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Sometimes for quick drying of large and already straightened beetles I use this a lamp. Any mirror lamp is also suitable. This is extreme and the main thing here is to choose the right distance to the beetle and not overexpose it: it helps. You can also blow with a hot hair dryer.Denis, you will learn over time. And most importantly, read the forum: it is not the first day it exists.
The warriors have their own. And the PKK robbers dress as they please. Actually, it is mainly the local civilian population that is nervous. I was twice "handed over" to the gendarmes precisely by civilians, who saw in me a suspicious type.So this is military, Turkish, not Kurdish. Yes, the local watchful military just brought us a shepherd. It is necessary to dress like a local and everything ...
Rather, I see. Indeed, by the names of the files it is sent directly to the appropriate view, there is such a feature.
A comprehensive research group on the Tolbachik volcano eruption in Kamchatka needs a specialist in insect ecology. It is planned to visit the research area and conduct the necessary field work in order to find out the impact of the eruption and its consequences on the local insect fauna.Group Leader: geobotanist S. Grishin (BPI FEB RAS, Vladivostok).If you are interested in more details, I can ...
And what if after a while they curl up their bellies?Won't collapse: checked.
Petr, everything is correct. I linked this pic after Alexandr's comment:) Might as well have added species then too, can't remember.
Just this time agree with wikipedia. Couldn't attach here scan of a page from the English identification guide, so used wikipedia link. Didn't check the English version, blame me :)
Petr, here's the link with the publication on Geometridae (Insecta, lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Bolshehehtsirsky State Natural Reserve (near Khabarovsk) by E. A. Belyaev, S. V. Vasilenko, V. V. Dubatolov, A. M. Dolghikh. In this publication the moth is named Comibaena delicator, an East Asian subboreal-subtropical forest species, see page 12.