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13.10.2015 20:04, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #45541

The underside has a little bit: http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/45542

13.10.2015 19:43, Shamil Murtazin: comment on The bug about big photos archives has been fixed

This is just great! Only such large files will not ship, because then you still need to build upon the field. And it's hard to do in mind strange sort when extracting from the archive (the law which I do not understand). On a similar issue, saying, so I just remind detail =)

13.10.2015 19:11, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #45504

Ieh ... and how they define that? .. =)

13.10.2015 6:28, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45408

Peter - are old pictures of kollektstsi initially small. Share in half - it is very small. Yet the hand reach, and find time to sit down for filming collectible copies - there are several thousand species of Coleoptera.

12.10.2015 22:15, Ivan Tislenko: comment on Carpocoris fuscispinus

Bulgarian bugs # 45468 - # 45475 Alexander identified Drogvalenko (Triplaxxx) on molbiole as Carpocoris mediterraneus mediterraneus Tamanini, 1958. His comment to the view that Carpocoris mediterraneus is now a synonym for Carpocoris fuscispinus: "Based on the number of signs, some authors rightly considers him a good view: Lupoli, Dusoulier, Cruaud, Cros-Arteil & ...

12.10.2015 11:51, Peter Khramov: comment on About uncertain to type photo

Generally, yes, but now I work as usual, ie infa previews for supraspecific taxa is taken from the child views, not the photo directly. In the future, this approach will change, but it is so.

12.10.2015 3:02, Peter Khramov: comment on Mecynorhina harrisii

At no tag, but fixed together with other similar.

11.10.2015 23:11, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #45394

This picture is good. More and hairs from this angle seen =)

11.10.2015 22:43, Pavel Udovichenko: comment on 9th International Congress of the Entomological Forum and 7th International Entomological Fair

Фото-отчёт с Московского Фестиваля Науки в МГУ! Огромное спасибо моей супруге Ирине за неоценимую помощь! Отдельное спасибо Толе Марусову (Zhuk)!!!!!Без тебя мы бы не справились!!!!! Народу было ...

11.10.2015 22:35, Peter Khramov: comment on All-caps bug has been fixed


11.10.2015 20:44, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #45227

And I do not say that they are. Just very similar "by analogy" =)

11.10.2015 19:22, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #45175

Alexander as they are visually distinguished by who does not know :) As I read the works of Asia is almost there. albeit it is worth :)

11.10.2015 15:25, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45377

Slightly more laid correct, but too old soap box.

11.10.2015 9:54, Fedor Ovechkin: comment on photo #45371


11.10.2015 4:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Now you can limit whole website data output to relevant insects order

Oleg, we will do something similar. All: I pay attention that the popular button units can be used not only for continuous operation, but also for quick temporary switch to the appropriate view. For example, for fast selection phot gallery.While the same can be done by entering any taxon in the corresponding field selection, but it is necessary to train more to gain, and so - jabbed a button, ...

11.10.2015 4:39, Peter Khramov: comment on What is the probability of having two genera of the same name in the same order?

Jukoman, все уже норм, вопрос решен.

11.10.2015 2:31, Peter Khramov: comment on One more update of the taxonomic tree

The third excavation clarifications (transfer to intermediate taxa) and the second excavation deletions (again, more carefully, cleaned doubles). Changes touched on a couple of tens of thousands of taxa.

10.10.2015 22:17, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #45282

Peter, it's just wonderful! Thank you! And in all other improvements too)

10.10.2015 21:54, Evgeny Kotelevsky: comment on Entomofauna of the Saratov region

  Cilix glaucata.Для определения бабочек уже есть специальная тема:molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=133596&view=getnewpostА где в Энгельсском районе она попалась?Спасибо! Теперь буду постить туда Попалась в окрестностях села Ленинское, почти ...

10.10.2015 21:02, Irina Nikulina: comment on Byctiscus populi

Replacing the photo was taken.

10.10.2015 15:36, Igor Ivannikov: comment on photo #45253

Photo 45253 instead of 43061.

10.10.2015 15:22, Igor Ivannikov: comment on photo #45252

Photo 45252 instead of 43063

10.10.2015 15:05, Igor Ivannikov: comment on photo #45250

Photo 45250 430066 for replacement.

10.10.2015 15:03, Igor Ivannikov: comment on photo #45249

Photos 45249 43065 for the replacement.

10.10.2015 14:59, Peter Khramov: comment on More accurate statistics (authors online, author's photos and comments at authors section)

On the page of the authors of information about the site is now a man or not, has become much more precise. There corrected statistics photos and comments. Plus a link to the specific comments of the author is now working in the Russian version too (previously only in English).Consider that in the authors page displays information about those who published some materials on the site, not all ...

10.10.2015 6:53, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #45220

Egg stage in question?

09.10.2015 23:40, Hierophis: comment on

Эзокс.. Причем тут "растения календулы".. В указанном мной предложении главное- это "её" По вегетациям (кратковременно) конкретный месяц и год в студию, и по архивам посмотрим что там у вас за "набухшие ...

09.10.2015 19:29, Peter Khramov: comment on Unknown egg layings

Yuri, out. Anywhere they will not get lost, not a lot of photos are of oviposition, most importantly, do not forget to put a sign the appropriate stage of development. And about yet - at catcher, as is well known, and the animal runs. And not at catcher - not running.

09.10.2015 6:23, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #45139

Thank you, Basil! This year I have not always pointed out to me who and where defined. Therefore I never found.

08.10.2015 16:19, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #45094

To put in Melanthia mandschuricata (Bremer, 1864), both in the Catalog Sinev, but there were doubts as We have more Mesoleuca mandschuricata (Bremer, 1864) http://insecta.pro/ru/taxonomy/60938 Clearly, this is one kind of double and must be removed. And doubt, because there are both http://www.catocala.narod.ru/geom94.html and http://olegberlov.narod.ru/geom94.html. How true?

08.10.2015 11:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #45040

Good work.

08.10.2015 8:37, Vladimir Deryabin: comment on photo #44668

Thank you, Basil!

07.10.2015 16:31, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #25883

Therefore "Uncertain". :)

07.10.2015 14:11, Irina Nikulina: comment on Arichanna melanaria

Add the subspecies: Arichanna melanaria askoldinaria (Oberthür, 1880)

07.10.2015 14:10, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #44945

Arichanna melanaria askoldinaria (Oberthür, 1880)

07.10.2015 13:55, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Abraxas grossulariata

There are some duplicates and errors in Subspecies section.

07.10.2015 0:45, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #44890

Irina, thank you. Clear. Just the place did not seem to me like the way, so I'm not such a hypothesis put forward. :)

06.10.2015 15:42, Evgeny Komarov: comment on You can zoom illustrations on the species pages now


06.10.2015 15:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on New photos uploading form is needed

For bugs (and all other) in the form of load: Perspective: top, bottom, side, front. When information about adding a for bugs (or maybe all) 1. Food specialization (better course, trophic characteristics, but not all will probably clear) separately imago larva individually.And you can advance the goal the whole set of options (phytophages zoophages, saprophages, coprophagic, Antofagasta ...

06.10.2015 14:09, Feliya: comment on Yellow mealworm beetle

Ужас! страшно даже подумать!

06.10.2015 5:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #44750

I admit that it is derived from the fact that the author still has the ability to edit for a while in his lux, and at this time his picture are determined and transferred. Then it was loaded on the fly-defined types except Scarabs (these comrades photo in most cases only to roll) and wait until the morning I did not.Admit it: simply unacceptable luxury in this case "do tomorrow what you can do ...

06.10.2015 0:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Sympetrum sanguineum


06.10.2015 0:30, Peter Khramov: comment on Aeshna juncea


05.10.2015 19:27, Hierophis: comment on Autumn predatory insects

  Н-да, "роза Кархарота", конечно, в тему. Может и не хищная, да и не насекомая, но до крови ранит легко. А маки там как поживают?Это ты о ком? Что за властилина? Каракуртиха что-ли? Но с какой стати она мохнатой стала? ...

05.10.2015 14:27, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #44823

That is the Copper-Isis, who sang Jean Henri Fabre in his "Entomological memories": "I know it only by the images, but these images are so striking that I in my old age takes dreamed as a young man, how would you like to wander the banks of the Nile, in Nubia, to under piles of camel dung to learn the life of the insect,is the personification of Isis - the divine power of nature, which ...

05.10.2015 12:59, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #31584

What kind of IRA accurately pointed agree. Type I would have said jankowskii, but this one photo on the network. It is necessary to have chebur mobiole ask.

05.10.2015 1:12, Igor Ivannikov: comment on photo #44746

The label and written. Astrakhan. Misprint came out, who does not happen. Thank Basil. :-)

04.10.2015 22:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #44772

By the way, if anyone has a desire to shoot in view of the nature of a normal camera - next summer I took on the point where the beetle has been an abundance of June 14 this year. True point, not the Moscow region from which the specimens. This point has already ruined and now there is not only not a sideshow: there is not one at all (( The new point is approx. 120 km.from Moscow, in the ...

04.10.2015 13:01, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44770

Basil! On Zinovsky site still picture Pseudadoretus phthisicus, made in Kazakhstan, accompanied by the comment "In Russia there is no", although the first was assembled by me, the commercials in 1980, and published information about it in 2002. Including If kind is in Iran, why would not he be in Azerbaijan :)

03.10.2015 22:29, Peter Khramov: comment on The bugs with submitting comments were fixed

...and a few multilangual problems were fixed too...

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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