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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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15.10.2020 5:30, Dmitry Vlasov

August 26, Ryazan region. Pine forest with buckthorn-juniper undergrowth. Dug out of the sand.

Broscus cephalotes
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19.10.2020 7:32, maik

All beetles are collected in KCR, Arkhyz river Dukka 21.06.20 g N-1792 m help to identify
1. 12 mm Anastangalia reyi ?
picture: DSCF3352.JPG
2 12 mm
picture: DSCF3353.JPG
3 12 mm Stenurella melanura (Linné, 1758 ?
picture: DSCF3356.JPG
4. 10 mm
picture: DSCF3360.JPG
5. 13 mm Vadonia bipunctata ?
picture: DSCF3362.JPG

The post was edited by maik - 19.10.2020 10: 12

19.10.2020 19:03, Mantispid

The coloration is unusual, but I still think Neocoenorhinidius pauxillus (Germar, 1824)

this is the dwarf male Involvulus (s. str.) cupreus (Linnaeus, 1758)

20.10.2020 0:14, chebur

Please help me identify ladybirds.
1. Serpukhov district, Moscow region, on the trunk of a pine tree, September 2020
picture: IMG_5480.JPG
picture: IMG_5474.JPG
picture: IMG_5481.JPG

2. Chekhov district of the Moscow region
picture: IMG_5802.JPG

20.10.2020 2:24, Fornax13

Please help me identify ladybirds.

1. Harmonia quadripunctata
2. H. axyridis
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20.10.2020 2:34, Fornax13

All beetles are collected in the KCR , Arkhyz river Dukka 21.06.20 g N-1792 m help to determine

I suspect that 1-4 is this thing: https://www.zin.ru/animalia/Coleoptera/rus/anadubmd.htm
and the last one is Stictoleptura tesserula
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20.10.2020 6:37, maik

I suspect that 1-4 is this thing: https://www.zin.ru/animalia/Coleoptera/rus/anadubmd.htm
and the last one is Stictoleptura tesserula

Thank you. I have a computer for some reason completely different Zinovsky site issued

20.10.2020 15:01, smb

I ask for help in determining.
Assembled in May 2020 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region

Tetropium castaneum?
picture: DSCN1627.JPG

20.10.2020 15:29, Dmitry Vlasov

I ask for help in determining.
Assembled in May 2020 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region

Tetropium castaneum?
picture: DSCN1627.JPG

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20.10.2020 17:00, Jaguar paw

Is it possible to identify a water lover (Georgia, near Tbilisi, 10.10.2020) under a stone in a dried-up streambed), 10-11 mm.

user posted imageuser posted image

20.10.2020 17:32, botanque

Is it possible to identify a water lover (Georgia, near Tbilisi, 10.10.2020) under a stone in a dried-up streambed), 10-11 mm.

A swimmer, not a water lover. Agabus, I don't recognize the look.
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21.10.2020 13:38, Radik

Please help me identify Onthophagus.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, Troitsky settlement district. At the burrow (most likely a fox), at the edge of the landing. July 17, 2014

picture: _2.jpg
_2.jpg — (142.45 k)

picture: _1.jpg
_1.jpg — (121.44 k)

21.10.2020 15:48, Radik

Tell me please. Are all these photos of Cetonia aurata shown ?
Collected in Tatarstan, in different places of the Nizhnekamsk region, in different years.

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (154.98 k)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (153.77 k)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (125.49 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (128.54 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (148.47 k)

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (123.06к)

21.10.2020 17:43, Dmitry Vlasov

Please help me identify Onthophagus.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, Troitsky settlement district. At the burrow (most likely a fox), at the edge of the landing. July 17, 2014

For me, Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) vitulus (Fabricius, 1776)

21.10.2020 19:05, А.Чегар.

Like everything.

22.10.2020 8:26, Radik

OK. Thank you very much!

23.10.2020 14:18, Radik

Good afternoon!
Please help me with the definition.
25.07.2018, a suburb of Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan. Vegetable gardens. Into the light.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (121.22 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (96.41 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (134.97к)

23.10.2020 15:17, Radik

I tried the keys (on the zin website), it turns out that H. aterrimus Eschscholtz, 1822
protected area "Borkovskaya dacha", Nizhnekamsk district, was born. May 29, 2019

picture: 11.jpg
11.jpg — (179.63к)

picture: 10.jpg
10.jpg — (149.99 k)

picture: 9.jpg
9.jpg — (137.55 k)

23.10.2020 16:15, botanque

I tried the keys (on the zin website), it turns out that H. aterrimus Eschscholtz, 1822
protected area "Borkovskaya dacha", Nizhnekamsk district, was born. May 29, 2019

Yes, it is.

23.10.2020 19:19, Dmitry Vlasov

Good afternoon!
Please help me with the definition.
25.07.2018, a suburb of Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan. Vegetable gardens. Into the light.

1. Chlaenius tristis

23.10.2020 20:46, Pyatnitsyn

Good afternoon!
Please help me with the definition.
25.07.2018, a suburb of Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan. Vegetable gardens. Into the light.

3 - Calosoma (Caminara) denticolle Gebler, 1833

24.10.2020 1:13, Fornax13

Good afternoon!
Please help me with the definition.
25.07.2018, a suburb of Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan. Vegetable gardens. Into the light.

2 - Dolichus halensis

25.10.2020 22:21, chebur

Please help me identify these beetles.
1. Ladybug on the sunlit trunk of a live spruce, late September 2020, Chekhov district, Moscow region
picture: IMG_5809.JPG

2. Moscow, September 2020
picture: IMG_5812.JPG
picture: IMG_5818.JPG

3. August 2020, Serpukhov district of the Moscow region, raw meadow with blood soup, soil trap
picture: IMG_5724.JPG

25.10.2020 22:56, Dmitry Vlasov

Please help me identify these beetles.

1. Oenopia conglobata
3. Trechus (=Epaphius) secalis
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26.10.2020 1:20, John-ST

Help me identify the ground beetle.

[attachmentid ()=325556]

26.10.2020 11:08, Bad Den

Help me identify the ground beetle.

[attachmentid ()=325556]

Amara (Curtonotus) sp.
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26.10.2020 19:59, Fornax13

Help me identify the ground beetle.


Nebria brevicollis, as an option

This post was edited by Fornax13-26.10.2020 20: 00
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27.10.2020 15:58, maik

KCR okr. p. Romantic under the bark of spruce 26.10.20 g
. 1. 4.2 mm. Aphidecta obliterata (Linne, 1758) ?
picture: Aphidecta_obliterata__Linne__1758_.JPG
picture: DSCF3400.JPG
picture: DSCF3404.JPG

2. 4.2 mm
picture: DSCF3403.JPG

3.Megatoma (s. str.) undata (Linnaeus, 1758) ?
picture: Megatoma__s._str.__undata__Linnaeus__1758_.JPG

27.10.2020 20:34, Fornax13

KCR okr. p. Romantic under the bark of spruce 26.10.20 g
. 1. 4.2 mm. Aphidecta obliterata (Linne, 1758) ?
2. 4.2 mm
3. Megatoma (s. str.) undata (Linnaeus, 1758) ?

1. yes, quite.
2. Exochomus, look in the direction of
quadriguttatus 3. yes, it is not very undata, the elytra are not unicolored (reddish under the bandages)? probably ruficornis (I don't know if it was from the Russian Federation).

This post was edited by Fornax13-27.10.2020 20: 47
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28.10.2020 15:34, Mantispid

Please help me identify these beetles.
2. Moscow, September 2020

Sitona inops
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29.10.2020 16:05, Radik

Good hour forumchane!
Is it possible to determine (up to the genus) the nutcracker? Size 20 mm
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, July 8, 2017

This post was edited by Radik - 29.10.2020 16: 05

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (134.21к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (106.61 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (173.47 k)

29.10.2020 17:04, Dmitry Vlasov

Good hour forumchane!
Is it possible to determine (up to the genus) the nutcracker? Size 20 mm
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, July 8, 2017

1. Melanotus cf. castanipes
2-3. Hemicrepidius sp.

29.10.2020 21:42, chebur

I ask for help in identifying beetles collected under the bark of dry fir trees in Moscow in October.
picture: IMG_5980.JPG

2. Length-8mm
picture: IMG_5998.JPG

3. Length-4mm
picture: IMG_5990.JPG

4. Length-7.5 mm
picture: IMG_6002.JPG

5, 6. A female and a male of the same species? Length-4.5 mm
picture: IMG_5985.JPG

The post was edited by chebur - 06.03.2023 23: 45

29.10.2020 22:26, Dmitry Vlasov

I ask for help in identifying beetles collected under the bark of dry fir trees in Moscow in October.

1. Carabus granulatus
2. Agonum (?Europhilus) sp.
4. Quedius sp.
5-6. Phratora sp.

The post was edited by Elizar - 10/29/2020 22: 27
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29.10.2020 22:34, Dmitry Vlasov

According to Agonum, I can't understand from which segment the pubescence begins. If from the 3rd then the subgenus Europhilus, if from the 4th and there are many pores on the elytra (more than 4) - then M. B. A. gracilipes
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29.10.2020 22:48, chebur

According to Agonum, I can't understand from which segment the pubescence begins. If from the 3rd then the subgenus Europhilus, if from the 4th and there are many pores on the elytra (more than 4) - then M. B. A. gracilipes

Pores on the elytra at least 5 pieces on each. I took a few close - up photos of the sawyere, but I honestly don't see any hair on them at all...
Without a microscope, it is very difficult to identify many beetles... This has always stopped me from collecting them, but this year I couldn't resist. smile.gif

29.10.2020 23:19, Dmitry Vlasov

Pores on the elytra at least 5 pieces on each. I took a few close - up photos of the sawyere, but I honestly don't see any hair on them at all...
Without a microscope, it is very difficult to identify many beetles... This has always stopped me from collecting them, but this year I couldn't resist. smile.gif

The first two (or three) segments are smooth, and from the 3rd (or 4th) pubescence, as in the beetle from this link (you can zoom in there) and is clearly visible.

The post was edited by Elizar - 10/29/2020 23: 19
Likes: 1

30.10.2020 0:11, Fornax13

I ask for help in identifying beetles collected under the bark of dry fir trees in Moscow in October.

2. like gracilipes normal... do Europhiliacs even have such two-colored legs? I don't recall anything..."
3. Olophrum assimile
4. Quedius mesomelinus / maurus, the genitals need to be pulled out (this is a male, fortunately)
5. and frator is easier to see for yourself, probably: https://www.zin.ru/animalia/coleoptera/rus/chry3key.htm
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30.10.2020 0:31, Archypus

Yes, Agonum gracilipes in my opinion, the protruding posterior corners of the pronotum are very characteristic
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31.10.2020 7:56, maik

Ladybug ocd. p.Phia KCR 1-30. 05.2020
neomyzia sp
picture: neomyzia__sp.JPG

This post was edited by maik - 31.10.2020 15: 02

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