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It is not appropriate when in one of the versions without georafia. So be it. Although without translation, it is quite readable. Sometimes I bring geography in English to my own books. This is normal :)
Depending on how long it does not move, if only a couple of minutes, it can pretend to be dead, bronzes are masters of this business.
At least 7-8 Japanese websites, including the following ones:, this butterfly stands as Cymotricha japonicella (for example,, and two more as Dichomeris japonicella. On our website, it is probably in a different genus - Brachmia japonicella. But since in the Blue it does not exist at ...
Gnorimus variabilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (pair)13. 06. 2014 Russia, Voronezh region, Gribanovsky district, okr. der. Upper Karachan leg. Malukhin M. V.Gnorimus nobilis bolshakovi Gusakov, 2002 (pair)20. 06. 2015 Russia, Tula region, Shchekinsky district, okr. der. d. Orlovo, glade of power lines, on umbrella. leg. Malukhin M. V.I express my gratitude to Maxim for the material
Nicrophorus humator (Gleditsch, 1767) (pair)11.05.2013 Russia, Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo, forest road, on a dead toad. leg. Feoktistov V. I.I decided to go back to the forum after all.
Good evening. The apartment has a lot of beetles that live everywhere except in the kitchen. It turns out that they also fly. Please tell me who it is and how to get rid of it.Stegobium paniceum-bread grinder. Shake up your food supplies in the kitchen: breadcrumbs, cereals ,semolina (including semolina), flour, dried plants and mushrooms. It's strange, though, that there aren't any in the ...
Corrected data. Triplax scutellaris Charpentier, 1825 → Triplax (Platichna) scutellaris Charpentier, 1825.
Corrected data. Triplax melanocephala (Latreille, 1804) → Triplax (Triplax) melanocephala (Latreille, 1804).
By the way, yes, citizens. Let's prepare in advance, maybe we'll meet a more complete intercity train:--)
Do you want a paw or a mustache? Works, perfection itself! The fair was held and if it is not a secret how much such a work of art costs, it is not the desire of the seller, but the price for which the work was sold. I once again express my admiration!
Corrected data. Aplocera / Confidently identified / Shamil Murtazin → Aplocera plagiata / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.
Understood, Sasha, thank you! I'm sure I can't figure it out on my own) And xanthodippe is also in Blue (resp. and on our website) available for Primorye, so the choice is great)
The leaf is intact, the caterpillar could get onto it from any plant. Forage plant is under big question.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Imago / Robot → Archips dichotomus / Tentatively identified / Female / Irina Nikulina.
Finally, in addition to the drawing and description, we managed to find good images of Archips dichotomusin the RDV Insect Identification Guide (vol.5, part 3, p. 136). The image of the female appeared on the Lepiforum, самца (паратип) – нашла здесь ...