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17.08.2015 18:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42227

What did these points are not in the MO? From here and and.

17.08.2015 14:48, Victor Titov: comment on Arocatus melanocephalus - how to get rid of it?

  Можно как нибудь от них избовиться?У меня под окном 2 дуба. Читал что москитные сетки и диклофос не помогаютНу, не дубы же рубить/спиливать! Я ж Вам уже писал: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1572871 -

17.08.2015 14:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #38322

Maripozas! ZY For blozhika not useful on a trip to the zoo entot?

17.08.2015 2:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #14021

Clean meaningless. If anyone has something to report from personal observation in addition to infe site - for this is the appropriate section labeled Message.

17.08.2015 2:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #42229

Many times discussed. Russian names can be arbitrary. If in a nearby village called paradise A. paphia kozlodoem let is called. That's what she and Latin, to a Russian names can be treated ... No.

17.08.2015 1:44, Peter Khramov: comment on About blogs on the site

When there are materials whose contents need to be divided into major and minor parts - do that, no problem.

16.08.2015 22:38, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #42226

Of course the second option. = Verify)

16.08.2015 22:04, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #27546

Determination confirmed Evgeniy Belyaev, a leading expert on moths and LW Igor Kostyuk, one of the leading experts on moths Europe. Plus proof Tatiana Gordeeva, scientists at jacobsoni. I rather. :)))

16.08.2015 19:50, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #22543

Basil Alexander, now convincing.

16.08.2015 18:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #35242


14.08.2015 23:33, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42208

Gore, of course it loudly. Just a couple of hundred meters. For local farmers that fancies a mountain, and for the guys from the Tian Shan, a mountain that is the navel ..

14.08.2015 21:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42119

Peter decided you this example to show the essence of Gluck) The right side here without thumbnails and write other pictures of this kind yet. But clicking on the link Description Anarta trifolii and looking at the right side to understand what is actually kind of photos online dofiga and more. And it seems not a single glitch, and mass.I do not know what it is connected, but it is ...

14.08.2015 20:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42207

It is no doubt, and can not be. Alexander in this line should be entered completely different. Konretno: "Clarification of classification (subspecies, shape, age). For example, the light shape or larva of the third age" All inappropriate subject line out mercilessly scrubbed moderators.Doubts here in the comments to the photo and nowhere else)))

14.08.2015 14:36, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #42197

Sliznevidki still cosmic beasts)))

14.08.2015 11:05, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41820

Why can not tolerate?

14.08.2015 1:49, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #42177


13.08.2015 23:58, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41851

Peter suffered in vain. The genus other types have a check is nowhere: the site had to die (

13.08.2015 21:41, Peter Khramov: comment on Hadena filigrama

H. filigrama. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/resources/research-curation/projects/lepindex/ViadocsImages/Noctuoidea/Noctuidae/Hadeninae/199A/FC-Noctuoidea-Noctuidae-Hadeninae-199A-223933.JPG

13.08.2015 20:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #34256

Well then, so be it)) Just light it you have some) That's what affinis in Moscow: http://insectamo.ru/component/content/article/98-hete/noctuidae/1414-cosmia-affinis On both sides darker. Therefore the question has arisen)

13.08.2015 19:50, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #30001

And I think that this is something of a kind Bertula

13.08.2015 19:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41641

Check. I put in inaccurate, although I think that this is it.

13.08.2015 18:21, FILLIN: comment on Sell larvae of large Bronzes

ДРУЗЬЯ!РАДЫ СООБЩИТЬ О ПОПОЛНЕНИИ видов, которые сейчас УЖЕ в ПРОДАЖЕ! ИТАК:Goliathus goliatus L2/1шт - 2000рMecynorrhina polyphemus L1/1шт - 700рПишите на почтуfilinpro@bk.ruСообщение было отредактировано FILLIN - 13.08.2015 18:22 ...

13.08.2015 15:49, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #42175

Update as of mats. Yuri, ideally need to catch this species and to investigate. In the instance depicted Kononenko strigula of Primorye, but on the map of areas for Primorye points for strigula not drawn only shaded area west of the Urals, which is suggestive. It is quite possible that this is closely related species, which differ only in the genitals.Other nolid its tables differ in appearance ...

13.08.2015 15:05, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #42176

With regard to color shifts. Only the author of the image, and then only with a fresh mind can say what shade a butterfly. Place this file on purpose, in order to compare with http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/42175 .. On both images no color shift, those. shades are what were at the time of the shooting.

13.08.2015 7:07, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #42163

Not necessarily blueberries. She did polyphage. It is simply a list of kormovuhi was cut very much. Expand it)))

12.08.2015 23:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #42173

Leon, on the future - because Comment refers to the mind, not the pictures, it is best to post it on the page type http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/8539. There you can wait for an answer and quickly ...

12.08.2015 21:35, Aleksandr Safronov: comment on Subgenus Lipaster (Carabus)

Carabus (Lipaster) stjernvalli s. str. Mannerheim, 1830Грузия, Аджаро-Имеретинский хр., окр. п. Озургети, h=2200 м.VI-2015 Картинки:Gomi_mix.jpg — (123.45к)   

12.08.2015 18:44, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #42167

Yeah, I figured. Forgotten, that is old-school forum. Here you can not just copy the link, you must first click on it =)

12.08.2015 17:54, Peter Khramov: comment on Entomology services online, Available/not available, needed / not needed

На Инсекте будет хороший раздел муравьев с грамотным куратором. Так что за районирование не беспокойтесь :--)

12.08.2015 15:17, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #42157

Sometimes fly)))

12.08.2015 13:00, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #42147

Dmitri, about the rooms - everything just write in the system area.

11.08.2015 23:14, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42155

The Germans gave the revelers NAME pigeon's tail. Perhaps there is something ..

10.08.2015 19:10, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #35107

Pts. similar to diaethria clymena

10.08.2015 15:59, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #42102

Goodness! Simple and Research in quotes .. Okay. I can perefotat German determinant table, no question. Something to translate if necessary. But of course, these tables can not be exhibited here, and it is necessary to make your own. And with improvements. If you need to give the address of Internet - shop where the determinant of the day butterflies there.

09.08.2015 22:50, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41960

Eugene, in the upper box, write comments in Russian, and in the bottom (optional, if you can / wish) - in English. OK?

09.08.2015 22:40, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #41957

...or C. hyale...

09.08.2015 18:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Changes in the publication of photos

1. Copyright is already now beginning to be put in a Lepidoptera.pro, and on Insecta.pro. 2. When the page is loaded with the type or photo will fly glitch with hyphens (earlier if the name of the species contained a hyphen (Polygonia c-album, etc.), the Fota could not attached to the form. Now all the rules. 3.Increased the size of the maximum size of the photos (those that pop up when you ...

09.08.2015 16:16, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #42125

1). Feed. As stated in the article http://sadvred.ru/poleznye-nasekomye/153-apanteles.html cottagers do not have to take up the sprayer. All the work for them, make them one APANTELES, while vegetables are environmentally friendly. 2). Knowing who they are. People stop to remove the same, these yellow cabbage pupa, stops them considered as pests.Someone maybe curiosity will move more ...

09.08.2015 15:41, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #42088

Repaired. Now it works and for downloading from the species or from the gallery.

09.08.2015 12:42, Igor Ivannikov: comment on photo #42126

I replaced the photo on larger, photos 42111 and 42110 can be removed.

09.08.2015 5:14, Hierophis: comment on Collecting crickets from burrows

  Человеку, упорно отказывающегося читать и понимать мои элементарно простые фразы, я ответить бессилен.Бррр..Как-то не похожа на элементарно простую фраза "Человеку, упорно отказывающегося читать" )))  Сколько ...

08.08.2015 18:05, Black Coleopter: comment on Andrey Ukrainsky died

Сегодня Андрею исполнилось бы 32 года. Помним, любим, скорбим!!!

07.08.2015 22:48, Peter Khramov: comment on Overdue. Discussion of the structure of members / moderators / facilitators on the site. A set of new people with new functionality

Thank you call each other, discuss!

07.08.2015 18:31, Hierophis: comment on Sociality of insects, and their brains

Эзокс, иш чего захотел!! Вдруг идею украдут )))

06.08.2015 22:05, Peter Khramov: comment on Illustrations for all the butterflies of Russia

That is progress because progress.

05.08.2015 23:52, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Phymata bedbeetles

Дорогие коллеги, добрый день!Может быть кто-то сможет помочь в описанном ниже вопросе?Нужны клопы рода Phymata - из любых мест, особенно все,что между Каспием и Китаем Я готов помочь переслать материал в Австрию.Спасибо ...

05.08.2015 19:39, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #26224

Yeah. Nun collectively affect!

05.08.2015 16:34, Peter Khramov: comment on Muscovites who is a bird !!!

Answered phone.

04.08.2015 23:27, Bad Den: comment on Question to our specialists

  Всё, спасибо, номер пять на данном рисунке, на мой взгляд тему раскрыл. Пойду за мухобойкой и поставлю на место Валерьянку с Корвалолом..."Шёпотом" Жену успокоил, фото аналогичное рисунку не нашел, все а ля ...

04.08.2015 21:32, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #42087

They are there a bunch!

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