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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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12.06.2015 9:56, vafdog

Pliz - on the photos the same thing-or something different ??????7777
Mercy For one thing, give us a hint of the difference: Olethreutes arcuella(Clerck, 1759) and Olethreutes arcuellus (Clerck, 1759).

Olethreutes arcuellus or sublimely subtilanus...

there is such a rule, if the generic name has a masculine ending, then the specific name should also have a masculine ending, so Olethreutes arcuellus is more correct, but I do not know when this rule was introduced and I heard that in the West they want to eradicate it

This post was edited by vafdog - 12.06.2015 10: 21
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12.06.2015 9:56, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 11.

user posted image

12.06.2015 10:16, Alexandr Zhakov

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 11.

Pammene aurana
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12.06.2015 10:40, Alexandr Zhakov

I think some
kind of cover Side view: [attachmentid ()=225998]

Oedicaula serinipennella Christoph, 1872, on western sites traditionally in the genus Coleophora.
A fairly common steppe view.
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12.06.2015 10:54, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 11.
Paratalanta pandalis?

user posted image

12.06.2015 11:02, Alexandr Zhakov

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 11.
Paratalanta pandalis?

Anania fuscalis
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12.06.2015 13:01, ButterflyGirl

Late May-June, in a meadow in the south of Ukraine. Thanks!
#1-P. icarus ?
picture: IMG_3839__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_2902__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_3110__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_3123__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_3306__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_3376__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_3382__2_.JPG

picture: IMG_3842__2_.JPG

#9- P. argus?
picture: IMG_3856__2_.JPG

#10-Sid's fathead?
picture: IMG_3279__2_.JPG

12.06.2015 13:14, Василий пенза

Please tell me Acronicta and Apamea? Oba on May 28, Penza region, Moksha district. Thank you in advance

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (305.94 k)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (296.65 k)

12.06.2015 13:23, Alexandr Zhakov

Late May-June, in a meadow in the south of Ukraine. Thanks!
#1-P. icarus ?
#9- P. argus?
#10-Sid's fathead?

1 yes
2 Polyommatus icarus
3 Polyommatus icarus
4 Polyommatus bellargus
5 Polyommatus bellargus
6 Plebejus argus
7 Polyommatus icarus
8 Polyommatus icarus
9 yes
10 Pyrgus armoricanus, with a high probability. smile.gif
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12.06.2015 15:02, Ksero

Good afternoon, I wonder what kind of butterfly it is.
the caterpillar lives on Zharnovets paniculate (?), and weaves cocoons in the same place.
pupa and caterpillars are quite large.help me determine it.
caterpillars and cocoons found in the Crimea.

user posted image

user posted image

This post was edited by Ksero-12.06.2015 15: 04

12.06.2015 15:03, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me determine the scoop. All caught in the light on May 20, 20 km away. west of Zhytomyr. Vegetable garden, near cherry, raspberry, alder, willow. I apologize in advance for the quality of the images! We are trying to create a collection of moths with our children.

1. Lacanobia contigua
2. Acronicta rumicis
3. Craniophora ligustri
4. Craniophora ligustri
1. Craniophora ligustri
2. Apamea sordens
3. Acronicta rumicis
1. Anarta trifolii
2.Here, let them help me, I can't remember anything for May smile.gif)
3. Acronicta rumicis

12.06.2015 15:05, Alexandr Zhakov

Good afternoon, I wonder what kind of butterfly it is.
the caterpillar lives on Zharnovets paniculate (?), and weaves cocoons in the same place.
pupa and caterpillars are quite large.help me determine it.
caterpillars and cocoons found in the Crimea.

Apopestes spectrum
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12.06.2015 16:51, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). June 11.
I get Jodis putata, female (?). But again almost colorless.

user posted image

12.06.2015 17:51, IgorKO

1. Lacanobia contigua
2. Acronicta rumicis
3. Craniophora ligustri
4. Craniophora ligustri
1. Craniophora ligustri
2. Apamea sordens
3. Acronicta rumicis
1. Anarta trifolii
2.Here, let them help me, I can't remember anything for May smile.gif)
3. Acronicta rumicis

Thank you so much!!!

12.06.2015 19:49, svm2


2. Here, let them help me, I can't remember anything for May smile.gif)

Diarsia rubi most likely
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12.06.2015 21:39, svm2

Please tell me Acronicta and Apamea? Oba on May 28, Penza region, Moksha district. Thank you in advance

2-Sideridis turbida
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12.06.2015 22:01, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, 10.06.2015
picture: ____00003.jpg

picture: ____00004.jpg

picture: ____00005.jpg

This post was edited by rumpelstiltskin - 12.06.2015 22: 02

12.06.2015 23:56, аруд

What kind of bird, pliz??????7777, Bryansk region, May. Cybosia mesomella (Linnaeus, 1758) ???????77777 Thank you.

picture: 13______________.jpg
13______________.jpg — (238.99к)

13.06.2015 0:07, Nick444444

What kind of bird, pliz??????7777, Bryansk region, May. Cybosia mesomella (Linnaeus, 1758) ???????77777 Thank you.

Cybosia mesomella

13.06.2015 10:21, Сергей-Д

Southern Urals, 10.06.2015

Evergestis forficalis and Aphomia sociella.
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13.06.2015 10:48, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, 26.05.15
1. the photo is not so hot, but I tried without glowing scales
picture: Insecta_00006.jpg

picture: Insecta_00008.jpg

2. is this a dress moth?.. =)
picture: Insecta_00003.jpg

13.06.2015 11:34, аруд

  Cybosia mesomella

2 Nick444444 (thank you) and 2 Others:
How much, pliz, is the following expression true_
Superfamily Noctuoidea → family Erebidae → subfamily Arctiinae → tribe Lithosiini → subtribe Lithosiina → genus Cybosia → species Cybosia mesomella
Thank you.
Or normally:
L ife - Insecta-Lepidoptera - Ditrysia - Noctuoidea - Arctiidae - Lithosiinae ... Cybosia mesomella
У германцев: Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Noctuidae (Eulenfalter) / Arctiinae (Bärenspinner)

This post was edited by arud - 13.06.2015 11: 41

13.06.2015 16:26, IgorKO

Diarsia rubi most likely

Thanks for the option!

13.06.2015 21:35, anna.sur

Hello Dear forum participants! Please explain what does sp or spp mean in the classification of insects?

13.06.2015 22:06, KM2200

sp. - means a species, write instead of the specific name if it is unknown, for example, Colias sp. — some species of the genus Colias.
spp. - plural of sp.
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13.06.2015 22:07, vafdog

Abbreviation of the word Species - Species, spp. - plural-species.
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13.06.2015 22:25, Andrey Bezborodkin

  2 Nick444444 (thank you) and 2 Others:
How much, pliz, is the following expression true_
Superfamily Noctuoidea → family Erebidae → subfamily Arctiinae → tribe Lithosiini → subtribe Lithosiina → genus Cybosia → species Cybosia mesomella
Thank you.
Or normally:
L ife - Insecta-Lepidoptera - Ditrysia - Noctuoidea - Arctiidae - Lithosiinae ... Cybosia mesomella
У германцев: Bestimmungshilfe / Schmetterlingsfamilien / Noctuidae (Eulenfalter) / Arctiinae (Bärenspinner)

Taking into account modern taxonomy, it is more correct where Arctiinae (upper chain) is located. If you adhere to well-established traditional views, spelled out in all older litas. sources - then Arctiidae.
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14.06.2015 9:09, Penelo


picture: 5_R2hhFI4rY.jpg
5_R2hhFI4rY.jpg — (51.51к)

picture: 6ldrL4OxkrE.jpg
6ldrL4OxkrE.jpg — (56.54к)

picture: PWXyXkFPSvc.jpg
PWXyXkFPSvc.jpg — (50.97к)

14.06.2015 9:33, Alexandr Zhakov


Glaucopsyche alexis
Polyommatus icarus
Glaucopsyche alexis
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14.06.2015 11:48, Alexandr Zhakov

Foothills of the Dzungars. Help with the definition!
2- Hyles nicaea ? 28 May
3-? 8 June
5 -? 28 May

2. Maybe I'm confusing something, but I see it more like Hyles euphorbiae.
3. Lamoria anella
5. It's hopeless, by the look of it.

14.06.2015 19:09, Василий пенза

Please correct me if I'm wrong, are these all three Lacanobia w-latinum? May 30, Penza region, Moksha district. Thanks

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (279.15к)

14.06.2015 19:55, binni

Help identify the hawk moth, found in the south of the Novosibirsk region (got into the bag), birch, poplar, lilac, apple tree does not eat. How to feed the baby?

picture: 20150614_223857.jpg
20150614_223857.jpg — (279.29к)

picture: 20150614_223911.jpg
20150614_223911.jpg — (279.68к)

picture: 20150614_223924.jpg
20150614_223924.jpg — (282.33к)

picture: 20150614_224421.jpg
20150614_224421.jpg — (295.37к)

14.06.2015 21:28, Скорпион


picture: IMG_6387.jpg
IMG_6387.jpg — (317.5к)

14.06.2015 21:37, аруд

Who is this, pliz, with transparent wings???????777777777-en masse - but half of them are already dead on the ground. Southwest of the Kaluga region , Yun. Thank you.

picture: 11______________.jpg
11______________.jpg — (253.34к)

14.06.2015 21:42, Alexandr Zhakov

Help identify the hawk moth, found in the south of the Novosibirsk region (got into the bag), birch, poplar, lilac, apple tree does not eat. How to feed the baby?

Endromis versicolora, feed birch smile.gif
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14.06.2015 21:43, Alexandr Zhakov

Who is this, pliz, with transparent wings???????777777777-en masse - but half of them are already dead on the ground. Southwest of the Kaluga region , Yun. Thank you.

Leucoma salicis
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15.06.2015 1:27, Seneka

Can you tell me, please, what kind of Checker is this?
Vladimir Region, June 2015
picture: DSC_2418.JPG
picture: DSC_2417.JPG

15.06.2015 10:53, аруд

Is it possible, pliz, to identify the herb??????7777 May. Thank you.

picture: 12_______.jpg
12_______.jpg — (160.62к)

15.06.2015 11:40, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

binni, it's not a hawk moth it's a scooper from the genus Amphipyra. Out of the question, pyramidea. Offer her something fruit and berry

15.06.2015 11:40, Alexandr Zhakov

Is it possible, pliz, to identify the herb??????7777 May. Thank you.

Chrysoteuchia culmella.
And why put so many 7s? Is this shamanism ? smile.gif
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