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24.05.2014 17:48, Mantispid

I realized that it was Mycterus, but I've never seen them in person, only Turkish corpses. throw a couple on the mattress for me mol.gif

I would have said earlier, there were a lot of them on the milkweed last year... but I'll try to search, maybe they haven't flown yet
Likes: 1

25.05.2014 16:19, TEMPUS

Good day to all forum participants. From the evening of Tuesday (May 20) to the morning of Friday (May 23), I once again went to the dacha in the Shuisky district of the Ivanovo region (the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye). Just like the previous time, I caught three nights in the light and walked through the fields and forests for two days. The weather was pleasant: it was the first field trip this year, when (finally!) it was hot in summer, windless, absolutely clear weather. At night, it also became much warmer than on the previous trip, as a result of which the arrival at the light increased significantly. As on the previous occasion, I arrived late, at ten o'clock in the evening. I immediately started fishing for light. It flew pretty well. As always, most of the butterflies that arrived were moths. Most of all, probably, there were representatives of the genus Lomographa sp. - L. bimaculata and L. temerata. The genus Eupithecia sp. was also represented in considerable numbers, and this time there was a species that was clearly not present on the previous trip. Since this season, he began actively collecting moths of the genus Eupithecia sp. (previously, I wasn't particularly interested in them), six specimens of this species were collected for subsequent identification. There were many representatives of the genera Xanthorhoe sp. and Epirrhoe sp., but the species are all banal and well-known, so I won't list them here. The following species also arrived in small numbers (one or two specimens): Cyclophora pendularia, C. albipunctata, C. punctaria, Timandra comae, Scopula immorata, some other Scopula sp., Chlorissa viridata, Hydriomena impluviata, Plagodis dolabraria, Petrophora chlorosata, Macaria ?notata, Cleora cinctaria, Chiasmia clathrata, Ematurga atomaria. Hawk moth flew. Four linden hawkmoth (Mimas tiliae) flew into the world, and two of them, which were of better quality, were taken. For the second time this year, I was pleased with the arrival of a female red peacock (Aglia tau). As in the previous trip, the bears Spilosoma lubricipeda continue to fly to the light. But Spilosoma lutea so far this year has not seen any, which is strange. The scoop is very small. I was surprised by the arrival of living out their time Lithophane socia, I did not expect that wintering scoops can fly for so long. Several Lacanobia suasa and one L ?thalassina. I took one Axylia putris. At the end of the fishing trip, I was pleased with the arrival of the Apamea illyria scoops, which are not the most frequent in my area. Khokhlatok was much more than a scoop. The following species arrived: Cerura vinula, Notodonta ziczac, Ptilodon capucina, Pterostoma palpina (female). There was only one sickle-winged species during all three nights: Drepana falcataria (there were two species on the last trip: D. falcataria and Falcaria lacertinaria). At the very beginning of fishing, when I just turned on the lamp, I was pleased with the arrival of the cocoonworm Phyllodesma sp.

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By the evening of Wednesday, May 21, two entomology colleagues from Moscow, Andrey and Maxim, were expected to arrive (by prior arrangement). Both of them wanted to do what I did on my last trip to the country - take pictures of the Parnassius apollo caterpillars. Andrey was also very interested in the hawk moth Proserpinus proserpina, Maxim wanted to shoot the local P. mnemosyne. I will say right away: both of them are photographers, they do not catch butterflies, but only take pictures, so I did not doubt the safety of the populations at all.

However, colleagues from Moscow were not expected to arrive until the evening, and the time in the afternoon had to be somehow passed. I decided to take a walk along the embankments of the Teza and Granddaughter Rivers to see what condition the populations of P. mnemosyne living there are in. I decided to start with the coast of the Granddaughter River. With P. mnemosyne there is nothing wrong, they were found in large numbers and even on a much larger territory than in previous seasons. I also met one Papilio machaon, who was not caught. Among other mace-whiskered lepidoptera, common whiteflies were found in large numbers, and the following species were also found in small numbers: Pyrgus malvae, Carterocephalus palaemon, Gonepteryx rhamni, Celastrina argiolus, Aglais io, Aglais urticae, Polygonia c-album, Vanessa cardui, Araschnia levana, and Coenonympha pamphilus. P. chlorosata moth and other common moth species were also found in large numbers on the river bank.

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On the bank of the Granddaughter River there were some flowers with large yellow buds:

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After finishing the inspection of the Granddaughter River bank, I returned home, went to a grocery store in the neighboring village of Sergeyevo, had a little rest, and then decided not to stop there and also explore the Teza River bank. Here it should be said that the Teza is a much larger river than the Granddaughter, in fact, the Granddaughter is a tributary of the Teza. In one place, the Granddaughter can even wade quite calmly, with the Teza, even with all the desire, this will not work anywhere, so only one bank was examined. P. mnemosyne was also found on it in large numbers. The rest of the mace-whiskered lepidoptera were still the same as on the Granddaughter's coast, with only one female Polyommatus icarus found. May 21 is very early for this species, usually Icarus pigeons start flying here in the tenth of June. Two Pseudopanthera macularia moths were also caught that day.

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On the banks of the Teza River there was an abundance of some kind of herbaceous plant with white flowers:

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Young elm trees grow in large numbers on the Teza coast:

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Last fall, in October 2013, the coast of the Teza River looked like this:

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And this spring, in May 2014, the banks of the Teza River began to look like this:

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Some results of the day:

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On Wednesday evening, as had been agreed in advance, my Moscow colleagues - photographers-came to see me. After almost seven hours of driving, they were tired, but they didn't lose their fighting spirit. Immediately, an attempt was made to collect P. proserpina from lilac flowers. To do this, we took them to the half-abandoned village of Lomki, where you can safely swing a net without attracting unnecessary eyes. There is no local population in Lomki, only summer residents remained, and there are not many of them, and even taking into account the weekday, we could safely count on the fact that there would be no one in the village, and we could catch proserpine with lilacs as much as we wanted. Unfortunately, we were not so lucky. In the village, one house turned out to be with people, apparently they have a vacation. Yes, and the right lilac bush has not yet bloomed properly. In general, we decided to retire. But I still managed to find something interesting. Andrey photographed caterpillars of the milkweed cocoonworm (Malacosoma castrensis) in a dry meadow. I also found the caterpillar of the Noctua pronuba scoop (judging by its characteristic color and large size, this was it). But, in the absence of a suitable container in which it would be possible to transport the caterpillar home, I decided not to torment the animal in vain and left it where I found it. On the way back, a male M. rubi was seen flying past.

Caterpillar Malacosoma castrensis (Linnaeus, 1758):

picture: crop_85220250_P9st.jpg

Having failed to collect P. proserpina from lilac flowers, we decided to try to catch this species in the light. An attempt to catch a light in a dry meadow behind the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye was unsuccessful, Maxim's electrical equipment, which was necessary for this purpose, refused to work properly. I had to urgently move to my site and continue fishing there.

The intensity on the night from Wednesday (May 21) to Thursday (May 22) was about the same as on the previous night, that is, relatively high. In general, on all three nights that I caught the light on this trip, the intensity was about the same. Moreover, it began to fly actively only late at night-closer to midnight, until that time it was very sluggish, only a few butterflies arrived. First, at half past ten, two Macrothylacia rubi cocoonworms arrived - a male and a female. Moreover, the female, when I stabbed her with ammonia, began to lay eggs. Andrey took part of the eggs with the intention of raising the caterpillars obtained from them in order to get butterflies as a result. I don't know if he will succeed or not, but usually nothing is produced from eggs obtained from females who shed their eggs after an ammonia injection. Four hawkmoths arrived: three linden (Mimas tiliae) and one ocellate (Smerinthus ocellata). The hawk moth was caught and planted in Bank B for a photo shoot in the morning. I must say that my guests were interested only in large mottled lepidoptera - mainly hawkmoth, peacock-eyes, to a lesser extent cocoonworms, representatives of smaller groups, such as scoops, crested birds, and moth, they were not particularly interested in them, so I continue to write about what is interesting to me personally. The following species were collected from scoops: Sideridis rivularis, Lacanobia suasa, Acronicta rumicis, Autographa mandarina. The composition of crested whales also underwent some changes in comparison with the previous night, in particular, on this night also met: Stauropus fagi and representatives of the subfamily of brushworms (Pygaerinae): Clostera curtula and Clostera anachoreta. Two species of scoops were also found: T. ocularis and T. or.An interesting representative of the genus Eupithecia sp. was found among the moths. "a species that hasn't flown into the world on any previous night this year. But the highlight of the program that night was the scoop Egira conspicillaris - a very rare species in the Ivanovo region. I catch this species for the first time. Perhaps this is a completely new type of scoop for the Ivanovo region, at least I have no information that anyone else caught this species in the region in which I live.

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This post was edited by TEMPUS - 05/26/2014 04: 02
Likes: 20

25.05.2014 16:20, TEMPUS


The morning of Thursday, May 22, began with photographing the previously collected hawk moth M. tiliae and S. s ocellata. After that, they were released. This was followed by a walking tour along the following route: we left the village of Krasnoarmeysky, walked through a dry meadow along the bed of the Granddaughter River to the crossing, waded through the river, walked some distance through the forest, came out on dry meadows behind the village of Polki, followed them along the edge of the forest to the point where P. apollo photographed caterpillars on the last trip (located behind the village of Lomki), then returned back. As for the caterpillars, P. apollo immediately told the guests directly that on the previous trip the caterpillars were already large, of the fifth age, and therefore there is a high probability that they left for pupation, and it is unlikely that we will meet them. We must pay tribute, Andrey and Maxim reacted to this news with understanding. So it turned out in the end - the caterpillars of P. apollo were not found. But on the bank of the Granddaughter River, P. mnemosyne was photographed in abundance, and Andrey also took pictures of the females he needed so much. Also the guests tried (successfully!) take pictures of everyone passing by zorek (Anthocharis cardamines), especially when they perched on flowers to feed or during mating games between males and females. The guests also asked about Callophrys rubi pigeons, but when they learned that this species is found in large numbers in my area only in the riding swamp, they flatly refused to go there, they were afraid to get their feet wet (I don't know what to take from them). An attempt to search for C. rubi flying out of the swamp in a nearby mixed forest gave no results. In a mixed forest, Andrey photographed a new species of fathead - Carterocephalus silvicola (a male and possibly also a female of this species). On the wet edge of a mixed forest behind the village of Polka, we managed to collect the only draughtsman Euphydryas aurinia that day. On this day (on all three days that I was at the dacha), Lycaena tityrus gold coins were also found in large numbers. In the middle of the day, Maxim and Andrey drove back-tired, but happy. Although not all of their plans were realized, they liked the places and the trip. All this inspires confidence in the continuation of our fruitful cooperation.

Would you dare to cross the river on such a log? I took a chance.

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Granddaughter River:

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Some photos taken by Andrey:

Mimas tiliae, (Linnaeus, 1758), the result of the morning photo shoot:

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Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Carterocephalus silvicola (Meigen 1829)

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Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758), female:

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I collected a little for myself:

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Towards the end of the day, news came from Andrey. Since they drove to Moscow for a long time, almost seven hours, they found themselves in the Moscow region at dusk. And, on the lilac flowers in the village that turned up so successfully at the entrance to Moscow, we managed to catch two P. proserpina. Thus, the guests fulfilled their plans for the trip almost completely.

After the departure of the guests, I was very exhausted, and I didn't find the strength to go somewhere in the afternoon, so I just rested.

But on the evening of Thursday, May 22, I still found the strength to go catch the light. I must say, in terms of the number of specimens, this night turned out to be the most productive, and there were species and specimens that you don't meet every day. Compared to the previous nights, there were a lot of scoops, many species met for the first time this year. In particular, such species were metalloids Diachrysia stenochrysis, Plusia festucae and Abrostola triplasia, as well as arrowhead Acronicta alni, in addition, took a fresh copy of Macdunnoughia confusa. I was pleased with the arrival of one moth of Parectropis similaria and Electrophaes corylata, especially for the species P. similaria, which, perhaps, is generally new to my region. Four species of hawk moth were found: one specimen each of D. elpenor, D. porcellus, M. tiliae, and S. ocellata. At first, only the same species were found as on previous nights. Towards half past one in the morning, it subsided, and I even wanted to curl up and go to bed. It's a good thing I didn't. After two nights in a short period of time, quickly, as if from a machine gun, two most interesting butterflies were born - the female Calliteara pudibunda and the female crested Notodonta tritophus! Both species are quite unusual in my area, besides, I have never met females of these species before! There were also males of C. pudibunda and one crested specimen each of N. torva and N. dromedarius.

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Parectropis similaria (Hufnagel, 1767)

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Females of Calliteara pudibunda (Linnaeus, 1758) and Notodonta tritophus (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)

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Also on this night, I took four beetles: two large black water lovers (Hydrophilus (Hydrophilus) aterrimus) and two more beetles that look very similar to the rhinoceros beetles Oryctes (Oryctes) nasicornis (with exactly the same horns), but much smaller (more than half the size):

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On the morning of Friday, May 23, I went back to the city.

Next, I ask for the help of our esteemed experts on mottled lepidoptera. Help me identify the instances shown below:

1) What species does the following specimen of the cocoonworm Phyllodesma sp. belong to: ilicifolium, japonicum, or tremulifolium?

picture: crop_85000860_gK98C.jpg

2) Help identify the moth species of Eupithecia sp.:
Catch #1 (20.05.2014)
picture: crop_85000915_Ok1s.jpg

Catch #2 (21.05.2014)
picture: crop_85001499_fljmq.jpg

3) Please confirm or deny the definition of the instance provided below. Is this Egira conspicillaris??? Or is it still such a dark Lithophane socia? And one more question? Do I need to consider the Egira anatolica variant if we are talking about a specimen collected in the Ivanovo region?
picture: crop_85001592_qJt6yX5.jpg
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25.05.2014 17:23, vafdog

Horned-LUNAR copr
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25.05.2014 17:49, AGG

dark Egira conspicillaris yes.gif
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25.05.2014 18:45, Vlad Proklov

Phyllodesma - tremulifolia.
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25.05.2014 19:30, Василий пенза

Yesterday I was in the village, caught from 21-00 to 1-00

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25.05.2014 19:33, Ilia Ustiantcev

Yellow flowers-European bathing suit
(finally a new page in this topic!!)

This post was edited by Ilya U - 05/25/2014 19: 33
Likes: 4

25.05.2014 20:02, molek

On the weekend I had a rest in the area of the village of Navolok (Novgorodsky district of the Novgorod region). A lot of A. crataegia, P. napi. Встречаютя L.tityrus, A.levana, N.xanthomelas, V.cardui,A.io, C.pamphilus. I was pleased to fly at 0 hours from 24 to 25 D. elpenor, which was caught near the honeysuckle caprifol.
On the 25th, I took a walk in the Savinsky oak forests, near the city of Novgorod. I sit, relax and have a snack on a certain bakery product... I hear a hum. Swing of the net: Protaetia lugubris!
In the yard +30, summer.
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
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26.05.2014 1:18, Albatus

A short photo report about today's trip to Lake Kustorka, Pavlovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region. I first saw P. aeruginosa on oak sap, before that they were caught only in crown traps, and then very rarely. May 25 isn't too early for this species?
There are a lot of P. lugubris this year.
The photo shows 5 types of bronzes together-P. aeruginosa, P. lugubris, P. metallica, P. fieberi, C. aurata.

This post was edited by Albatus - 03.08.2014 16: 37

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26.05.2014 1:20, Albatus

Here are a couple more photos.
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26.05.2014 1:28, John-ST


Caterpillar Macrothylacia rubi (Linnaeus, 1758):

[/b]Malacosoma castrensis
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26.05.2014 7:47, Maksim M.

On Saturday, B. koleopter came to visit selected places,in particular, Maloyaroslavsky district and Medynsky district, Kaluga region.They were caught in the immediate vicinity of known piles of logs,and a day screen of their own design was also installed in the first place.We caught a lot of things,there were no miracles, but I caught a colored barbel in the air-I'll put it in the definition.We put up a screen at midnight,but it got quite cold and wet, steam was coming out of our mouths,we were not interested in butterflies, although aspen hawkmoth flew in and small things were also present.I caught a heatstroke in a calm, hot environment,and it lasted until Monday.At night we walked along the paths-finally empty, nothing runs.We agreed that they are still struggling with the typographer.Dima will provide a more detailed report with photos.From myself, I note that everything goes a little ahead of the usual departure time for beetles, because all 3 types of monohamuses fly.Examination of the blooming red river. elderberry on the subject of barbel gebleri did not bring results.The new day screen in the first place caught more than half of the copies taken from nature, Dima said-spectacular!!!!

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 05/26/2014 07: 52
Likes: 10

26.05.2014 12:43, Kovalevsky

On the banks of the Teza River there was an abundance of some kind of herbaceous plant with white flowers:

This is Vincetoxicum hirundinaria.
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27.05.2014 14:35, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Hello everyone
On Fri 23rd I visited the Nizovskoe swamp (96 km south of St. Petersburg), it was wildly hot, almost burned out in the sun. There were a lot of cranberries, they were very sweet, juicy and hot, like scrambled eggs. I was pleased with the absence of mosquitoes and horseflies. There were not many butterflies, they flew reluctantly, landed on the trunks of pine trees and immediately ran away to the shady side. Absolutely zero, only deducted. The second female barely unfurled her wings.

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27.05.2014 14:55, Victor Gazanchidis

A day screen of its own design was also installed in the first place.

And what kind of design, can I elaborate?

27.05.2014 19:46, Maksim M.

Victor, B. Coleopter will have a photo in the report,and I will answer your questions in detail.
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28.05.2014 6:15, Maksim M.

Yesterday I did not tell you something...Here..., yesterday I checked the soil traps, in the Zhukovsky district,on the peat pond,4 species of chlenius are regularly caught-tristis, nitidulus, nigricornis and tibialis, after the spread and photo session we will determine until.Yesterday, for the first time on the territory of the Kaluga region, I saw a flying gift, but I couldn't catch it,because after mowing the net was wet.Interesting wasps came across-hind legs with a wheel and round thickenings, walk on the stain-in a very funny way.In the upper reaches of the pond, I reached a middle-aged black-alder grove,where I stuck the last batch of glasses - I hope that a series of clathratus will be caught, because I have a single capture in my collection.The first umbrella plants have appeared,which means that flower barbels will soon appear in everyone's reports...
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28.05.2014 9:01, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Hello everyone
Since there is such a topic here, about plants. Let's go back a bit in time. 16.05.14 near St. Petersburg in the area of Duderhof heights, such a plant was discovered, Petrov's Cross, parasitizes on the roots of hazel. I saw it for the first time in my life.

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28.05.2014 23:48, Black Coleopter

In lieu of a preface: I apologize for the late report. At work, there are solid plugs, there are not enough people, in general, a full 3,14 zdets. If someone suddenly broke the negative-I apologize!!!
Last weekend I got out to the Kaluga region to visit Maksim M. (hereinafter referred to as the Head of Automobile and Technical Support) Oops... the abbreviation turned out to be ugly. shuffle.gif Immediately correct: Head Of Automobile And Material Support.
24.05.2014 11: 30 Moscow. Kievsky railway station. Russian Railways presented a "funny" surprise in the form of the cancellation of the train to Maloyaroslavets. The nearest electric train to Kaluga is about 2 hours away. mad.gif I had to go to the minibus in a hurry.
Lyrical digression: Here you are, my friends, now reading all this and thinking, what are you Coleopter, you tell us about your winning journeys when you start talking about the insect. And I warn you, because suddenly someone will have a desire to visit Kaluga land, and then oblomainis and the train was canceled.
Well, while I was warning you, I've already arrived in Obninsk. Let's go to our first point. Dead logs. Setting up the screen. Cool!!!!! jump.gif It catches things that you can't see with the naked eye. Saperda's priority is scalaris and perforata. The second one is clearly bigger.





And then the evening came, with its chilling coolness. We assembled the screen, checked the traps


and we went to explore a new place for night fishing. Years of disgusting little butterflies. Zhukov 0,0. That's it, let's go home! Everyone sleep!


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29.05.2014 0:06, Black Coleopter

25.05.2014 In the morning, we had breakfast with coffee and sandwiches, then went to another point. Also logs. Target: Barbel Gebleri. K-ry never got caught. But there were Monogamuses. At the same time, they are quite small. But as usual, all good things end quickly and I need to set a course for Moscow. In conclusion, I would like to thank the Head of Automobile and Material Support for the excellent company and good mood.

cute "alarm clock"


Head of Automobile and Material Support (NAMO) at work.
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31.05.2014 0:07, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

cute "alarm clock"

I liked the cat, super ! Did you catch it too ?

31.05.2014 9:57, Maksim M.

The cat is purely domestic.I was not present, otherwise they would have caught a cat, not beetles!!

01.06.2014 18:37, Mantispid


Today we went to Bazarno-Karabulaksky district, near the village of Alekseyevka.

The trip wasn't particularly successful. There are practically no beetles-all bedbugs, mosquitoes and aphids. So for me the first part of the 2014 season is already over)

We also visited the eco-friendly spring "Serebryany".

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01.06.2014 20:14, Oleg Nikolsky

I wonder why so many birches died? Was there a fire, or was it the work of beetles and other green lovers?

01.06.2014 20:25, Maksim M.

Birches in the Voronezh and other southern regions die from excessive heat and lack of rain during the growth period,and remain where there is water.
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01.06.2014 20:38, Mantispid

I wonder why so many birches died? Was there a fire, or was it the work of beetles and other green lovers?

Yes, apparently there was a fire there once. Then the loggers came and decided to cut down everything. As a result, only isolated islands remained from the once solid forest area.
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06.06.2014 20:48, Maksim M.

Over the past week, several times I went to the cherished logs to catch beetles.A lot of things fly and run.Among other things, I came across 2 copies of black macroleptures, I collected serially at least 3 types of os-spangles.On the 4th season of collecting and fishing,there are not so many species that have not yet been caught, but rare ones-they mostly go as bonuses to luck,for example, the same macroleptures - 1 pc per visit,there were no flights or any traces of presence,just about 18-00 flew in and sat on logs...
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08.06.2014 12:43, Kallima

June 7, southern outskirts of the city of Orel, Luzhki settlement, Logonets.

In the steppe fly pigeons Icarus, semiargus, argus, argyrognomon, Amanda. Chervontsy dispar and alcifron fresh, a lot. Hawthorns are female, very few this year. Sennitsa glycerion in the mass.
From the nymphalidae-adippa, fresh eno,
shashechnitsy britomartis/Aurelia?, lone ribbon-bearer Camilla are bred. Xanthomelas and elijah flew out.
I was pleased to find xylocop on flowering Russian cornflowers, they are very rare here.

This post was edited by Kallima - 08.06.2014 12: 45

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10.06.2014 14:54, Василий пенза

6 numbers caught in the village until 1.00. fotik as usual forgot to charge. A lot of cossus cossus, deilephila porcellus, smerinthus ocellata, rhyparia purpurata, diacrisia sannio, one biston betularia, deilephila elpenor, hyles gallii, some kind of gastropacha, and a bunch of scoops and moths that still need to be identified. by the way, leucoma salicis flew only 3 pieces, and then I was afraid that they would climb both in the eyes and in the nose judging by your reviews))) and for some reason, there was not a single Epicallia villica, although in Penza every day they fly to the lantern at work for a week. maybe they and someone else are flying closer to the morning no one noticed?
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11.06.2014 17:50, Yopidou

Villi fly like normal dippers after 12 am. The lack of them in the village can be explained by the hard work of local residents, who pulled out all the nettles and destroyed the station smile.gif
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11.06.2014 19:50, Василий пенза

yes, there are no nettles above the roof, the village is already 80% extinct and the whole district has grown overgrown with it, no one mows, the land is almost all abandoned and many people are even too lazy to plant potatoes. It's just that I probably didn't finish it) last year, Kaya also only flew in after 2 nights.

11.06.2014 19:54, Василий пенза

And the cocoonworms last year all arrived as if by clockwork at 0:00 +/- 10 minutes)

18.06.2014 10:39, Василий пенза

16.06 decided to shine a light in the village. Well, I thought that once at 18.00 +19 at night it will not fall lower, and I lost. At 23.00 it was already +8, at 23.30 it was +6. Accordingly, no years, I sat until 00.30 and curled up. Here is the entire result.
And yesterday, on the way back, I decided to drive to the forest. There are clouds all around, well, I think I'll stop by for at least half an hour. And so it turned out, after half an hour it started to drip and I just managed to leave the dirt road as I charged a concrete torrential rain.
Hundreds of young trees stand gnawed by hordes of Lymantria dispar, probably there will be even more than last year
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18.06.2014 10:44, Василий пенза

By the way, last Saturday, 14.06, I personally met with Iphiclides podalirius in our region for the first time. But since there was no net, he waved his tails at me and flew away, which I don't regret)
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20.06.2014 19:16, Andrei Dolgikh

Dear friends, maybe not quite on the topic, but do we have anyone who catches in Pskov province?

21.06.2014 8:27, Maksim M.

Comrade Nikolos catches approximately there....

21.06.2014 9:58, Nikolos

Dear friends, maybe not quite on the topic, but do we have anyone who catches in Pskov province?

I'm from Pskov, fishing in the Pskov region.

22.06.2014 21:38, Mantispid

Saratov region, Tatishchevsky district, okr. o. p. 799 km,
22. VI. 2014

I was struck by the sea of flowers. A sea of colors. The collection turned out to be very rich, especially Pseudorchestes smreczynskii (Dieckmann, 1958).

picture: sbor_3.jpg
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22.06.2014 21:44, Василий пенза

The sun shone from 20 to 21. At 01: 30 it was +12 overboard, so the night was relatively warm and the wind was light. much more fun than last weekend. Scored a little for the soul) Smerinthus ocellatus arrived with a span of only 59mm (I have not met such yet) taken only for the size. 21 went with his wife for strawberries and along the way decided to look for motley flowers, but a strong wind reduced all efforts to nothing, went back to his wife, and she screams: "go quickly kill some creature in my bucket." the creature was Zygaena osterodensis.

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