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02.07.2015 17:49, collector: comment on Raspberry leaves for stick insects

В эти выходные буду прореживать малину на даче.Точнее говоря вырубать. Если кому нужна листва малины для кормления палочников пишите на zoocollection@narod.ru, привезу бесплатно !Встретится можно в Царицыно ( в метро ), а также ...

30.06.2015 21:09, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #39202

Basil! LAST long search I found: Zolotukhin VV Ryabov SA 2012. Raznousye lepidoptera Vietnam. Sem. Hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ulyanovsk: "The Corporation of Promotion." 240.

30.06.2015 11:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #41112

To judge it is currently possible, and sometimes necessary. It being understood that everything could be completely different, more complete information we do not have.

30.06.2015 0:58, Peter Khramov: comment on Samia kikibudiamini


29.06.2015 23:38, DGT.: comment on

Нет ли у кого нить старых коробок 16 на 25 мне нужна парочка для друзей

29.06.2015 19:49, evilforester: comment on Aegosoma scabricornis (Scopoli, 1763) where to look

На комсомольском озере, на свет фонаря прилетел. 24-го

29.06.2015 14:14, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #41119

It is worth to them busy! Beauty!

29.06.2015 0:59, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #41101

Heliconius melpomene?

28.06.2015 19:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Battus philenor

Top shimmering wings?

28.06.2015 19:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Battus chalceus

People, and have someone thread alternative foty of this kind? Shtob colors more understandable. Or is it always looks like?

28.06.2015 19:42, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Determine the type of

In uploading the picture. In this phrase: "Whatever you did not download the photo, be sure to read basic requirements for photographs on our website ."

28.06.2015 17:51, Peter Khramov: comment on Priority in add new text of information on the site

People who adds infu about the kinds of the site (the flight of time, geography, stuff like that) if you have a choice, please first add the data for the species in which the site has illustration.

28.06.2015 17:43, Peter Khramov: comment on The "color" parameter

Lord! For some types of obvious signs of "overflow" and "translucency".If anyone has the appropriate types of collections, or who already knows - write, pliz, on the pages of the relevant species, say, an overflow in color (as in perelivnits, morphine and other Maak) and / or (semi) transparency (such as It has sesiidae), so I can the matter more precisely formalize.

28.06.2015 15:27, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #41048

I had seen it ... But such variations brown at first saw)

28.06.2015 15:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #16070

And something I hesitated. Confused in them (

28.06.2015 2:02, Sheflera: comment on Mayfly mating season

Подскажите пожалуйста, существует ли календарь, или хотя бы примерная дата периода спаривания однодневок (подёнок) ? Хочется их насобирать на зиму, наморозить и насушить впрок для своих насекомоядных птиц.

27.06.2015 23:57, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #41005

Boloria dia?

27.06.2015 22:10, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #35612

Duc, Dim, upload, download!

27.06.2015 18:03, Mikhail F. Bagaturov: comment on growing beetle larvae

Всем привет!Никто не связывался с выращиванием личинок рогачей с культурой кинши: "с чем его едят" и т.д.?Есть интересный жучок поработать с этой темой. Поделитесь опытом (много чего разводил, но никогда с этим не ...

27.06.2015 12:22, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #35044

Dmitry like verbs, they are so easy to type on fote not determined. All right, Dim or not I even remember?

26.06.2015 17:33, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #33566

All finished writing, thank you, Sasha. And Paul, thanks for the definition. Revised set before summer Furcula, doubts also arose, did not have time to ask around. But under Bohr flew dozens of these a week - will determine the training, all are not LW)) In general, a surprising number of the summer, despite the weather, so we will fill up the site)

25.06.2015 21:29, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40900

Swamp near as in my case it will be. Always I see simply never collected ...

25.06.2015 21:26, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #29018


25.06.2015 18:08, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #32114

It was a random error, not the window put Atypha pulmonaris, I apologize :)

25.06.2015 18:05, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #40855

I look at the preparations of the genitals. :) In appearance, several discussions have been on mobiole in stelchatkah, but I did not get 100% correctly identified by appearance, even straightened tridens / psi.

24.06.2015 16:22, квитнейбеларусь: comment on What kind of animal?

Спасибо! С обратной стороны кладка действительно похожа. Странный конечно металлический блеск икринок...Сообщение было отредактировано квитнейбеларусь - 24.06.2015 16:22

24.06.2015 14:30, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #26906

Heliconius melpomene lucinda ?

24.06.2015 14:23, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #31648

Erateina staudingeri ?

23.06.2015 22:00, Vladimir Bryukhov: comment on photo #40850

Oh thanks! The more interesting! I watched the photo on this page the determination, but for some reason decided that I C. pamphilus.

23.06.2015 18:46, Dracus: comment on Caddis fly metamorphosis

Шикарно! Редкое зрелище, и фотографии хорошие!

23.06.2015 1:31, А.Й.Элез: comment on Colias palaeno in the Tugolesky forest

  Ездил 20 июня на Батьковское болото, Colias palaeno была поймана в единичном экземпляре, самец и достаточно свежий. И поймал его я на дороге, летал совместно с Aporia crataegi. На самом болоте ни разу не встретил "палено"(( Не ...

22.06.2015 23:40, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22229

I think it's better to let pobudet fastsellinah inaccurate. Numerous finds that in those places directly point to this)) Pity then that the caterpillar has not taken on removal ......

22.06.2015 23:19, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40848

It is also our .. And this same dear :) He lives in an apartment next door to the man :) It is not a natural butterfly ....

22.06.2015 11:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40795

Well, so be it)))

21.06.2015 22:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #40769

No new and old taxonomy. There taxon feisthamelii. Some interpret it as a species, others as a subspecies. All their arguments. It was originally described as a species in the genus Papilio, this author should be put in brackets. I have a question I do not know and do not stick to one of the parties does not.

21.06.2015 13:54, Frantic: comment on Scope of the taxon Oryctes nasicornis

У меня в коллекции есть 5 подвидов насикорниса (Украина, Таджикистан, Испания, Иран, Турция). К сожалению, поскольку невозможно собрать гарантированно максимально мажорных самцов для корректного сравнения, выводы ...

21.06.2015 13:12, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #40802


20.06.2015 18:30, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #22557

pteronymia primula ?

20.06.2015 18:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40789

Well, at least with the family, I guess))) Close to zero in these Mithymna (

20.06.2015 6:49, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #40773

Yes, it is possible to try, nymph parasite is stored. There is another nymph butterfly, also taken from kirkazona and, in general, 100% sure that if it comes out of someone, it is not exactly a butterfly .....

19.06.2015 20:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #2167

And she-bear beautiful: very contrasting and bright. From under the feet of flies, just like the fire :) The variable is true, and there are almost completely yellow.

19.06.2015 19:52, Alla Umnova: comment on photo #40752

Thank you all! Uchtu for the future - to completely removed :)

19.06.2015 18:56, Vladimir Bryukhov: comment on photo #40755

Re: Vladimir, and you are underdetermined be shipped in one package and individually. So I pack has never and is not loaded, load all the images one by one.

19.06.2015 15:50, Leon Ortlieb: comment on photo #40719

Yeah, well, none of my photos, and I knew it .. How Neoris (huttoni) schencki. Only the very rare .. I saw her only once in nature, in the evening, when he lived near Alma-Ata. It seems easier to buy a doll and bring yourself a butterfly ..

19.06.2015 14:25, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Iphiclides podalirius

It is necessary to remove from the synonyms of I. p. feisthamelii (Duponchel, 1832) available in a separate view. Reasons for this photo: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/40769

19.06.2015 3:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40735

And I always have this attitude in season))) On loin Now sit - many teoyat ( There will be more butterflies and beetles: the nature there is notable)) A little hello from the Vladimir region (sfotat June 12): But rain is not necessary.In addition to rain midges there was no one flies: Only mosquitoes Yes Mote rain uneasy and "work donor" rather than to deal with insects (((

19.06.2015 0:27, Peter Khramov: comment on Changing the right block on the site

Yes, and the reference in the title block is not right on the page forumnye Community, and on the tape without the overhead of comments about the transfer, etc.

18.06.2015 21:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40747

Siona only 1 views:Siona lineata, but in my opinion on something and not unlike. Most likely another kind and of a different kind?

18.06.2015 19:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #40720

Yes, it could be nice. But almost unreal. Half do not know that there are any comments. Is that an email spam on the subject. Then, probably, yes. But again, wait for the reaction faster than a day or two, it is not necessary.

18.06.2015 17:25, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #40726

I had to add one more colloquial name :) Lord (clutching his head), how many of them ......

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