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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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01.04.2022 14:03, Ariek

Thank you for your help!

04.04.2022 7:14, maik

Tell me a leafwrap Stavropol on light 30.03.22 Philedonides lunana (Thunberg, 1784)??? confused.gif
picture: DSCF8277.JPG
picture: Philedonides_lunana__Thunberg__1784_.JPG

05.04.2022 8:59, AGG

This is already in Tula!

I didn't say it was in Tambov smile.gif

06.04.2022 17:33, Kiseliov

Please help with these individuals, there is an assumption that Grapholita funebrana and Orthosia cerasi, but I'm not sure.
Moldova. Chisinau suburb, Plum orchard. 06,04,2022

This post was edited by Kiseliov - 06.04.2022 17: 49

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (307.76к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (208.73к)

07.04.2022 18:32, akulich-sibiria

Please help with these individuals, there is an assumption that Grapholita funebrana and Orthosia cerasi, but I'm not sure.
Moldova. Chisinau suburb, Plum orchard. 06,04,2022

something like the glue liners of pheromone traps. ))
In the lower tortricids that confuses the spot is lighter, maybe it's something from Pammene, the genitals would be good to look at.

07.04.2022 18:36, Елизавета Рысенкова

Good evening!

I would be grateful if you confirm or deny my assumption:
Maybe it's Mompha divisella? confused.gif

Tver region, Torzhok 17.05.2014

picture: IMGP6337.JPGpicture: IMGP6331.JPG

08.04.2022 9:28, Kiseliov

something like the glue liners of pheromone traps. ))
In the lower tortricids that confuses the spot is lighter, maybe it's something from Pammene, the genitals would be good to look at.

glue and there is, however, the scoop flew to the pheromone of Sdia
pomonella, but the grapholite worked, but the pheromone is combined for funebran and molestu....the product is brand new, the chemists are young, I need to understand whether everything works correctly

09.04.2022 22:41, MIV

Opening of the ROC season. Krasnoyarsk.
What kind of moth was born on April 8?
The size (length) is approximately 5 mm.

picture: _____5________._______________.______._8.04.22..jpg

09.04.2022 23:33, Ilia Ustiantcev

Caryocolum ?junctella
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10.04.2022 22:22, Андреас

Hello. A well-known ornithologist took a photo yesterday, which flew into the light. I think he's from Bashkortostan. Could you give me a hint? Honestly, -I'm a hundred times lost even in the family, although I want it to be a scoop. redface.gif

10.04.2022 22:37, Andrey Bezborodkin

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12.04.2022 3:48, akulich-sibiria

Opening of the ROC season. Krasnoyarsk.
What kind of moth was born on April 8?
The size (length) is approximately 5 mm.

picture: _____5________._______________.______._8.04.22..jpg

Michael hi. Sergey has shown me this photo before. This
is Caryocolum junctella (Douglas, 1851) smile.gif
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12.04.2022 7:06, VOVAN V.


13.04.2022 0:17, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Well, you give !! And where is the bottom ??

16.04.2022 17:15, VOVAN V.

picture: IMG_0001.JPG Sorry, I forgot. Here is the underside.

16.04.2022 22:58, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Oh !

18.04.2022 9:35, heliar

It seems to be a dustpan of some kind? For some reason, quite a lot of them flew during the day. Novosibirsk, Botanical Garden SB RAS, April 16. The butterfly is quite small, 30-35 mm, I think.

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

The post was edited by heliar - 18.04.2022 09: 37

18.04.2022 10:47, Oleg Nikolsky

It seems to be a dustpan of some kind? For some reason, quite a lot of them flew during the day. Novosibirsk, Botanical Garden SB RAS, April 16. The butterfly is quite small, 30-35 mm, I think.

Moth Archiearis parthenias (Linnaeus, 1761) Vesennitsa beryozovaya
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26.04.2022 14:18, Андреас

People - please tell me the name of this pigeon from the Belgorod region!

"Could it be Polyommatus coridon?"

The post was edited by Andreas - 26.04.2022 14: 20

29.04.2022 18:43, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Zhukovo 23.04.2022
picture: IMG_9501.JPG
picture: IMG_9502.JPG

The post was edited by Gennadich - 29.04.2022 18: 45

03.05.2022 16:35, Sergey Rybalkin

Please help me figure it out.

Yolks from the vicinity of Anapa.
Is it Colias hyale or Colias alfacariensis?
Fatheads from the vicinity of Anapa.
Is it Carcharodus alceae or C. orientalis?

picture: DSC01688.JPG
DSC01688.JPG — (313.05к)

picture: DSC01687.JPG
DSC01687.JPG — (283.19к)

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03.05.2022 16:43, Vlad Proklov

Please help me figure it out.

Yolks from the vicinity of Anapa.
Is it Colias hyale or Colias alfacariensis?
Fatheads from the vicinity of Anapa.
Is it Carcharodus alceae or C. orientalis?

As for me, so alfacariensis and alceae.
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06.05.2022 16:17, coriander-lithurgus

Greetings, experts in lepidoptera!
A week and a half ago, in the vicinity of Kislovodsk, I caught a small series of egg yolks. In my opinion, among them was a rare local species of Colias chrysotheme in Stavropol-golden yellow. Not the males, anyway. There are doubts about the female. Did I make a mistake?

picture: _____1.jpg
_____1.jpg — (166.93к)

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06.05.2022 16:22, Vlad Proklov

Greetings, experts in lepidoptera!
A week and a half ago, in the vicinity of Kislovodsk, I caught a small series of egg yolks. In my opinion, among them was a rare local species of Colias chrysotheme in Stavropol-golden yellow. Not the males, anyway. There are doubts about the female. Did I make a mistake?

Males, like, it is her.
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06.05.2022 17:44, гук

Greetings, experts in lepidoptera!
A week and a half ago, in the vicinity of Kislovodsk, I caught a small series of egg yolks. In my opinion, among them was a rare local species of Colias chrysotheme in Stavropol-golden yellow. Not the males, anyway. There are doubts about the female. Did I make a mistake?

Good find! Female unlikely.
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14.05.2022 0:05, MiLLeNium Niobius

Please tell me, is this a turnip? May 11, Tula region, birch forest belt on the outskirts of a large field.
picture: IMG_0221_.jpg

The message was edited by InsideOfDream - 05/14/2022 00: 06

14.05.2022 18:58, ButterflyGirl

Good afternoon! Is it possible to determine the name of Baggies, steppe Crimea. The first is 9mm, the second is ≈ 4cm. Thanks!
picture: IMG_1590__2_.JPG
picture: IMG_1507__2_.JPG

This post was edited by ButterflyGirl - 05/14/2022 18: 59

14.05.2022 18:59, гук

Please tell me, is this a turnip? May 11, Tula region, birch forest belt on the outskirts of a large field.


The post was edited by guk - 14.05.2022 19: 00
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15.05.2022 18:59, Viktoriaskl

Hello. Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly is this caterpillar? Taken on 07.05.2022 Boguty mountains (clay-sand), near Almaty, Kazakhstan

picture: 01.jpg
01.jpg — (636.7 k)

15.05.2022 19:56, OEV

Hello. Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly is this caterpillar? Taken on 07.05.2022 Boguty mountains (clay-sand), near Almaty, Kazakhstan

I assume goose scoops-hoods (Cucullia sp.) smile.gif
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18.05.2022 1:36, vidjl

Good afternoon! Is it possible to determine the name of Baggies, steppe Crimea. The first is 9mm, the second is ≈ 4cm. Thanks!

Rebelia sp.
Most likely Canephora hirsuta
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18.05.2022 10:53, Елизавета Рысенкова

Good afternoon!

Please help me determine the micra.

Tver region, Torzhoksky district, d. Galki
picture: IMGP1473.JPG

And, if possible, this nightgown (from the old ones).

Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region
picture: IMGP9055.JPG

18.05.2022 19:39, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Voynovo-gora, 14.05.2022
Callisto insperatella?
picture: IMG_2675.JPG
picture: IMG_2676.JPG

18.05.2022 20:36, Ilia Ustiantcev

It looks like it is. A great find, I haven't caught it myself for a very long time, although in May I constantly pay attention to bird cherry. Didn't you collect it from there?"
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18.05.2022 20:36, Ilia Ustiantcev

Good afternoon!

Please help me determine the micra.

Tver region, Torzhoksky district, d. Galki
picture: IMGP1473.JPG

And, if possible, this nightgown (from the old ones).

Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region
picture: IMGP9055.JPG

Agonopterix arenella, Lithophane socia
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18.05.2022 21:25, vidjl

Hello. Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly is this caterpillar? Taken on 07.05.2022 Boguty mountains (clay-sand), near Almaty, Kazakhstan

Cucullia barthae

18.05.2022 23:09, Andrey Ponomarev

It looks like it is. A great find, I haven't caught it myself for a very long time, although in May I constantly pay attention to bird cherry. Didn't you collect it from there?"

From there with rodimoy

19.05.2022 16:35, ButterflyGirl

Good afternoon! If possible, identify this mole. Steppe Crimea. May. Thanks!
picture: IMG_1688__2_.JPG

19.05.2022 17:37, Ilia Ustiantcev

Ptycholoma lecheana
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23.05.2022 18:07, AIF

Good afternoon.
Please help me identify it.
leptidea sinapis or leptidea juvernica?
Nizhniy Novgorod.13.05.2022picture: IMG_5358.JPG

picture: IMG_5360.JPG
IMG_5360.JPG — (297.91к)

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