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26.08.2015 19:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #11941

Thanks, Theodore. Done.

26.08.2015 16:19, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41034

Instead, the line should just note the size in the comment to the photo. It will not disfigure Fautua and thus serve as a more accurate data.

26.08.2015 13:32, Sergey Pushkin: comment on Morimus verecundus Fald.

сорный не то слово. Отдыхая на базе Уют в Каменномостском в срубленных домиках вылазил вечером из бревна, потом к утру залазил обратно. Десять дней наблюдал. На следующий год поеду посмотрю что с домиком.

26.08.2015 13:29, ol3man: comment on Can you tell me what it is?

Здравствуйте, подскажите, что за множество червячков ?!Высыпали на асфальте кучей черных пятен вдоль бордюров. Кучками по 20-25 см в диаметре. Картинки:20150826_130319.jpg — (296.8к)   

25.08.2015 23:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #37788

Ok, removed.

25.08.2015 21:23, Peter Khramov: comment on Run Insecta.pro: website beetles pereponam and other insects, including butterflies

Updated system ants, now it must be close to perfect. It remains only to connect sinoinmy and (probably) extinct species.

25.08.2015 21:08, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #41345

Alexander, I think, that your copy - it's a male E. core godartii f. layardi (http://yutaka.it-n.jp/dan/30270020.html)

25.08.2015 20:48, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #42322

Why undetectable? Very define. Both males definable. Tomorrow will try to lay out different subspecies.

25.08.2015 20:18, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #42392

It is not a mistake, it was a typo, because of the rush. :)

25.08.2015 19:37, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #42371

How about a photo 41345. I have a few caught in the winds and Tae. I'll lay out and check.

25.08.2015 17:17, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42379

Lays an egg.

25.08.2015 15:44, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #42373


25.08.2015 13:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42376

Restore the original determination after glitch gallery.

25.08.2015 8:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42356

One bablchka - one glass (not plastic) .morilka which threaded ethyl acetate. Ethyl acetate addition to being well zamarivaet is also a plasticizer: for insect chitin therefore been killed after his pairs well straightened.If not at hand will approach pure ethyl acetate and liquid nail polish remover without acetone, he replaced it usually ethyl acetate. "Weasel," etc. (must read part). Nails and ...

25.08.2015 7:53, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #42372

Fedor. Check out my 41345. Can the same form?

24.08.2015 18:19, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #42289

Pelopidas mathias, imprecise definition

24.08.2015 18:19, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #42290

Pelopidas mathias, imprecise definition

24.08.2015 18:18, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #42194

Pelopidas mathias, imprecise definition

24.08.2015 16:33, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41746

Thank you Alexander! I did not think that this is determined by dribs and drabs.

24.08.2015 15:43, Leon Ortlieb: comment on Pictures eggs

Excellent shooting experience! Like. Also somehow I like micro photography. He became interested in .. Butterflies patterns are impressive. Here example of the kind caligo memnon: ...

24.08.2015 15:20, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42367

Question .. Last time I put the male Polyommatus icarus, is now female, and to the underside with an almost-open wings. It seems to me now represented in the collection are .. Do I need to, and whether it makes sense to put this kind of still on different food plants (like here on the daisy) and the next.visits to other plant species, (color), on which it feeds? Of course not meaning just sat ...

24.08.2015 15:04, Alexander Belousov: comment on Ornithoptera priamus

Why do twice the same subspecies listed? Such a long list turned out.

24.08.2015 9:10, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #42350

Thank you, Vasily =)

24.08.2015 7:45, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #42284

Yes, in the subfamily Eublemminae not looking.

24.08.2015 5:27, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42362

The reason for changing the definition of authorship served adjacent to the butterfly group, which yesterday was identified by Alexander.

24.08.2015 2:57, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41107

While in the specification or in the comments to the photos would prescribe that the hybrid, and when that section or under them have guessed, you can quickly find all foty and transfer section.

23.08.2015 23:40, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3018

With fotami corrected, now displays all the rules. As for the anchor links - I understand you.

23.08.2015 23:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #42330

Now foty all reduced to a size to fit into a rectangle 1280x768 pixels. With a decrease in image quality may be slightly reduced because program on the website pictures shakes worse than, for example, Photoshop. If you want that Fota did not change their size - will ship it directly to the amount specified above. Iemake it fit into a rectangle the size of 1280x768 (W x H).

23.08.2015 23:03, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #42333

Leon, the Old ask about adding a page of the form (there special link available) rather than pictures on the page.

23.08.2015 14:49, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42331

Nicholas, if you want to know those people in person, please visit the museum http://www.insecta-web.org/MWM/ on the left side of the column, the word museum will add. Column Wissenschaftler, click and you'll see many Russian names. If they know, they talk more than I .. However, it must be so, internationally.And dividing by Pindos Pindos or is not present among normal individuals. This ...

23.08.2015 13:54, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #42323

Hmm ... With white balance bedaaa. Waiting substitution photo :)

23.08.2015 8:38, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on Zizina otis

According to this source ([9] Tree of Life (funet.fi), 2012), there is a subspecies Z. o. sangra (Moore, [1866]). Please add.

21.08.2015 14:16, Artem Strizhov: comment on photo #42297


21.08.2015 6:39, Artem Strizhov: comment on photo #42306

Large tortoiseshell black and red

20.08.2015 23:02, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42307

He arrested her and planted tomato sheets in a cell. Maybe someday it hatches. Like the caterpillar of garden shovels? Or anyone else that sees to the caterpillar?

20.08.2015 11:21, Peter Khramov: comment on Araschnia levana

That tree taxa general form appeared - my oversight. Now they are removed from there. And, of course, no bindings fot the forms should not be only to taxa. He returned the pictures back. The forms are recorded only in the specification for photos or comments to her.

20.08.2015 10:12, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #42266

I used to think that it Pandemis =)

20.08.2015 8:57, Shamil Murtazin: comment on 2 photo galleries online: basic and additional. Discussion

Peter, I do not understand what there kollazhik draw. I mean, you can just substantively discuss the numbers of photos. Or do something else waiting for? Drew plate as an example. Just a person perceives the information not as a string, ielook at the photos does not slide in line with the text, and if you do not start to allocate one line, it is likely that the user will not even notice them. ...

19.08.2015 22:30, Daria Milkova: comment on photo #41736

Basil, I hope!

19.08.2015 22:10, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42291

Not a healthy interest in sex ... (Spider looks out from under the sheet).

19.08.2015 16:41, Peter Khramov: comment on Now you can attach a photo, not only to species but also subspecies, as well as supra taxa

Different people need different sample. And another opportunity to hurt nobody. As for the technical part - the sample well subspecies check glitches in the binding. Imprecisely to the genus and family can be exactly the same as before the species. Like, that's the kind of, but not 100% sure.Not with regards to the theme - as I wrote above, the tree taxa need to rectify, this is no argument ...

19.08.2015 14:59, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #28893

Just now some changes appointment of the second line ("Update"). Now, to write: 1. Shapes, morphs, etc. (as before) 2.Subspecies only if the site is not yet wound up appropriate subspecies, and therefore it is impossible to snap a photo directly (before the subspecies does not tied, so always wrote subtypes, regardless of whether the desired site). Do you agree?

19.08.2015 14:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Ideopsis

Thanks for the tip, fixed.

19.08.2015 14:06, Peter Khramov: comment on Improvements "galleries" on the pages of taxa

But who and how will note that they are different species? Prog, after all, is unknown, different or not they are different. She knows only that the determination to superspecies taxon, not to the species, and it adds an automatic "sp".

19.08.2015 0:39, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #33852

By analogy with other photos from the same individual. Vasily confirm.

18.08.2015 19:29, Svetlana Shchavelina: comment on photo #41334

№41333 and №41334 - double

18.08.2015 18:24, ИНО: comment on How to get rid of caddisfly imagoes?

Буду, но только с доставкой.

18.08.2015 13:29, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #41637

Can someone clarify or so inaccurate to leave? ..

18.08.2015 0:54, Shamil Murtazin: comment on Zygaena lonicerae

Hmm, on the wings of color - green. Interrogative. This refers to a reflection? ..

17.08.2015 19:42, ИНО: comment on Roisterer

Смотря кто путать будет. Хоть с мертвой головой. Подозреваю, что Вы - ни с кем. А про опыт определения гусениц Johnsonbl4 ничего не знаю, поэтому и задаю вопрос. Жалко ведь будет, если вдруг гусеницу из гуманистических ...

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