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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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03.06.2015 11:35, Alexandr Zhakov

Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758)
I only looked at the geographyfrown.gif. I may have made a mistake.

03.06.2015 11:48, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). May 31.
Some kind of Macaria, maybe signaria?

user posted image user posted image

03.06.2015 12:00, аруд

Tell me, pliz. Bryansk Province, May.

picture: 421__________.jpg
421__________.jpg — (376.45к)

03.06.2015 12:03, аруд

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). May 31.
Some kind of Macaria, maybe signaria?

As I see - M. notata

03.06.2015 12:05, Alexandr Zhakov

As I see - M. notata

confused.gif doubtful.
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03.06.2015 12:07, аруд

People are kind, Help with Thick-headed, pliz, similar to each other, and even mirror almost. May. Mercy Grand.

picture: 62.jpg
62.jpg — (274.7 k)

picture: 64.jpg
64.jpg — (217.96к)

picture: 67.jpg
67.jpg — (295.79к)

picture: 69.jpg
69.jpg — (274.62 k)

03.06.2015 12:23, аруд

  confused.gif doubtful.

And what is doubtful - the same clinic as here...

picture: 41______________.jpg
41______________.jpg — (308.82к)

03.06.2015 12:43, Alexandr Zhakov

And what is doubtful - the same clinic as here...

smile.gif this is Macaria notata., and there is Macaria signaria.
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03.06.2015 12:48, Alexandr Zhakov

People are kind, Help with Thick-headed, pliz, similar to each other, and even mirror almost. May. Mercy Grand.

Carterocephalus silvicola, all males, what's the problem?

03.06.2015 12:49, Alexandr Zhakov

Tell me, pliz. Bryansk Province, May.

Well, very dark Carterocephalus palaemon, probably there are such smile.gif
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03.06.2015 12:52, аруд

Carterocephalus silvicola, all males, what's the problem?

Thank you. Yes, on the front wings on top of the dark spots of different intensity and the number is also different... something like this....

03.06.2015 13:07, Alexandr Zhakov

So you don't have anything else like that.
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03.06.2015 13:28, Andrey Bezborodkin

Thank you. Yes, on the front wings on top of the dark spots of different intensity and the number is also different... something like this....

Just intraspecific variability.
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03.06.2015 13:34, Andrey Bezborodkin

I only looked at the geographyfrown.gif. I may have made a mistake.

It has a dark median spot on the top. kr. reaches the bottom edge, although the photo is indistinct...
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03.06.2015 14:17, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region).
I can't handle Micra. Help us!

This Misumena vatia caught on Antennaria dioica. May 31.
user posted image

And this one is last year's from June 6.
user posted image

03.06.2015 15:13, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Thank you so much for identifying the previous dissimilar ones.
In order not to make people laugh, I will not write assumptions about the species of the next scoop.
Ukraine, Polt. obl, Poltava, Kiev district, on light

picture: IMG_9438.JPG
IMG_9438.JPG — (304.65к)

03.06.2015 17:50, Сергей-Д

Abrostola triplasia
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03.06.2015 20:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Can you tell me?
Night from 2 to 3 June. Moscow Region, Zheleznodorozhny. Wingspan: 23 mm
picture: up.jpg.

03.06.2015 20:59, Vlad Proklov

Can you tell me?
Night from 2 to 3 June. Moscow Region, Zheleznodorozhny. Wingspan: 23 mm.

Pseudosciaphila branderiana
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04.06.2015 11:57, Olearius

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region).
I can't handle Micra. Help us!

And this one is last year's from June 6.

Helcystogramma rufescens
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04.06.2015 14:07, Василий Л.

Ukraine, Cherkasy region, on a dry meadow near a mixed forest.

1.? The wingspan is about 40 mm.
picture: 378_727_295.JPG

2. Lythria cruentaria? Wingspan 22 mm
picture: 378_727_316.JPG

04.06.2015 14:12, Olearius

Ukraine, Cherkasy region, on a dry meadow near a mixed forest.

1. Mythimna albipuncta

2. да
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04.06.2015 20:32, maks.malehornov

Friends tell me what kind of pupa it is. Moscow region yesterday.

picture: P1370226.JPG
P1370226.JPG — (277.13к)

picture: P1370228.JPG
P1370228.JPG — (282.63к)

04.06.2015 20:46, Alexandr Zhakov

Friends tell me what kind of pupa it is. Moscow region yesterday.

Only butterflies are identified here, and pupae and caterpillars are not. : http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...50#entry1557638 smile.gif

04.06.2015 21:17, gstalker

Last night I went out to smoke on the balcony and met her ... not a dustpan ?

picture: CM150604_17535601.jpg
CM150604_17535601.jpg — (297.64к)

04.06.2015 21:31, Vlad Proklov

Last night I went out to smoke on the balcony and met her ... not a dustpan ?

Thinworm Korscheltellus lupulinus.
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04.06.2015 22:09, lazardin

Since I'm not good at butterflies at all, I'm asking for help shuffle.gif
All North Vologda region
1 picture: DSC02765.JPG
2 picture: DSC02768.JPG
3 picture: DSC02771.JPG
4 picture: DSC02774.JPG
5 picture: DSC02777.JPG
6 picture: DSC02783.JPG
7 picture: DSC02789.JPG
8 picture: DSC02804.JPG

04.06.2015 23:01, Olearius

Since I'm not good at butterflies at all, I'm asking for help shuffle.gif
All north of the Vologda region

1. Lycia hirtaria

2. Phragmatobia fuliginosa

3. Orthosia gracilis

4. Hypoxystis pluviaria

5. ?

6. Xanthorhoe fluctuata

7. Lomographa bimaculata

8. Ochropleura plecta

This post was edited by Olearius - 04.06.2015 23: 09
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05.06.2015 0:07, TEMPUS

Since I'm not good at butterflies at all, I'm asking for help shuffle.gif
All north of the Vologda region

5 - Cerastis leucographa

05.06.2015 8:13, akulich-sibiria

please help me identify this instance.
On the genitals, there used to be a question between
1. Epiblema sarmatana (Chrystoph, 1882), =fuchsiana (Rösslerstamm, 1877)
and 2. Epiblema inulivora (Meyrick, 1932) = Epiblema obscurana (Herrich-Schaffer, 1851) = Epiblema obscuratum.
3. Epiblema graphana (Treitschke, 1835) = Epiblema graphanum.
There is a part of the wing, perhaps it is more accurate to say what kind?
I am inclined to the first option.
picture: IMG_9311.JPG
picture: IMG_9314.JPG

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria-05.06.2015 08: 22

05.06.2015 9:51, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 4.

1. user posted image 2. user posted image

05.06.2015 11:30, John-ST

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 4.

1. Paratalanta pandalis
2. Protodeltote pygarga
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05.06.2015 12:07, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 4.
Scopula floslactata?

user posted image

05.06.2015 12:39, alex242

We ask for your help!
Foothills of the Dzungara Mountains, on UV. June 2-3, 2015.
1-33 picture: IMG_0476.jpg mm in span
2-24 picture: IMG_0479.jpg mm in span
3- picture: IMG_0486.jpg

thank you!

This post was edited by alex242-05.06.2015 12: 44

05.06.2015 14:20, ButterflyGirl

South of Ukraine, on the meadow, May 31
picture: IMG_3614__2_.JPG

05.06.2015 14:32, svm2

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 4.
Scopula floslactata?

Idaea pallidata-самка
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05.06.2015 14:37, svm2

We ask for your help!
Foothills of the Dzungara Mountains, on UV. June 2-3, 2015.

2-Phyllophila obliterata
3-Mamestra brassicae
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05.06.2015 14:43, agronomist

Odessa region, Belyaevsky district, 2.06.15
1. Wingspan 42 mm. Spaelotis ravida ?
picture: Spaelotis_ravida____________________3______________.JPG
2. Wingspan 24mm
picture: P1290351.JPG
3. Wingspan 28mm
picture: P1290306.JPG
4. Wingspan 20 mm, Agapeta hamana ?
picture: Agapeta_hamana__11_.JPG
5. Wingspan 18mm, Celypha anatoliana ?
picture: Celypha_anatoliana_____________________________1______________.JPG
6. Wingspan 14mm
picture: Cochylidia_rupicola__1______________.JPG
7. Wingspan 14mm
picture: Gypsonoma_sp.__4_.JPG

05.06.2015 16:34, svm2

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05.06.2015 17:32, Alexandr Zhakov

Odessa region, Belyaevsky district, 2.06.15
1. Wingspan 42 mm. Spaelotis ravida ?
2. Wingspan 24mm
3.Wingspan 28mm
4.Wingspan 20 mm, Agapeta hamana ?
5. Wingspan 18mm, Celypha anatoliana ?
6. Wingspan 14mm
7.Wingspan 14mm

1. Yes
2. Very interesting picture, is the butterfly assembled? Because of the angle, there are several options, one of the most likely in appearance, but incredible in geography. Pseudobissetia terrestrellus smile.gif))
3. Pterothrixidia rufella.
4. Yes
5. Yes, or, less likely, Celypha capreolana (known from Ukraine in one specimen). smile.gif) collected by Zhakov in the Vinnytsia region. smile.gif))) Bidzilya et al. 2014)
6. Cochylidia rupicola, very interesting smile.gif
7. I can't say without a side angle or a straightened one. frown.gif
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