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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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17.06.2008 21:21, okoem

  mol.gif Help identify the moth caterpillar. M. O. Odintsovo district.

The first is Apocheima pilosaria.
The second-this color is more typical for the lower raznoustykh, ognevok, listovertok. Although not the same as a shovel. bials, please do not forget to provide details - the food plant, the date of shooting, the length of the caterpillar, and generally all the circumstances of the find.
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18.06.2008 6:48, bials

The second-this color is more typical for the lower raznoustykh, ognevok, listovertok. Although not the same as a shovel. bials, please do not forget to provide details - the food plant, the date of shooting, the length of the caterpillar, and generally all the circumstances of the find.

Forage plant unknown because the caterpillar crawled along the road( as seen in the photo), length 35-40 mm. Taken on June 13, 2008

18.06.2008 7:27, okoem

Forage plant unknown because the caterpillar crawled along the road( as seen in the photo), length 35-40 mm. Taken on June 13, 2008.

It's clear. So pupate crawling. If you took it, then there is only a little(?) wait for the butterfly.

20.06.2008 15:19, mems

This hawk moth is not real - it is fake smile.gif

picture: PICT4015.jpg
PICT4015.jpg — (18.44к)

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20.06.2008 16:13, Alexander Zarodov

Help with the caterpillar. Moscow Region, June 13. Banal, probably, but I didn't find something.

picture: cat0613.jpg

20.06.2008 17:51, Ilia Ustiantcev

Double A
Euthrix potatoria.
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20.06.2008 22:19, mems

It's fake, isn't it ?

21.06.2008 7:18, Papilion

It's fake, isn't it ?

Yes, it's kind of fake.

21.06.2008 12:07, t00m

caterpillars of oak, linden, poplar and ocular hawkmoth "are not so different from each other" but can be judged by the food plant.

21.06.2008 14:22, akulich-sibiria

I will scan well today the Gusev damage determinant, tables for pine trees. You write me the address in the BOS right away, and I'll send it to you.


22.06.2008 15:00, Dinusik

Please tell me, whose tracks are these?

picture: P6220050.JPG
P6220050.JPG — (320.49к)

picture: P6210104.JPG
P6210104.JPG — (327.35к)

picture: P6210028.JPG
P6210028.JPG — (304.44к)

23.06.2008 0:28, t00m

the first one is probably from the genus of Melithea (nymphalids)

23.06.2008 22:31, americanecz

Here on June 15 near a stream on a willow tree I found a cocoon with such worms!!!
So I understand the cocoonworm of some kind...
I would like to know more precisely who it is and what it eats, because willow as it turned out, they do not really respect...
So: Tula region 15.06.08 on a willow tree near a stream.

image: ____. jpg
____.jpg — (136.22к)

23.06.2008 22:43, Grigory Grigoryev

This is Eriogaster lanestris. It has already been mentioned somewhere.
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24.06.2008 9:55, akulich-sibiria

[quote=Guest,09.06.2008 13:59]

24.06.2008 10:01, Дзанат

or you can try again to send Gusev to my mailbox... mol.gif

What happened? You write me an email, so as not to offtopit here, okay? dzanat dog yandex. ru

24.06.2008 17:52, Raptor

Who is she?on a poplar tree, 3, 5 cm long.

picture: ____054.jpg
____054.jpg — (133.88к)

24.06.2008 18:05, Tach1218

Definitely a caterpillar of the Geometridae moth, the species is unclear to me

25.06.2008 13:34, Манор

Please tell me who it is and what it eats? Found on the asphalt, you need to find out what to feed!

picture: gus.jpg
gus.jpg — (119.09к)

25.06.2008 13:41, svm2

Cossus cossus
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25.06.2008 13:48, Манор

Thank you, I wonder how long it is before pupation and whether there is a chance to grow at home, although it is not clear how to feed it at home with live birch))

25.06.2008 20:44, kut

Tell me, what kind of caterpillar? Mozhaisk district. June 24, 2008.
Perched on a watershed basil (Thalictrum aquilegiifolium) from the Buttercup family (in a spruce forest). If it helps... shuffle.gifThanks

picture: P6245993.JPG

25.06.2008 20:49, americanecz

Thank you, I wonder how long it is before pupation and whether there is a chance to grow at home, although it is not clear how to feed it at home with live birch))

She most likely crawled to pupa up...
Try to plant in a garden with a layer of earth...
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25.06.2008 21:00, Neoris

So after all, like Cossus cossus pupates in wood and not in the ground.
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29.06.2008 0:09, okoem

Please tell me, whose tracks are these?

The first one is definitely a draughtsman.
The second one looks like a scoop.
The third one looks like a bear, but scoops are also similar.

Who is she?on a poplar tree, 3, 5 cm long.

Moth from the subfamily Ennominae. A similar caterpillar, for example, in Biston strataria.

Thank you, I wonder how long it is before pupation and whether there is a chance to grow at home, although it is not clear how to feed it at home with live birch))

Try giving her a banana or an apple.
If it is large, then it will probably not take long before pupation. (You didn't specify the length).

Tell me, what kind of caterpillar?

Metalloid Lamprotes c-aureum.
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30.06.2008 4:02, Ilia Ustiantcev

Two pupae and a moth caterpillar from Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district of Moscow region.
1.2picture: IMG_2266.jpg
. Not to the point of view, but I forgot to take a picture of the cocoon, baggy or thinworm?
picture: IMG_2628.jpg
3.picture: IMG_2621.jpg

30.06.2008 5:50, okoem

Two pupae and a moth caterpillar from Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district of Moscow region.
2. Not to the point of view, but I forgot to take a picture of the cocoon, baggy or thinworm?

A pupa like a draughtsman.
The second pupa in the case was?

Ilya! Well, how many times can I repeat it! Please indicate details of finds, size, forage plants, etc.
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02.07.2008 5:47, Raptor

Who is she?does it look like an order ribbon or am I wrong?(if anyone has photos of gooseneck goosenecks, please post them.)length 5cm.Found on a small poplar tree at dusk....we are waiting for your comments

picture: ____023.jpg
____023.jpg — (125.69 k)

picture: ____024.jpg
____024.jpg — (130.35к)

picture: ____025.jpg
____025.jpg — (128.35 k)

06.07.2008 7:16, Ilia Ustiantcev

Caterpillar found on ?solidago. The pupa was in a case.

06.07.2008 11:35, okoem

2 Raptor
Caterpillar tapeworm unambiguously (a chain of black spots on the underside).
The photo is available online.

2 Ilya U
Should have photographed the cover, not the pupa. Pouches are defined by their covers.
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06.07.2008 11:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

Yes, this is most likely a single color (9 mm. pupal length). I thought so. the woodworm pupates in a similar cocoon.

06.07.2008 11:58, okoem

Yes, this is most likely a single color (9 mm. pupal length). I thought so. the woodworm pupates in a similar cocoon.

Ilya, a cocoon and a case are completely different things. The cocoon is woven from cobwebs, the cover is glued together from" foot " materials, such as plant fragments, sand, soil particles, and may even include chitinous insect remains.
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06.07.2008 13:13, barry

Help me determine...
Kharkiv, 04.07.2008.15
...20 mm. In a clearing, like an ash tree.

picture: IMG_8705.jpg
IMG_8705.jpg — (509.8к)

06.07.2008 13:22, okoem

Help me determine...
Kharkiv, 04.07.2008.15
...20 mm. In a clearing, like an ash tree.

A fingerfly pupa?

06.07.2008 13:46, barry

A fingerfly pupa?

In principle, there are a lot of such people flying here... maybe hers.

This post was edited by barry - 06.07.2008 13: 47

picture: IMG_7251.jpg
IMG_7251.jpg — (85.77к)

06.07.2008 14:38, okoem

In principle, there are a lot of such people flying here... maybe hers.

Well .. a fingerfly.. yes, on the pupa.. IMHO, no one in the World will determine.
And not necessarily the same species flies.

06.07.2008 15:38, Vlad Proklov

Ilya, a cocoon and a case are completely different things. The cocoon is woven from cobwebs, the cover is glued together from" foot " materials, such as plant fragments, sand, soil particles, and may even include chitinous insect remains.

For accuracy-the cocoon can also include the remains of all sorts of different things. The difference is still in their purpose: the cover serves as the caterpillar's home and the pupa's shelter, and the cocoon is woven only before pupation.
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06.07.2008 17:03, Victor Titov

Tell me, please, what are their names? The first two images are taken on June 28, 2008, Yaroslavl region, Rostov region.

1.picture: DSC02268_1.jpg
On the bark of a birch tree.

2.picture: DSC02273_1.jpg
The edge of the sphagnum swamp.

3.27picture: DSC01607_1.jpg
May 2008, Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, on the birch tree grass.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 06.07.2008 17: 04

06.07.2008 18:17, El Cazador

The first photo is similar to E. pavonia, age 2. I won't say anything about other photos
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07.07.2008 18:34, Raptor

Can you tell me how to distinguish the caterpillar of the Ocular hawk moth from the Poplar moth?What and where do Poplar hawkmoth prefer for lunch?

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