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Corrected data. Libelluloidea → Libelluloidea Leach, 1815.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cordulegastridae → Chlorogomphidae.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cordulegastridae → Chlorogomphidae.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cordulegastridae → Chlorogomphidae.
Corrected data. Neopetaliidae → Neopetaliidae Tillyard & Fraser, 1940.
Corrected data. Cordulegastridae → Cordulegastridae Hagen, 1875.
Corrected data. Cordulegastroidea → Cordulegastroidea Hagen, 1875.
Parent taxon has been changed. Anisoptera → Petaluroidea.
Parent taxon has been changed. Aeshnoidea → Gomphoidea.
Parent taxon has been changed. Anisoptera → Aeshnoidea.
Corrected data. Aeshnidae → Aeshnidae Leach, 1815.
Corrected data. Aeshnoidea → Aeshnoidea Leach, 1815.
Parent taxon has been changed. Odonata → Epiophlebioidea.
Parent taxon has been changed. Tritomini → Tritominae.
Corrected data. Erotylidae → Erotylina maculiventris.
Peter wrote under the photo, as an explanation of why it stopped in this form of the three friends. I collect and transfer to the form later (but pages with -us and -a need to combine)
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Platystomini Pierce 1916 → Platystomini Pierce, 1916.
Corrected data. Platystomos → Platystomos Schneider, 1791.
Corrected data. Gonotropis Leconte 1876 → Gonotropis Leconte, 1876.
Corrected data. / → Adela reaumurella / Zoran Bozovic.
The double type
In Primorye, about 18-20 species Nemophora, images 4-5-minute unlikely to get found online, and have a group of species, outwardly similar to theNemophora staudingerella, for example, bellela, karafutonis, lapikella, amatella. So, perhaps, be it in a certain kind to, or can, as in the case put in imprecisely defined to staudingerella (MG Ponomarenko identified ...
All 4 types Athrips, living in Primorye looked.
Corrected data. Male → Female.
Corrected data. Male → Female.
Corrected data. Male → Female.
Corrected data. Not identified → Chrysomela populi / Confidently identified / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Chrysomela populi / Confidently identified / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Leiopus / Nikolai Vladimirov → Leiopus linnei / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Male → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Necrodini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Parent taxon has been changed. Silphinae → Silphini.
Corrected data. Silphidae / Eugene Davkaev → Silpha tristis / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Silphidae / Eugene Davkaev → Silpha tristis / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Platyrhinus → Platyrhinus Clairville, 1798.
Corrected data. Platyrhinini Imhoff, 1856 → Platyrhinini Bedel, 1882.
Corrected data. Xylinada → Xylinada Berthold, 1827.
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