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In my photo collection there is such a colorful autumn photo with the admiral. September 19, 2015, Istra district, Moscow region Pictures:IMG_8750.JPG — (329.81к)
By definition, Gorbunov, Pyrgus armoricanus not present in Kazakhstan, and the copies. It refers toPyrgus serratulae. I think the photos can be transferred.
This female of Balkhash Pavel Gorbunov redefined asChazara persephone. The key to determining served bright white veins on the underside of the rear wings. We copies. meeting in the mountains, colorful veins. Please check and transfer photos.
Thank you, Alexander, so much clearer. Now and in the second image is desired to change the comment. The first image of the form on the network, will be watching experts. :)))
[Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg,28.12.2015 21:12]Why? I thought I'd explained it clearly. Since the Code recommends that taxa names should be given WITHOUT abbreviations, at least when they are first mentioned in the publication (abbreviations are also specified for subsequent references), and the " & " sign is just such an abbreviation, its use can be considered undesirable. What is not understood ...
Sphex funerarius (Gussakovskij, 1934)23mm 29.07.15 Bibione, VE, Italia 45°38'34.2N 13°02'19.7E Pictures:2015_12_28_20_24_49_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg — (323.2к)
Thank you, Eugene! I knew immediately about any shot you write because it including focused assuming here vietinghoffi)) Well, that everything is now on the right places)
By location it's hummeli smaragdulus Kraatz, 1878. It is a volatile form of color. Analyzing these images, his own mistake in previously laid out photos found.
It was necessary to combine. Rhode actually located in this thread:
Agelasa nigriceps Motschulsky, 1861 (Galerucinae) The site was not found
Cyphocrania gigas Linnaeus, 1758 Here is a synonym in the species to which I have now suffered. This is closer to the truth (especially in geography). So now let's leave that.
Belarusian striped.Belarus, Belino village (Borisovsky district, Minsk region,)16.06.2012 Pictures:IMG_153733.JPG — (108.83к) IMG_153833.JPG — (129.62к) IMG_154133.JPG — (80.17к)
This 28-spot Ladybird potato, native entomofauna views Far East, over the summer gives 2 generation and deals in Primorye very considerable damage to potato and not only him - cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers absorbs as successfully throughout the growing season.In August 11d watched the invasion of ladybugs on private gardens in Shkotovsky District, an impressive sight - almost ...
It is necessary to remove from the subspecies I. f. pyrenaeum Germar, 1839 - it is a separate species.
It is necessary to add a sub-species: Perotis lugubris longicollis Kraatz, 1880 (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Russia) Perotis lugubris meridionalis Izzillo & Sparacio, 2011 (Italy) Perotis lugubris mutabilis (Abeille de Perrin, 1896) (Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey) Perotis lugubris transcaspicus (Semenov, 1891) (Iran, Turkmenistan)