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28.11.2015 21:39, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #49187

The base of the transfer in a personal message :))

28.11.2015 18:44, Ксения2015: comment on

Надо же, бабочка -из красивейших, а тема еле нашлась, и мало фото. Беларусь, под Минском, 22.07.2007г. Картинки:IMG_330133_.jpg — (167.25к)   

27.11.2015 16:34, Ivan Tislenko: comment on photo #44377

Thank you! I did female.

27.11.2015 14:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49180

Vladimir, thank you!

27.11.2015 12:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #49181

Vasily, thank you!

26.11.2015 23:55, Triplaxxx: comment on Identification of Hemiptera

Уже существует тема для определения клопов.А на снимке Peribalus (Peribalus) strictus (Fabricius, 1803).

26.11.2015 9:36, Zunimassa: comment on Mounting of insects

Скажите пожалуйста где и какой картон можно купить для самодельных плашек.нужен бескислотный.где такой достать?

25.11.2015 21:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #49079

Said Eugene) Thank you. Of course, I later poshamanil this specimen. (Glory to God in the collection and do not get out) and replace. True quality of the mat. base that I can not guarantee ( Nevertheless, I will try.

25.11.2015 8:20, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #26971

Here on the site Ypthima sempera - subspecies Ypthima pandocus

24.11.2015 23:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on The bugs with species text info uploading were fixed

Peter, it is necessary to modify the field and "Synonyms and combinations of the generic" for them to ship directly to both versions. Especially infa in this field is given to Latin and accordingly the drum to which version of her ship. "Latin, she and Africa Latin" :)

24.11.2015 23:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #32505

Well, people do write: -) Another thing is that for the collection of copies ought to write the time and place of fishing, not shooting.

24.11.2015 21:51, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #48123

Eugene, this is better: Nikolaev GV Plastinchatousye beetles (Scarabaeoidea) in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. - Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1987. - 232 A bend elytra, alas, not a sign - it is more difficult, although G. aciculatus the only one in the former Soviet Union with a metallic sheen and is determined immediately. On your picture is not very clear.

24.11.2015 21:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #39016

Dim, pay attention - I forget the name change is defined for transfer.

24.11.2015 19:29, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49035

Perhaps,Protoboarmia faustinata?

24.11.2015 13:50, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49034

GuessThalera chlorosaria

24.11.2015 13:49, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49032

Eupithecia abietaria?

24.11.2015 13:48, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49031

Ectropis excellens?

24.11.2015 13:48, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49030

Ectropis excellens?

24.11.2015 0:21, Wild Yuri: comment on And again, what a bug

Выкидывать мешок семечек? Я бы поджарил!

24.11.2015 0:14, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #49026

On the RFE 3 types Moma - alpium, kolthoffi and tsushimana. Reliable different genitals. In the "Keys to the insects DDA" v.5. Part 4 of the external differences only the color specified patagy. On the Japanese site has found a reference to a golden brown color sling along the outer edge of the PC (as opposed to dark gray or alpium) and yellow-brown in the color of the upper side of the chest at ...

23.11.2015 21:45, Vladimir Zryanin: comment on photo #48459

This is a working Camponotus maculatus, as other pictures of Hurghada

23.11.2015 21:32, Eugene Davkaev: comment on photo #47543

Eugene, unfortunately other frames of these beetles there, and then I have them, of course, would be laid.

22.11.2015 15:26, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on Lestes

The genus Lestes viridis kind of author you need without brackets (but with a capital letter). But it will still translate into a race Chalcolestes, and there will brackets. :)

22.11.2015 1:14, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #48962

In support there is one (but not sharp) picture the same butterfly with HCC, the colors that are typical for this type of wing, as it were divided into two quite contrasting colored part http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/51_Tortricidae/5001%20Tortricinae/500104_Archips/50010403_Archips_ingentanus_0090/Archips_ingentanus.htm

22.11.2015 1:08, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #48961

I think here the femaleArchips ingentanus http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/51_Tortricidae/5001%20Tortricinae/500104_Archips/50010403_Archips_ingentanus_0090/Archips_ingentanus_010725632.jpg http://moth2001.web.fc2.com/3-136.html Revised 15 species of coastal Archips, find all pictures of males, females - are not found two species, so she did not dare to put in inaccurate ingentanus.

21.11.2015 16:48, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #48864

Peter wrote under the photo, as an explanation of why it stopped in this form of the three friends. I collect and transfer to the form later (but pages with -us and -a need to combine)

21.11.2015 12:09, Irina Nikulina: comment on Olethreutes captiosana

The double type http://insecta.pro/ru/taxonomy/20740

21.11.2015 11:52, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #48860

In Primorye, about 18-20 species Nemophora, images 4-5-minute unlikely to get found online, and have a group of species, outwardly similar to theNemophora staudingerella, for example, bellela, karafutonis, lapikella, amatella. So, perhaps, be it in a certain kind to, or can, as in the case http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/10769 put in imprecisely defined to staudingerella (MG Ponomarenko identified ...

21.11.2015 11:47, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #48865

All 4 types Athrips, living in Primorye looked.

20.11.2015 11:42, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #16845

Almost double Photo # 15957.

19.11.2015 23:29, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #48702


19.11.2015 23:24, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #48696


19.11.2015 23:17, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #48693


19.11.2015 13:48, AnnaKet: comment on Is this possible? Midges of the family Simuliidae

Видите, (и все-таки, милый) Ино, большинству не очень понятно почему можно не спать почти до рассвета, т.е. не понять Вашу беду. Так же большинству не понять мою проблему, странную чесотку, которой почему-то никто вокруг ...

18.11.2015 16:39, Peter Khramov: comment on Liocola

For the future: Comment logical to leave on the page of the form, not kind.

18.11.2015 8:12, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #42719

A. Kupyanskaya confirms identification of the species as Camponotus japonicus.

17.11.2015 22:50, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Double aka @@ to mark taxa names in comments

Peter, this is, if the search is not immediately found an option that suits and you have to move on (popped up several dozens of identical names of different taxa, and the seeker can not choose). You press again to go to the search box to the left and now there if a second press in the search box in 90-100% of cases take off in english.Simply put, the search in the secondary (left or use the ...

17.11.2015 17:19, Victor Titov: comment on Insects from hamster burrows

16.11.2015 22:33, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #48284

I would categorically osterёgsya refer these specimens to C. splendens. For the taxonomy of the genus is very confusing; for the region indicated several "types" (?), the symptoms of which are not entirely clear; urgently needed revision. The same applies to several adjacent images.

16.11.2015 19:59, Vladimir Zryanin: comment on photo #47771

I agree that the view from the group Formica rufa. Belonging to F. polyctena this snapshot can not be established.

16.11.2015 17:58, Evgeny Komarov: comment on What is now Ok for apple trees caterpillars poisoning?


16.11.2015 14:23, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #48154

Yes, like no doubt.

15.11.2015 23:41, Peter Khramov: comment on Cyligramma

Igor, thanks for the tip. Reserves removed.

15.11.2015 22:05, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #48172

Most Scleropatrum.

15.11.2015 20:53, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #48143

Perhaps,Scopula superior? http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/74_Geometridae/72.8_Sterrhinae/2267Scopula/2292Scopula_superior/D.JPG But we need a specialist opinion.

15.11.2015 20:24, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #12803

ulula it?

15.11.2015 20:16, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #44295

Anatoliy that tell about the date?

15.11.2015 19:30, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #48043

Do not minor, rather it Pterostichus (Phonias) strenuus (Panzer, 1796), but can not see a number of signs, the size of the photo is not appreciated therefore 100%.

15.11.2015 19:01, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #48046

Zabrus tenebrioides - tremendous rarity for Moscow region (the northern boundary of the range).

15.11.2015 18:37, Stan Korb: comment on photo #35554

Polyommatus rueckbeili gorthaur

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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