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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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07.08.2014 20:54, STG

It was July 25-28. Collected in the mass here on these yellow "candelabra":
picture: ____1.jpg

But even on these prickly balls (such as mordovnik) it was full of:
picture: ____2.jpg
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08.08.2014 21:38, Mantispid

Help identify beetles collected in North-Eastern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar region) near Lake Borly (late June, early July)
photo by O. Lyakhov.
Thank you in advance for your help with the definition on behalf of the importer.

baby elephants:

Chloebius sp.

Alcides karelini (Boheman, 1844)
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09.08.2014 0:04, John-ST

Help identify beetles collected in North-Eastern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar region) near Lake Borly (late June, early July)
photo by O. Lyakhov.
Thank you in advance for your help with the definition on behalf of the importer.

Coptosoma sp. bedbug from sem. Plataspididae
The larva of a bug, I think, from sem. Scutelleridae, something like Odonotoscelis sp.
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09.08.2014 0:15, John-ST

Help identify beetles collected in North-Eastern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar region) near Lake Borly (late June, early July)
photo by O. Lyakhov.
Thank you in advance for your help with the definition on behalf of the importer.

Strangalia attenuata

Aromia moschata

I'm sorry, but this is a complete p-c, it is impossible that there was a photo in order to number and at least break it into several messages of 10-15 pieces, more or less grouping them, and not forty pieces in one shove.

09.08.2014 0:29, John-ST

Help identify beetles collected in North-Eastern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar region) near Lake Borly (late June, early July)
photo by O. Lyakhov.
Thank you in advance for your help with the definition on behalf of the importer.

Someone from Rhizotroginae, I think, then hardly anyone will determine from the photo

Trichius fasciatus
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09.08.2014 0:43, John-ST

Help identify beetles collected in North-Eastern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar region) near Lake Borly (late June, early July)
photo by O. Lyakhov.
Thank you in advance for your help with the definition on behalf of the importer.

Nicrophorus germanicus
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09.08.2014 7:54, Sergey Titov

I'm sorry, but this is a complete p-c, it is impossible that there was a photo in order to number and at least break it into several messages of 10-15 pieces, more or less grouping them, and not forty pieces in one shove.

Thank you for the definitions, dear John-ST !

09.08.2014 8:45, Dmitry Vlasov

Is it Exomias pellucidus? YAO, oak grove on the Volga river bank, soil traps with vinegar. 3-7. 8. 14
picture: ______1.jpg

09.08.2014 10:38, Mantispid

Is it Exomias pellucidus? YAO, oak grove on the Volga river bank, soil traps with vinegar. 3-7. 8. 14

yes, most likely it is, female
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09.08.2014 10:49, Dmitry Vlasov

Yes, he's probably a female

A small series shuffle.gifprobably attacked both sexes...Do males differ in anything other than progonisty?

09.08.2014 12:21, Mantispid

A small series shuffle.gifprobably attacked both sexes...Do males differ in anything other than progonisty?

yes, the males look like a completely different beetle - http://coleop123.narod.ru/key/entiminae/Ex...pellucidus.html
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09.08.2014 12:46, Dmitry Vlasov

"The man"?
picture: ______2.jpg

09.08.2014 16:17, John-ST

[quote=Sergey Titov,09.08.2014 08:54]

10.08.2014 12:30, Sergey Titov

[quote=John-ST,09.08.2014 17:17]

10.08.2014 19:03, Victor Gazanchidis

Friends, did I get it right? Ryazan region, Kasimov district, 09.08.14
Saperda carcharias + 3 Arhopalus rusticus, there are both black and brown?

picture: ____________098.JPG
____________098.JPG — (296.65к)

10.08.2014 19:05, Victor Gazanchidis

Male and female Stictoleptura rubra? In the same place

picture: ____________100.JPG
____________100.JPG — (288.36к)

10.08.2014 19:30, Dmitry Vlasov

Male and female Stictoleptura rubra? In the same place

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10.08.2014 19:30, Dmitry Vlasov

Friends, did I get it right? Ryazan region, Kasimov district, 09.08.14
Saperda carcharias + 3 Arhopalus rusticus, there are both black and brown?

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10.08.2014 19:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

Friends, did I get it right? Ryazan region, Kasimov district, 09.08.14
Saperda carcharias + 3 Arhopalus rusticus, there are both black and brown?

With the amendment, something light and painful saperda. Surely not Saperda similis (Laicharting, 1784)?
True, I have never held it in my hands.... If not him, then carcharias: there is no one else.
We also need someone to speak up.

Male and female Stictoleptura rubra? In the same place

P.S. Simultaneously with Dmitry hit. So not similis.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 10.08.2014 19: 34
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11.08.2014 16:44, Liparus

Please help me identify beetles
5) 03-10. 08. 2014 S UKRAINE, Kherson reg., Genichesk distr., near Schaslivcevo vill.(Azov Sea, coast)


I ask for help in identifying zlatki, in a clearing where Wormwood grows-on Wormwood
Agrilus ?albogularis Gory, 1841

Chernotelki tochto these species or others?
Pedinus cimmerius and Tentyria nomas subspecies of taurica

Leaf-eating Chrysoline under the bushes of grass, which is in the photo

picture: DSCF8488.JPG
DSCF8488.JPG — (297.67к)

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DSCF8493.JPG — (322.56к)

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picture: DSCF8509.JPG
DSCF8509.JPG — (297.34к)

11.08.2014 18:01, OEV

Please help me identify beetles
5) 03-10. 08. 2014 S UKRAINE, Kherson reg., Genichesk distr., near Schaslivcevo vill.(Azov Sea, coast)


I ask for help in identifying zlatki, in a clearing where Wormwood grows - in Wormwood

Arthur cool apionchik, I think Pseudaplemonus artemisiae (F. Moravitz, 1861)
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11.08.2014 21:20, Liparus

Zlatka Agrilus (Xeragrilus) sericans Det. Skrylnik Yu.

12.08.2014 10:39, alex242

South-To Kazakhstan, Almaty region settlement. Suburban. on light 11-08-2014 ~10mm
Tell me who is?
picture: IMG_7696.jpg

12.08.2014 11:29, barry

Arthur the cool apionch, I think Pseudaplemonus artemisiae (F. Moravitz, 1861)
Apion will be a close-up... and some other "junk" stuff. smile.gif
Grass as far as I understand Teucrium polium - in the photo with a backpack.

12.08.2014 11:45, OEV

South-To Kazakhstan, Almaty region settlement. Suburban. on light 11-08-2014 ~10mm
Tell me who is?
picture: IMG_7696.jpg

Cylindera (Cylindera) obliquefasciata (M.F.Adams, 1817) wink.gif
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12.08.2014 20:11, stierlyz

to Liparus - among the leaf beetles Cryptocephalus gamma, Chloropterus variicolor, who is where-Google it. Is there only one apion? These guys are on kermeks, but only on sandy soils, and if you find them, you can always collect a series, which is not uncommon in your region.

12.08.2014 20:56, cherokee1

I'm not an entomologist,but I saw this on the beach near one of the lakes in Kiev
the length is about 5 cm crawling like a caterpillar, I did not notice any paws.
the structure is some kind of carapace or something
photo on the phonepicture: IMG_20140812_175420.jpgpicture: IMG_20140812_175525.jpg

12.08.2014 21:28, Mantispid

I'm not an entomologist,but I saw this on the beach near one of the lakes in Kiev
the length is about 5 cm crawling like a caterpillar, I did not notice any paws.
the structure is some kind of carapace or something
photo on the phonepicture: IMG_20140812_175420.jpgpicture: IMG_20140812_175525.jpg

your client is a lion fly larva

14.08.2014 9:02, Maksim

Hello, please help me identify:
01,02-Propylaea quatuordecimpunctata?
03-Ceratomegilla notata?
04-Oenopia conglobata?
all from Tver region, Kalyazinsky district, Nerl village.

picture: 01.jpg
01.jpg — (89.65 k)

picture: 02.jpg
02.jpg — (68.58 k)

picture: 03.jpg
03.jpg — (77.55 k)

picture: 04.jpg
04.jpg — (124.86к)

14.08.2014 9:14, Mantispid

Hello, please help me identify:
01,02-Propylaea quatuordecimpunctata?
03-Ceratomegilla notata?
04-Oenopia conglobata?
all from Tver region, Kalyazinsky district, Nerl village.

in my opinion everything is correct yes.gif
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14.08.2014 9:41, Maksim

And this is Monotoma picipes?
Also Tver region, Nerl village, 09.08, 2-3mm.

picture: 05.jpg
05.jpg — (50.4 k)

14.08.2014 12:23, Anthicus

And this is Monotoma picipes?
Also Tver region, Nerl village, 09.08, 2-3mm.

It is very similar to Monotoma. As for the species , you need to follow the determinant, the beetle is too small.
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14.08.2014 13:26, barry

And this is Monotoma picipes?
Also Tver region, Nerl village, 09.08, 2-3mm.
According to this photo view, I think it's very problematic.
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14.08.2014 17:41, Liparus

-10.08.2014 S UKRAINE,Kherson reg.,Genichesk distr., near Schaslivcevo vill.(Azov Sea, coast)
photo from the website:

picture: post_21217_1407932218.jpg
post_21217_1407932218.jpg — (99.29к)

15.08.2014 11:44, nikittokkk

Good afternoon! Please help me identify two cows! Both are from the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region.

picture: ______1.JPG

picture: ______2.JPG

This post was edited by nikittokk - 08/15/2014 11: 46

15.08.2014 17:28, Чегар

Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
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17.08.2014 13:19, Andrey Ponomarev

Metro station Nerskaya,14.08.2014
picture: IMG_4734.jpg
picture: IMG_4761_____________.jpg
2 Strophosoma capitatum?
picture: IMG_4763_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_4769_____________.jpg

17.08.2014 16:27, Александр57

Please tell me:
1-I think Otophorus haemorrhoidalis
2-I don't understand what it is, too?
Ryazan region, Pitelinsky district, village of Penki, made from one cow cake

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (43.72 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (48.92 k)

17.08.2014 16:38, stierlyz

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17.08.2014 16:41, Mantispid

M. O., Nerskaya station, 14.08.2014
2 Strophosoma capitatum?

of course, but what else? yes.gif
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