4115.JPG

21.05.2014 21:45, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

1. (Pityogenes chalcographus male )

1-Dinoptera collaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
4-Meliboeus sp. parvulus, as variant

21.05.2014 21:48, bogdan88

Crimea, Sudaksky district, what kind of narrow wing?

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (323.25к)

21.05.2014 23:28, vasiliy-feoktistov

Just-cho, into the light. Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny, l=6mm.
Can I guess the animal? Unfortunately, the camera is such that it didn't work out better frown.gif
picture: 001.JPG

22.05.2014 0:04, Victor Titov

Just-cho, into the light. Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny, l=6mm.
Can I guess the animal? Unfortunately, the camera is such that it didn't work out better frown.gif

Stephanopachys linearis

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05/22/2014 00: 04
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22.05.2014 19:11, bogdan88

[quote=alexandronikos,22.05.2014 17:14]
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22.05.2014 20:27, RoPro

Please tell me what kind of bug it is. It was found in the Moscow region on 22.05.2014.

This post was edited by RoPro-05/22/2014 20: 27

picture: DSCN9145_1.jpg
DSCN9145_1.jpg — (245.72к)

22.05.2014 21:15, bogdan88

The pillmaker. Byrrhus pilula

22.05.2014 21:59, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals. I found it on the balcony.

22.05.2014 22:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

Southern Urals. I found it on the balcony.

Cassida nebulosa Linnaeus, 1758
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22.05.2014 23:15, Fornax13

most likely Hypocassida subferruginosa

22.05.2014 23:16, Fornax13

The pillmaker. Byrrhus pilula

I would not dare to identify birrusov from the photo )
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