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07.03.2016 18:57, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #51009

In general, today the generic name Sevenia. Previously, it was Sallya.

07.03.2016 16:53, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #55116

Asia is different)))

07.03.2016 16:03, Peter Khramov: comment on Dicronychus equiseti

As will be binding not only photos, but also to the species - do not forget to put the point with an appropriate comment.

07.03.2016 15:54, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #51064

Leptotes pirithous???

07.03.2016 15:53, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #51082

Zizeeria knysna???

07.03.2016 15:52, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #51089

Male Zizeeria knysna ????

07.03.2016 15:51, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #51132

Very similar to Leptotes pirithous

07.03.2016 15:49, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #51122

To me, a banal female Zizeeria knysna

07.03.2016 15:40, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11495

With dogs, dogs with them!

07.03.2016 9:52, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #54878

Danaus chrysippus chrysippus, female

07.03.2016 9:49, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #54901

Danaus chrysippus chrysippus, female

07.03.2016 0:14, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #54108

Not been tied.

06.03.2016 23:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #54903

Again ochepyatka ((

06.03.2016 23:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #54896

On the site the correct name, and the author is not present.

06.03.2016 15:08, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #42990

This occurred no later than January 2016.

06.03.2016 13:50, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #51115

Offtopic deleted. The situation is clarified with the geography of Vasily and Dmitry on the phone. If someone were questions on this theme - please start a new topic in the Community and to voice them (issues) there.

06.03.2016 13:19, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #43606

Personal View worthy (of the same name) points. Finding this jewel beetles was for me the main opening of the season 2014 Why is that? This was quite eloquent excerpt from the Red Book of Samara Region: http://rrrcn.ru/kksam-redspecies How many on the edges I have ekskursiroval either before or after this discovery ..... It still remains single.Apparently these words are true of the CC: ". ...

06.03.2016 0:36, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #52175

I do not doubt it, but I may be wrong in their belief)))

06.03.2016 0:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Cepora nerissa

Either I do not have a complete checklist of butterflies of Borneo, or invasion (found in cultivated landscapes).

06.03.2016 0:26, Peter Khramov: comment on “Butterfly” in 300 world languages and dialects

People almost every day on this article walks (upon request). And the more because of the hill (at En version) ...

05.03.2016 23:06, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #52536

And where does Dushanbe? At the station Lepsy Googol finds a place, and after that see 17 km NW: -)

05.03.2016 23:02, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #50733

Well there it is written, it is not necessary to remove. One more thing. New phot - a wild blockage in the shade. There is clearly a compromise is needed.

04.03.2016 23:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #35553

Nothing decided not to. Stas does not appear.

04.03.2016 22:54, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #51117

All the same Madagascar.

03.03.2016 19:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #54425

That's one way to put it...

02.03.2016 17:16, Winner-Arinner: comment on Help the insectoid

Если их не много - то и боятся нечего. Не сожрут они вас и мебель.

01.03.2016 23:05, Atropos: comment on Glowing beetles

Про культивацию светящихся щелкунов больше всех должен знать Vadim Viviani.

01.03.2016 22:52, ИНО: comment on Fireflies, tropical in particular. Luciola aquatilis

В Японии (а также в Юго-Восточной Азии, в частности, в Гонконге) личинки "водяных светлячков", в частности Luciola cruciata, популярны в любительской аквариумистике, так как ведут водный образ жизни.

01.03.2016 22:03, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #53903

Uuuh as well with new types something went!

01.03.2016 20:16, Тьерра: comment on The fat brown bear

Спасибо за ответы.Если найдется поблизости подходящее дерево или пенёк, положу гусеницу за кору. Если нет, попробую вариант с опилками и холодильником.К счастью, гусеница пока не изъявляет желания проснуться и ...

01.03.2016 18:05, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #9258

Thank you!

01.03.2016 17:58, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #49534

Size - about 6 - 7 mm, do not remember exactly, but something like this.

01.03.2016 17:49, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #53686

About plants - I know, I remember about what it looks like, but do not know exactly how the name of this plant species. This year I will move to a new survey format, one or more photos of the insect close-ups from different angles + photo plants with him to see, on the site, these photos will be collected in the same group.I already have these developments, for example - Photo 53650 and 53651.

01.03.2016 15:15, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #53622

I also consulted. :) Other systems treat differently, but probably it is necessary to agree with Matt and Kononenko and combine these two kinds. To avoid duplicates, I unite and brush my doubles.

01.03.2016 12:04, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #53723

Basil, Mr. Shaw are you surezno Sedna?))

01.03.2016 2:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Updated the "My Subscriptions" section of the forum

By the way, those who are there on the site is not particularly regularly, but is it a significant number of comments and / or photos, I highly recommend this section (My News) to quickly navigate especially in the comments of those that concern you.

01.03.2016 1:04, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #53512

Wudi of the frame!

01.03.2016 1:02, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #53720

Lord, but please check the other beetles have been laid out Zoran, if such a thing. Suddenly, even where errors. There they (the beetles) is a little ...

29.02.2016 22:38, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #53310

By the way, yes. Perhaps, in such cases it is necessary to reduce Fautua ... What do you think, John?

29.02.2016 21:49, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #53722

A bit like a Orthogonius suturalis Chaudoir, 1871 http://carabidae.org/carabidae/Orthogonius%20suturalis%206986.jpg, but there is something close.

29.02.2016 19:40, ИНО: comment on Mass breeding of collemboli (Tula region)

Этот ролик обсуждался на форуме уже не однократно. Такое поведение свойственно многим видам нескольких разных родов. Определение данному видео - крутое задание для "Битвы экстрасенсов".

29.02.2016 19:16, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #52948

Yes. I too have overturned beetles. As long as they have me stand on the meaning of "underside".

29.02.2016 19:15, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #53608

Yes, you can find something in the garbage and the more Cleonina. Kazakhstan and later in Asia, the main area. I found a couple of times in the Volga for a long time. Oh, I do not understand, I was already determined to five hours? It fell off, or what? Now again!

29.02.2016 17:48, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #53556

it was very difficult with this photo. That photo shot with a flash, and that - no, a color rendition at the camera, which foty these have been removed, in general any strange. When natural light normally takes places, sometimes - not. On this particular photograph color butterflies generally had some pink and purple.I tried to bring the color closer to the picture with the flash, but still not ...

29.02.2016 17:42, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #53614

With this particular photo that something terrible had happened, because its data is any there in October 2014, but I do remember that this beetle was shooting in the summer at the cottage. Most likely, this is the beginning of 2013. Although not exactly vouch.

29.02.2016 14:33, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #53359

It, and, most likely, acuta. But divination - in Ecuador for at least another 4 species that apparently I do not know.

29.02.2016 13:08, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #53598


28.02.2016 20:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #53228

Dokinul all comments that have been in the English version, but were not in Russian.

28.02.2016 17:26, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #53360

Authomeris, maybe A.liberia

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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