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Yes, they are removed from the captured caterpillars without problems, but not all infected ones. Even taken from the mountains. In Moscow, he brought out caterpillars, not to mention those from the region.
Might it be M.helenor marinita? Looks very alike. Usually traders raise them. I'll add a pic tomorrow, underside is just the spitting image of this.
Amusing. By the way, Deilephila elpenor and Deilephila porcellus larvae too look kinda snaky, though they definitely lose against this one.
Last year here in Rostov region we got lots of both species, in the beginning of June it was N. polychloros, then at the end of June was N. xanthomelas, and a week ago I saw a couple of polychloros just before the snow.
Svetlana, thanks. Maybe, you will advise something if it takes a go. May I have a look at your website?
Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus, 1758) 10 mmMoscowThis post was edited by S. Y. Feoktistov - 26.03.2013 06: 13
So read the label attached. Literally Pazale euron, Dabaiuan, Mt.3000 m, Lushan, W-Sschuan. Second, comparing this to mandarinus (sadly don't have tamerlan), there are some clear differences like Euron is larger, its wings are not as much striped, the topside of its hind wings has serrations not waves.
Lev, agree. I'd call it demure graceful) Pity it's rare. I thought I could later take better pictures, but saw it just once)
Peter, I added a "copper-butterfly seaside" through the Old to the form. Just zasomnevalas- whether to score just two Russian titles (especially since I can not determine what, or more accurately the prevalence), and therefore decided to name-second copper-butterfly ladonopodobnaya- added through comments). As for caps - uchtu)