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27.07.2015 16:27, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #18374

Yes, I do not mind. The Japanese, too, think it is not a first-grader. All wrong. It is best to double-check

27.07.2015 13:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41915

Both fly only in the way: he caught :) They are like all kryglosutochnye)

27.07.2015 10:06, Tatiana Selena: comment on photo #41735

I see. Thanks!

27.07.2015 7:57, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41906

Clearly, you can not shoot, and here not to throw.

26.07.2015 20:51, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41891

All right.

26.07.2015 18:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Temporarily disable editing base taxa

Messrs curators base taxa until the editing, now there is a synchronization of two databases. How to end this thing - I will inform you further. Messrs users, keep in mind that during the synchronization curators fail to fulfill your requests to add / change in the position of taxa in the tree.

26.07.2015 16:51, Daria Milkova: comment on photo #41741

:-) Check up

26.07.2015 14:57, Daria Milkova: comment on photo #41748

I keep forgetting to remove it. But I'll try!

26.07.2015 14:12, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #41839

Citheronia sp...

26.07.2015 14:05, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #41838

Automeris sp. View to the rear or even a size

26.07.2015 9:27, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #41695

Caterpillar last 41570 years, and far more young 31286 :) there is no past ages with a large head. The structure ornaments caterpillars like.

26.07.2015 8:28, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41734

Thank you, Alexander! Who is correct.

26.07.2015 8:26, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #41733

Will female. :)

26.07.2015 2:09, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #27329

A Lymantria mathura it? Like everywhere, from pink neparnika pink paws. Here we see the gray. Can anyone say why such a difference in color? The site is with yellow paws, about them at say.

26.07.2015 1:31, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41654


25.07.2015 23:11, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #41724

One admiral his underwear collection in lingerie ..

25.07.2015 21:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41693

That's for sure.

25.07.2015 19:43, Peter Khramov: comment on Wishes to textual information that you publish on the site

Citizens! Please! Wherever you post some text infu (comments, information about the forms, captions fotam etc.), write as fully as possible, and reducing use only the most obvious. It is necessary for a more adequate translation of information into other languages, we are now in a strong start to sculpt a greater extent than before.Part of machine translation is used, and for him like this, for ...

25.07.2015 18:51, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #41700

Jury to determine that it may not give, only added to the gallery freak. :(

25.07.2015 12:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Buy or rent a Malaise trap

В Москве. Желательно (но необязательно), в эти выходные или понедельник/вторник. Желательно (но необязательно) производства Энтосфинкса.Контакты: ЛС на форуме. Почта и телефон есть тут: http://lepidoptera.ru/contacts

25.07.2015 4:41, Transilvania: comment on Kozheedy! Urgently!

Никогда не видела дом, кишащий жуками. Мне даже интересно увидеть такой апокалипсис :-)Один друг жаловался, что у него в квартире моль просто толпами летает. Выбросил все сухофрукты - и моль исчезла.

25.07.2015 1:38, JonyVegas: comment on The microscope

ПРОДАЮ СРОЧНО. Premiere® MS-03L Характеристики:• 10X окуляр со шкалой указателя • Монокуляр вращающейся на 360 ° • DIN ахроматический парфокальный и parcentered Цели 4X, 10X, 40XR и 100XR (масло) • Общая 40X для увеличения 1000X • грубого и ...

24.07.2015 17:39, Peter Khramov: comment on Limenitis camilla

Looks like a bug of some kind. He Added.

24.07.2015 11:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Euploea eunice

Leave - Butler described it in 1866! Felder describe real Euploea hewitsonii in 1865 !!! Everything is fine)))

23.07.2015 19:30, lazardin: comment on Exchange only

Может кому нужно

23.07.2015 4:49, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41668

No group is not defined by genitalia - Kirpichnikova VA Gornotaёzhnaya station FEB RAS.

22.07.2015 17:32, Alexander Belousov: comment on Butterflies and moths breeding

Thank you for your participation, but how to bring up and bring to the adult stage, I know. I have a specific case - Apollo. With him I was not the case. Here advice is needed for the storage of masonry today. In winter, it is clear - a refrigerator, and now what? Leave the room, on the street? There is +38 ° + 44 °, houses + 31 °. The biotope dispersion of heat per day from day 35 ° to 3 ° ...

22.07.2015 7:13, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41653

The site she Aphomia zelleri (Joannis, 1932)

21.07.2015 18:52, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #31614

The underside is not still

21.07.2015 10:55, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #41644

Thank you, Eugene! Hmm, no pictures in the determinant of this kind =)

21.07.2015 1:03, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #3116

Only this handsome, because male))))

20.07.2015 22:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41633

Until this season Pheosia gnoma considered infrequent in their territories: all time come across similar speciesPheosia tremula. And this summer, as the burst: all time comes when she and Pheosia tremula - no .... Truly strange things)))

20.07.2015 17:46, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #41626

And where all the initial butterflies? Geography? Date?

20.07.2015 15:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #41482

Understood thanks. Just 41481, the same author identified V. Sergienko. It seemed to me that this is one butterfly.

20.07.2015 15:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Clossiana iphigenia

And who will decide? This case is the curator of the group who does not live on the site .....

20.07.2015 14:49, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #37350

Reserves Photo # 37717

20.07.2015 14:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41586

It is necessary to indicate when it is clear from the photo. I specifically for this picture is clear: why have. Where not so clearly seen to indicate it is not necessary, of course)))

20.07.2015 12:50, Daria Milkova: comment on photo #41578

Vasily, thank you!

20.07.2015 8:23, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #41588

Thank you!

19.07.2015 22:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Thumatha senex

We have somewhere in the same way. 16 - July took a series)

19.07.2015 16:35, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #31749

Now it is possible and probably deleted as well as http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/33171

19.07.2015 15:45, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41570

Last age

19.07.2015 15:02, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #41526

Watched all Hypena, I put technically wrong, technical error :)

17.07.2015 14:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41523

Vladimir photos never in abundance. Especially, if these photos from different places))) If space on the site allows - it means it is necessary to place. There is nothing criminal in this: individuals of all different photo and should be a maximum of possibilities for comparison.

17.07.2015 13:46, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41519

I add perhaps another supporting point zreniya.Matov AY I determined it exactly the same. As he says, it is quite common in mixed and deciduous forests of Primorye. It is strange that it is the first site.

16.07.2015 20:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #5127

Andrew, is apparently the same as the butterfly that number 5126?

16.07.2015 20:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #14285

For the accuracy of geographic data :) 43 kilometer, which is in the Noginsk district of Defense has never been a station: all life is a "dacha" platform. Located from my town a few stops on the train, Therefore I know for sure)))

16.07.2015 18:33, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Elachistidae Bruand, 1851

Не нашел я по ним темы и поэтому решил создать таковую Начну с очень крупного азиатского вида с распространением: Таиланд, Западная Малайзия, Бруней, Борнео (Сабах), Филиппины (Палаван) Информация отсюдаEthmia palawana Schultze, ...

16.07.2015 16:17, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #41465

No, it can not be, so as not to pay attention. Simply do not get it to me so early. I meticulously all from the screen of rowing, including micro)))

16.07.2015 14:45, Bianor: comment on Need photos of Rhopalocera butterflies in Russia

PSГруппы со спорными видами имеет смысл проверять на предмет строения гениталийного аппарата и выставлять фотографию последнего вместе с фотографией обработанного экземпляра. В этом случае любые ошибки, неточности и ...

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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