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11.12.2015 18:35, PVOzerski: comment on Taxonomy of Chorthippus Fieber, 1852

Вообще, у Сычева целая серия публикаций по группе была, правда, довольно давно. Насколько он прав, насколько нет - это надо разбираться, по идее, опираясь на акустику. А к "партизанщине" прийти легко, когда ты ...

11.12.2015 16:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49859


10.12.2015 22:13, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #49827

Did not have to wait: everything in the database is already in place proved worthwhile: http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id170341/ In short: "Casket was just coming off" :)

10.12.2015 21:30, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #49770

Temporarily set it to the higher taxon.

10.12.2015 12:36, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #49817

Author image not confirm their determination -vyskazyvayutsya others.

10.12.2015 2:16, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #48839

Oh, good life, I did not know him. Thank you. How much shorter mask simpekm have - I do not know. IMHO if shorter, slightly. In general, in this shot, I would not have taken significantly distinguished from halkolestesov simpekm. I called pedisku the most, in my opinion, the likely choice for the Moscow region.Or maybe from that brought imago larvae, and we head to break? :) What is the ...

09.12.2015 15:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #49694

Determined the corrected because under the number 49693 is the definition, for two photos.

09.12.2015 12:16, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49750

Well, just escape from paradise.

08.12.2015 23:16, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49671

And the reason is still unknown.

07.12.2015 23:24, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #47871

?? Cordulia aenea

07.12.2015 16:25, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #49711

Before pupating caterpillars were dokormleny ordinary vegetable garden horseradish (Armoracia).

06.12.2015 21:48, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #37065

To me, it looks more like aPhtheochroa krulikovskiji(Obraztsov, 1944) We should see the first description of both types in a single article, what they look different and how to write krulikovsk iji

06.12.2015 15:34, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Morimus asper

Morimus asper verecundus (Faldermann, 1836) should be removed from the subspecies. Morimus verecundus (Faldermann, 1836) - a separate species: http://cerambycidae.org/taxa/verecundus-(Faldermann-1836) And instead it is necessary to add a subspecies of Morimus asper ganglbaueri Reitter, 1894 : http://cerambycidae.org/taxa/ganglbaueri-Reitter-1894

06.12.2015 13:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on Prumna tristis

Storozhenko S.Yu. BPI FEBRAS writes Prumna tristis

06.12.2015 12:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #49623

"Young" nedookrashenny copies. - I do not presume to species.

06.12.2015 2:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Odonata

Superb! Dragonflies is one of the most trustworthy taxa at the site now.

05.12.2015 20:01, Peter Khramov: comment on For those who upload photos

I was going to when the next major update to the database. However, since it is delayed, it seems, will have to add the most right-handed. And in the future - just the kinds of taxa without curator of the admin is not cleaned. I would add.

05.12.2015 20:00, Ксения2015: comment on Cetonia aurata

Беларусь, г.Борисов, 14.06.2012гСообщение было отредактировано Ксения2015 - 05.12.2015 20:06 Картинки:IMG_150333.JPG — (155.73к)   IMG_150233.JPG — (121.94к)   

05.12.2015 15:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49084

I propose to take the time and make the most correct, and if to something hands do not reach, simply otkladvat until the side.

05.12.2015 11:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #44953

Can Acleris pulchella Primorye in its subspecies mundana ?. But this is only speculation.

05.12.2015 10:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #48005

Determination author: Bicolorana roeselii (Hagenbach, 1822)

05.12.2015 10:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #47604

Determination author: Bicolorana roeselii (Hagenbach, 1822)

05.12.2015 9:59, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #49539

I apologize for the inconvenience. I used to use Yandex cards and somehow did not think that someone may cause such difficulties. From now on, I will consider it.

04.12.2015 20:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #49225

Done :)

04.12.2015 20:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #47902

It is necessary to add a subspecies of Lytta vesicatoria togata Fischer von Waldheim, 1844 : http://www.meloidae.com/en/pictures/31471/?s=1 And then move to it :)

04.12.2015 19:19, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #49530

Neighborhoods Volgograd.

04.12.2015 19:10, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #49542

Neighborhoods Volgograd.

04.12.2015 19:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #47152

By analogy with the photo in the group.

04.12.2015 18:13, Victor Titov: comment on Help me identify who it is?

  Думаю ответ, тянет на 5ть баллов!!!Посмотрел указанную ссылку - совпадает на 90%.Теперь загадка как она могла попасть в организм или дыхательные пути, да ещё практически в зимнее время года!!! ???Ну и вопрос: ...

04.12.2015 12:10, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #44869

I got error transfer, put into place :)

03.12.2015 20:43, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #49545

Place shooting date !?

03.12.2015 20:34, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #49497

If this is the Lower Volga region, how can I assume that Acmaeoderella flavofasciata. If somewhere in the exotic, then ... indicates the location / date of recording!

03.12.2015 20:23, Jukoman: comment on Chukotka

Уважаемые коллеги, есть кто-нибудь с Чукотки (как бы это странным не звучало)? Или кто-нибудь может там не живет, но бывает в летний период?Мне нужен биологический материал с этих мест по почвенным клещам (т.е. по всем, ...

03.12.2015 20:14, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #49494

Ivan, I realize that in our area of ​​other species (or similar) is not (but I understand) so indicate the place / date of recording must be as accurate as possible, otherwise the value of your image is almost zero (especially if the author of the image does not know that relieves or ukakzyvaet species affiliation)!

03.12.2015 19:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #49481

Where the date of the picture and geography?

03.12.2015 18:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49441

Eugene, and do not undercut Fautua tightly? God be with him, which is less than 320 turned out ...

03.12.2015 17:57, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Curculio achilleae

My opinion, yes! I was there for similar problems in this kind in the system area wrote - must somehow decide.

02.12.2015 23:26, Mihail Nyzhnikov: comment on photo #49422

I agree. Uchtu!

02.12.2015 22:20, ihlindham: comment on Insects for insect control

  Думаю, на Ваш вопрос лучше ответят специалисты из института защиты растений (ВИЗР, Санкт-Петербург). Есть там лаборатория-инсектарий, которая занимается подобными вопросами. Телефон лаборатории  - (812) 4-76-32-01.А в ...

02.12.2015 15:04, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #49331

Yes please)))

01.12.2015 17:41, Peter Khramov: comment on Agonopterix propinquella

Victoria, with the need to specify the accuracy with which the information is given in the source you are using. At the same time, if possible, the data is downloaded via the link "Add information about a" right at the top of the page essay species. However, if the source data is not already in the list of references, it will need to make.A formalized data for the region will be the moderator.

30.11.2015 21:26, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49308

Acronicta tridens?

30.11.2015 21:24, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49303

Acronicta psi?

30.11.2015 21:23, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49304

Perhaps,Acronicta psi?

30.11.2015 21:22, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49306

Acronicta cuspis?

30.11.2015 18:42, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #49288

In what antiquity! :)

30.11.2015 11:11, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #49269

Without geography is not exactly happen. :(

29.11.2015 8:30, Ксения2015: comment on A. crataegi

Беларусь, санаторий"Белино" под г.Борисов.14.06.2012г. Картинки:IMG_135833.JPG — (101.92к)   

28.11.2015 21:39, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #49187

The base of the transfer in a personal message :))

28.11.2015 18:44, Ксения2015: comment on

Надо же, бабочка -из красивейших, а тема еле нашлась, и мало фото. Беларусь, под Минском, 22.07.2007г. Картинки:IMG_330133_.jpg — (167.25к)   

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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