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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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24.05.2014 0:00, Triplaxxx

Crimea, Sudaksky district, what kind of narrow wing?

It appears to be a melanistic form of Oedemera podagrariae (Linnaeus, 1767), female.
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24.05.2014 14:20, gstalker

all in May on the balcony
1 Hedobia imperialis ?
2 Glischrochilus hortensis ?
3 Dermestes lardarius ?
4 ?

picture: P1130464__2_.jpg
P1130464__2_.jpg — (275.6к)

picture: P1130479__2_.jpg
P1130479__2_.jpg — (302.72к)

picture: P1130496__2_.jpg
P1130496__2_.jpg — (316.14к)

picture: P1130521__2_.jpg
P1130521__2_.jpg — (269.83к)

25.05.2014 3:13, lissa

Hello. Help me determine what kind of bug it is. Primorsky Krai 22.05.2014

picture: DSC_0181.jpg
DSC_0181.jpg — (307.98к)

25.05.2014 8:14, scarit

This is the barbel Brachyta bifasciata Ol.

25.05.2014 8:35, Mantispid

all in May on the balcony
1 Hedobia imperialis ?
2 Glischrochilus hortensis ?
3 Dermestes lardarius ?
4 ?

4 - Anthonomus (Furcipus) rectirostris (Linnaeus, 1758)
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25.05.2014 15:06, аруд

Cantharis pellucida ???? Or did you make a mistake? Bryansk, May. Thank you.

picture: 34____.jpg
34____.jpg — (192.85к)

25.05.2014 16:04, scarit

The same one, pellucida
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25.05.2014 19:28, chebur

I'm sorting through the archive of last year's photos and came across this weevil. Photo taken on October 13, 2013 in Moscow. I will be grateful for any hint.
picture: IMG_11481_mod.jpg
picture: IMG_11511_mod.jpg

25.05.2014 20:01, Victor Titov

I'm sorting through the archive of last year's photos and came across this weevil. Photo taken on October 13, 2013 in Moscow. I will be grateful for any hint.

Otiorhynchus ovatus.
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25.05.2014 21:16, RoPro

Please tell me what kind of bug it is. The size is probably about two centimeters. It was found under the bark of a dead pine tree in the Moscow region on 25.05.2014. The photo shows the same specimen - with different angles, it has a different color of wings.

25.05.2014 21:17, RoPro

Please tell me what kind of bug it is. The size is probably about two centimeters.
It was found under the bark of a dead pine tree in the Moscow region on 25.05.2014.
The photo shows the same specimen - with different angles, it has a different color of wings.

picture: DSCN9539_1.jpg
DSCN9539_1.jpg — (258.08к)

25.05.2014 22:47, Victor Titov

Please tell me what kind of bug it is. The size is probably about two centimeters.
It was found under the bark of a dead pine tree in the Moscow region on 25.05.2014.
The photo shows the same specimen - with different angles, it has a different color of wings.

Melanotus castanipes.

26.05.2014 0:53, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, today

1. [attachmentid()=200545]



2. like not a bug... although, please correct me if anything
[attachmentid ()=200549]

3. for general development smile.gif

26.05.2014 3:07, akulich-sibiria

2 - this is a bug something like Aelia acuminata L.
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26.05.2014 3:38, Konung

A couple more from the Omsk region from my colleague:
picture: getImage1.jpg
picture: getImage2.jpg
who are they?

26.05.2014 7:56, scarit

Most likely Harpalus affinis
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26.05.2014 8:35, akulich-sibiria

[quote=rumpelstiltskin,26.05.2014 05:53]
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26.05.2014 11:27, Чеширочка

Hello! Please help me identify the bug. We came to the conclusion that this is Trox eversmanni or cadaverinus. It is closer to the first one, but it is confusing that they live in ground squirrel burrows, and this one is found in the center of the city in a park.
Location: Belgorod, May 25, 2014

picture: DSC_8704.jpg
DSC_8704.jpg — (164.62к)

26.05.2014 11:42, Dergg

Hello! Please help me identify the bug. We came to the conclusion that this is Trox eversmanni or cadaverinus. It is closer to the first one, but it is confusing that they live in ground squirrel burrows, and this one is found in the center of the city in a park.
Location: Belgorod, May 25, 2014

Not even close frown.gif
This is the crunch of Maladera holosericea. He doesn't live in ground squirrel burrows smile.gif
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26.05.2014 11:49, Чеширочка

Not even close frown.gif 
This is the crunch of Maladera holosericea. He doesn't live in gopher holes smile.gif

Thanks! Exactly it! smile.gif
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26.05.2014 18:08, comprachicos

Good afternoon! Today, Nino.

Malachius bipustulatus?
user posted image
Agapanthia villosoviridescens?
user posted image

26.05.2014 19:06, Victor Titov

Good afternoon! Today, Nino.
Malachius bipustulatus?


Agapanthia villosoviridescens?


26.05.2014 19:15, RoPro

Melanotus castanipes.

Thank you for your help.

26.05.2014 19:20, akulich-sibiria

Krasnoyarsk Territory. 4.5 mm. from these unimportant photos, you can say this is Byturus aestivus? it seems more like tomentosus to me. The hair on the body is thick. It is difficult to understand the shape of the pronotum, the flatness of the anterior corners
picture: DSCN9202.JPG
picture: DSCN9203.JPG
picture: DSCN9204.JPG

26.05.2014 19:23, RoPro

Hello. Tell me, please, what kind of beetles. They were found in the Moscow region on May 25 and 26, 2014.

This post was edited by RoPro - 26.05.2014 19: 24

picture: DSCN9553_1.jpg
DSCN9553_1.jpg — (328.79к)

picture: DSCN9765_1.jpg
DSCN9765_1.jpg — (467.99к)

26.05.2014 19:32, Victor Titov

Hello. Tell me, please, what kind of beetles. They were found in the Moscow region on May 25 and 26, 2014.

1 - Tetropium castaneum
2 - Pyrochroa coccinea

26.05.2014 21:35, RoPro

1 - Tetropium castaneum
2 - Pyrochroa coccinea

Thank you so much for your help. smile.gif

27.05.2014 8:37, Konstantin Lyutov

good day help with beetles..
Tver region, August.
thank you in advance...)

picture: DSC02706.JPG
DSC02706.JPG — (289.52к)

picture: DSC02865.JPG
DSC02865.JPG — (324.82к)

picture: DSC01168.JPG
DSC01168.JPG — (290.05к)

27.05.2014 16:02, Victor Titov

good day help with beetles..
Tver region, August.
thank you in advance...)

1) Female Stictoleptura (Aredolpona) rubra.
2) Female Prionus coriarius.
3) Anoplotrupes stercorosus.
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27.05.2014 21:49, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals.
What is it?.. Crawling around at home.


27.05.2014 21:54, chebur

I ask for help in identifying weevils collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 27, 2014.
1. Very fine (about 2 mm). Mowing on the garden plot.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
2. About 3.5 mm. Mowing on the garden plot.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
3. Very fine (about 2 mm). Mowing on the garden plot.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
4. Very fine (about 2 mm). Mowing on the garden plot.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
5. Very fine (about 2mm). Mowing on the garden plot.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
6. Is this Sciaphilus asperatus (Bonsdorff, 1785)?
Length-6 mm. Several beetles have been found on mallow stalks.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg

27.05.2014 22:55, Victor Titov

Southern Urals.
What is it?.. Crawling around at home.

Stegobium paniceum.
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28.05.2014 9:33, Victor Titov

I ask for help in identifying weevils collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 27, 2014.

1 - Ellescus bipunctatus.
2-Sitona sp.
3, 4, 5-Apionidae (dark forest for me).
6 - yes.gif .

28.05.2014 10:15, akulich-sibiria

Oh, and the first one seemed more like some Tychius to me, but I probably just made a mistake smile.gif
can anyone tell us anything about the above-placed raspberry beetle? shuffle.gif

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 05/28/2014 10: 18

28.05.2014 11:24, Vlad1clav

akulich-sibiria, I think it's Byturus tomentosus, caught last week, your copy is exactly the same as mine. ochraceus ( I understand this is a synonym for aestivus) is a little different.
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28.05.2014 11:32, OEV

I ask for help in identifying weevils collected in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region on May 27, 2014.

3. In my opinion, Squamapion elongatum (Germar, 1812)
4. I assume Eutrichapion viciae (Paykull, 1800)
5. Taeniapion ?urticarium (Herbst, 1784)

This post was edited by OEV - 05/28/2014 11: 46

28.05.2014 14:25, akulich-sibiria

and this one is also Byturus tomentosus (De Geer, 1774)?
picture: DSCN9205.JPG
picture: DSCN9206.JPG
picture: DSCN9207.JPG

28.05.2014 14:51, Vlad1clav

if there are only two species found in your region, then this ochraceus. Or better yet, take a full-size photo of two beetles side by side, without details. they look very different in color.

This post was edited by Vlad1clav - 05/28/2014 14: 53

28.05.2014 16:39, akulich-sibiria

The beetles turned out clumsily, if you take it as a whole, then the first one is slightly larger and more gray, and the second one is smaller and more brown-red, but I'm more concerned about the difference in pronotum. confused.gif
picture: DSCN9212.JPG

28.05.2014 17:06, Vlad1clav

The upper ochraceus, and the lower tomentosus. For complete confidence, look at the Arctic region of what species you have.
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