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Сuckoo waspы

Community and ForumInsects imagesСuckoo waspы

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02.12.2011 0:03, Николай Баскаков

Please help with the definition.
picture: ____________2062.jpgpicture: ____________2069.jpgpicture: ____________2074.jpgpicture: ____________2077.jpg
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02.12.2011 0:07, Николай Баскаков

Please help with the definition. picture: ____________2084.jpgpicture: ____________2088.jpgpicture: ____________2092.jpgpicture: ____________2102.jpg[attachm

picture: ____________2105.jpg
____________2105.jpg — (402.71к)

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02.12.2011 1:27, Pirx

I ask for help in determining.

Cool! Marikovsky labels!
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02.12.2011 8:45, OEV

[quote=Nikolay Baskakov, 02.12.2011 01: 03]

02.12.2011 10:00, Penzyak

And he had a lot of collections of shiny wasps?

02.12.2011 16:51, Николай Баскаков

And he had a lot of collections of shiny wasps?

Got a few pieces undefined.

15.02.2012 23:35, Papaver

mass Chrysis fulgida you have in Kazakhstan, imho...

This is not fulgida, but immaculata.

15.02.2012 23:37, Papaver

Chrysis angolensis - DV


15.02.2012 23:44, Papaver

Or maybe Papaver will help us with the definition !?

Well, first of all, remembering one of Coelioxis ' posts - what's the point?
Secondly, keeping in mind one of Cosmosk's posts about the possibility of detecting ichneumonids from photos-relax! ©
And, thirdly: if you need a definition from the photo-straight blood from the nose-you need to post 5 photos: from above, from the belly, from the side, the anal edge of the third tergite and the face.

16.02.2012 0:12, Papaver

Glistening wasp Chrysis fasciata... ...

Still, it's best to look at the sternites first.

16.02.2012 0:31, Papaver

I ask for help in determining.

Perhaps it is Chrysis indigotea

Nikolai, you have been given the right direction. In the monograph of Kimsey and Bogart, indigotea is reduced to synonyms for indica. As well as 4 other taxa - you can make a joke among them. wink.gif

16.02.2012 9:28, botanque

Still, it's best to look at the sternites first.

The ones on top of the abdomen? I can take a photo.

16.02.2012 21:29, Papaver

The ones on top of the abdomen? I can take a photo.

Tergites - from above, sternites-from below.

Take a photo of the abdomen from below so that the dark spot on the second stubble can be seen as clearly as possible.
And, by the way, yes - the anal edge of the third tergite would also be nice.

22.02.2012 23:26, Papaver

I can take a photo.

And? smile.gif

23.02.2012 12:24, botanque

And? smile.gif

I searched for a long time. Found it in alcohol. Now it is drying, straightening out.

24.02.2012 21:06, botanque

Take a photo of the abdomen from below so that the dark spot on the second stubble can be seen as clearly as possible.
And, by the way, yes-the anal edge of the third tergite would also be good.

Here's what happened
image: _____. jpg
image: _______. jpg

24.02.2012 21:59, Papaver

Here's what happened

Yes, it is a female of Christis fasciata zetterstedti Dahlbom, 1845.
It is this subspecies, since the nominative one is ssp. fasciata Olivier, 1790-distributed in North Africa and West Africa. Europe east to the former. Czechoslovakia and does not have such well-defined elegant bright golden stripes on the tergites.

Hmm... And such a pleasant wine-pink shade of stripes after aging in alcohol is not lost?
Likes: 2

24.02.2012 22:41, botanque

Yes, they cast pink, especially the second and third stripes. But not as bright as in my photo. Maybe in artificial light so.

24.02.2012 22:43, Papaver

Yes, they cast pink, especially the second and third stripes. But not as bright as in my photo. Maybe in artificial light so.


25.02.2012 2:02, Papaver

Saratov region, Burkin Buerak, 17. VII. 2011
... Blestyanka-on the trunk of a dry tree.

user posted image

user posted image


Chrysis obtusidens Dufour et Perris, 1840. But this is assumed, since many signs are simply not visible.


This is Chrysis comparata Lepeletier, 1806.

26.02.2012 12:29, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Gentlemen, I'm sorry for the quality and angle.

Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava city, Kiev district, arboretum on the site of the Battle of Poltava Field

picture: IMG_5664_001.jpg
IMG_5664_001.jpg — (129.74 k)

26.02.2012 12:34, СергейС.С

Gentlemen, I'm sorry for the quality and angle.

Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava city, Kiev district, arboretum on the site of the Battle of Poltava Field

There is no date of capture,but it's a pity.

26.02.2012 12:45, OEV

Gentlemen, I'm sorry for the quality and angle.

Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava city, Kiev district, arboretum on the site of the Battle of Poltava Field

For b. m. correct definition, you need a photo of the belly from above / below shuffle.gif
Likes: 1

26.02.2012 13:25, Papaver

Gentlemen, I'm sorry for the quality and angle.
Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava city, Kiev district, arboretum on the site of the Battle of Poltava Field

It is not possible to identify this instance with this photo quality and from this angle.

26.02.2012 16:47, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

28. VII. 2011

27.03.2012 14:43, Коллекционер

it is difficult to convey the color as not fotkal...
in general, was it hatched from an amphora of a pill wasp found about a month ago under the bark of a pine
tree Chrysis ignita?
picture: P3281512.JPG
Likes: 3

17.06.2012 22:33, Thetis

I read the thread. It became interesting to know what fundamental works on Russia are used to determine species. Is it really a Green determinant? Or do you already have more modern domestic works?

20.07.2012 11:49, Ilia Ustiantcev

Can anyone determine? Caught in a small dry clearing on Trifolium arvense, Odintsovo district of Moscow region, near the village of Pestovo, 14.07.2012. Length (from memory) 7-9 mm
picture: DSC04995_14.07.JPG.
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20.07.2012 12:03, Liparus

Can anyone determine?
picture: DSC04995_14.07.JPG

Hedychrum rutilans Dahlbom, 1854
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20.07.2012 16:28, Liparus

What is the best way to mount a shiny OS without pricking it? smile.gif On a die or on a triangle, on a triangle on the side? frown.gif

20.07.2012 22:53, Proctos

What is the best way to mount a shiny OS without pricking it? smile.gif On a die or on a triangle, on a triangle on the side? frown.gif

Italians recommend this
You can also glue sideways on the pin itself.

09.11.2012 15:39, Penzyak

They began to determine their collections of wasps-glitters of the 2012 field season from the territory of the Penza region.

And four new views at once! Now we have 57 species!!!

Interestingly, in two previous publications, two species were listed - Chrydis pulchella and Hedychrum longicolle errors in the definition (according to the green determinant!) what turned out to be incorrect (there were no comparative collections of similar species) - so, these two species were found this year! No need to refute and justify yourself now. The definitions are accurate (there are a lot of foreign sites now).

The other two types are:


This post was edited by Penzyak - 15.11.2012 10: 10

picture: Chrysis_analis_1.jpg
Chrysis_analis_1.jpg — (35.38к)

картинка: Chrysis_analis_Centralasiatic_European.gif
Chrysis_analis_Centralasiatic_European.gif — (31.31к)

picture: Chrysura_dichroa.jpg
Chrysura_dichroa.jpg — (27.23к)

picture: Turano_Europeo.gif
Turano_Europeo.gif — (45.86к)

Likes: 10

15.11.2012 10:30, Penzyak

Here are links to these two species: Chrydis pulchella and Hedychrum longicolle

The site is very useful.



Interesting photos for this group:


This post was edited by Penzyak - 11/15/2012 10: 49

17.12.2012 14:44, Penzyak

Here is our article (and a number of others):

Shibaev S. V., Polumordvinov O. A. Review of the hymenopteran fauna (Insecta, Hymenoptera) Penza region. // Izvestiya penzenskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V. G. Belinskogo. Natural sciences. 2012. Penza: PSPU Publishing House, 2012. in print.

This email contains links to the following files uploaded to Файлы@Mail.Ru:

Link to download files: http://files.mail.ru/3F54F67D89A84795AB231EEFA670DF39
Likes: 2

13.02.2013 22:20, ASSIB

Here are links to these two species: Chrydis pulchella and Hedychrum longicolle

The site is very useful.



Interesting photos for this group:


Dear Penzyak, can you tell me where to find the pdf of
Linsenmaier W. "Die Goldwespen der Schweiz" 1997.
About Chrysis pulchella in the Penza region. Follow your link to chrysis.net the northern limit of the range of this species is the south of Europe, but it seems that Penza is located to the north?

This post was edited by ASSIB - 02/13/2013 22: 25

14.02.2013 8:26, Penzyak

15.02.2013 13:05, Dergg

As far as I understand, this is Stilbum cyanurum

Krasnodar Region, Bolshoy Utrish, August 2012

picture: P1000892.JPGpicture: P1000894.JPGpicture: P1000903.JPG
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22.06.2013 10:20, KingSnake

Blestyanka from Mordovia. Can someone determine smile.gif

picture: DSC00588.jpg
DSC00588.jpg — (240.33к)

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22.06.2013 19:08, OEV

Blestyanka from Mordovia. Can someone determine smile.gif

I'm not an expert on glitter, but an amateur, there is an assumption that this is Chrysis equestris shuffle.gif
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07.08.2013 17:55, Liparus

Chrysis chrysoprasina Forster, 1853
UKRAINE, Kharkov reg., Outskirts of Fedorci vill., (sandy slope). 10.VII.2013

This post was edited by Liparus - 07.08.2013 17: 56

picture: DSCF6763.JPG
DSCF6763.JPG — (178.62к)

picture: DSCF6756.JPG
DSCF6756.JPG — (214.75к)

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