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The taxons were merged. Opilidia chlorocephala and Cicindelina Manautea were merged.
Corrected data. Cassolaia maura (Linne, 1758) → Calomera (Cassolaia) maura (Linne, 1758).
Corrected data. Cicindelina Antennaria Dokhtouroff, 1883 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Cicindelina Antennaria Dokhtouroff, 1883 was removed from the synonyms list
The taxons were merged. Brasiella wickhami and Cicindelina Antennaria were merged.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cicindelini → Cicindelina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Amblycheilini → Megacephalina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Amblycheilini → Megacephalina.
The taxons were merged. Cychrus hemphillii and Cychrus rickseckeri were merged.
Corrected data. Cychrus rickseckeri Leconte, 1884 удален из синонимов
Corrected data. Cychrus rickseckeri Leconte, 1884 удален из синонимов
Corrected data. Cychrus rickseckeri Leconte, 1884 → Cychrus (Cychrus) rickseckeri Leconte, 1884.
Corrected data. Cychrus tuberculatus T. Harris, 1839 → Cychrus (Cychrus) tuberculatus T. Harris, 1839.
Corrected data. Cychrus spinicollis L. Dufour, 1857 → Cychrus (Cychrus) spinicollis L. Dufour, 1857.
Corrected data. Cychrus semigranosus Palliardi, 1825 → Cychrus (Cychrus) semigranosus Palliardi, 1825.
Corrected data. Cychrus schmidti Chaudoir, 1837 → Cychrus (Cychrus) schmidti Chaudoir, 1837.
Corrected data. Cychrus rugicollis K. Daniel & J. Daniel, 1898 → Cychrus (Cychrus) rugicollis K. Daniel & J. Daniel, 1898.
Corrected data. Cychrus morawitzi Gehin, 1863 → Cychrus (Cychrus) morawitzi Gehin, 1863.
Corrected data. Cychrus koltzei Roeschke, 1907 → Cychrus (Cychrus) koltzei Roeschke, 1907.
Corrected data. Cychrus italicus Bonelli, 1810 → Cychrus (Cychrus) italicus Bonelli, 1810.
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphillii G. Horn, 1879 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphillii G. Horn, 1879 was removed from the synonyms list
The taxons were merged. Cychrus hemphillii and Cychrus hemphili were merged.
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphillii G. Horn, 1879 → Cychrus (Cychrus) hemphillii G. Horn, 1879.
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphili Horn, 1878 удален из синонимов
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphili Horn, 1878 удален из синонимов
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphili Horn, 1878 → Cychrus (Cychrus) hemphili Horn, 1878.
Corrected data. Cychrus hemphili Horn → Horn, 1878.
Corrected data. Cychrus hampei Gestro, 1875 → Cychrus (Cychrus) hampei Gestro, 1875.
Corrected data. Cychrus hampei Gestro, 1874 → Gestro, 1875.
Corrected data. Cychrus grajus K. Daniel & J. Daniel, 1898 → Cychrus (Cychrus) grajus K. Daniel & J. Daniel, 1898.
Corrected data. Cychrus dufouri Chaudoir, 1869 → Cychrus (Cychrus) dufouri Chaudoir, 1869.
Corrected data. Cychrus cylindricollis Pini, 1871 → Cychrus (Cychrus) cylindricollis Pini, 1871.
Corrected data. Cychrus cordicollis Chaudoir, 1835 → Cychrus (Cychrus) cordicollis Chaudoir, 1835.
Corrected data. Cychrus caraboides (Linne, 1758) → Cychrus (Cychrus) caraboides (Linne, 1758).
Corrected data. Cychrus attenuatus (Fabricius, 1792) → Cychrus (Cychrus) attenuatus (Fabricius, 1792).
Corrected data. Cychrus angustatus Hoppe & Hornschuch, 1825 → Cychrus (Cychrus) angustatus Hoppe & Hornschuch, 1825.
Corrected data. Cychrus angulicollis Sella, 1874 → Cychrus (Cychrus) angulicollis Sella, 1874.
Corrected data. Cychrus aeneus Fisher-Waldheim, 1824 → Cychrus (Cychrus) aeneus Fisher-Waldheim, 1824.
Corrected data. Cychrus Fabricius 1794 → Cychrus Fabricius, 1794.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cychrini → Cychrina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cychrini → Cychrina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cychrini → Cychrina.
Corrected data. Cychrina sensu stricto → Cychrina Laporte, 1834.
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