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Corrected data. Not identified → Catarhoe rubidata / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Bryotropha terrella / Tentatively identified / Sergei Kotov.
What a pleasant thing. And geography is not pumped.
Thanks for the tip, fixed the glitch.
Carabus (Ohomopterus) insulicola insulicola Chaudoir, 1869 Pictures:Carabus__Ohomopterus__insulicola_insulicola___Chaudoir__1869.jpg — (260.72к) Carabus__Ohomopterus__insulicola_insulicola_Chaudoir__1869.JPG — (163.1к) Carabus__Ohomopterus__insulicola_insulicola_Chaudoir___1869.JPG — (226.4к)
On this page I determined, but Trunks so similar that it is difficult to determine the type. In addition, habitats overlap. Therefore, yet sfotayu and lay out.
Corrected data. Not identified → Apotomis betuletana / Tentatively identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Polypogon tentacularia / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
Something I have big doubts ... But in the absence of other options ...
Corrected data. Not identified → Celypha lacunana / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Celypha lacunana / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
In the library "Flora and Fauna" there is a Fauna of Ukraine according to ligeids, everything is described in some detail about this species, you can read it if you master the Ukrainian language (after all, not Chinese).
Corrected data. Confidently identified → Tentatively identified.
Corrected data. Not identified → Amphipoea fucosa / Tentatively identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Confidently identified → Tentatively identified.
Corrected data. Not identified → Amphipoea fucosa / Tentatively identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Cerura vinula / Confidently identified / Maxim Schwarz.
Corrected data. Not identified → Amata phegea / Tentatively identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Amata phegea / Tentatively identified / Sergei Kotov.
130 micro-preparations of thrips with collection points are sold. Articles on thrips and the Ion monograph with the author's autorgof. Write to anyone who is interested.This post was edited by Thanatophilus - 12.10.2013 13: 50
Aah. When I tuplyu. Krut: -)
Sergei Kotov, thanks for the definition! I am still worried that this one does not recognize krasava. In fact, these caterpillars look more impressive when picked up his head in an attitude of fear and these huge "big eyes" looking right at you. But specifically, the individual does not wish to alarm anyone, not even to represent fear. :)
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Imbrasia epimethea / Confidently identified / Female / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Anuga indigofera / Tentatively identified / Svetlana Shchavelina.
At least keratophagous skin-eaters have enough metabolic water: "when keratin is broken down, the formation of each cystine molecule is accompanied by the formation of one water molecule" (Hinton, 1953 cited by Zhantiev, 1976). Most likely, the same is true for tineid keratophages.
Corrected data. Not identified → Eudocima phalonia / Tentatively identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Confidently identified → Tentatively identified.
Corrected data. → Ypthima argus.
Corrected data. Not identified → Nygmia plana / Confidently identified / Svetlana Shchavelina.
Corrected data. → Pachliopta aristolochiae.
Corrected data. Not identified → Euploea core / Confidently identified / Александр Думчус.
Corrected data. Not identified → Scoparia basistrigalis / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Junonia almana / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Ectropis crepuscularia / Confidently identified / Fyodor Pudovikov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Scopula nigropunctata / Confidently identified / Fyodor Pudovikov.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Appias libythea / Confidently identified / Female / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Appias libythea / Confidently identified / Female / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Dercas lycorias / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Dercas lycorias / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Lyssa zampa / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Lyssa zampa / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Junonia almana / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Jodis lactearia / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Agrochola circellaris / Tentatively identified / Igor Sakhno → Helicoverpa armigera / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Hyphoraia aulica / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
By analogy with another photo of the same individual.
Corrected data. Not identified → Eurema hecabe / Confidently identified / Александр Думчус.
Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758) (in the ill-defined)
Smerinthus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (in the ill-defined)
Corrected data. Not identified → Phigalia pilosaria / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.
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