Comments on insects taxa at
Pages: 1 ...169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177... 197
Corrected data. Hepialus mlokossevitschi Romanoff, 1884 → Triodia mlokossevitschi Romanoff, 1884.
Corrected data. Hepialus nubifer (Lederer, 1853) → Triodia nubifer (Lederer, 1853).
Remove unnecessary fields from the author and the year.
Thank you, Alexander!
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Alucita kosterini kosterini Ustjuzhanin, 1999 → Ustjuzhanin, 1999.
The taxons were merged. Spartopteryx kindermannaria and Spartopteryx kindermanniaria were merged.
Note to the form Spartopteryx kindermanniaria (removed from the base of 23.12.2014 17:13): Peter, this double page, you want to merge. In Sinev and - Spartopteryx kindermannaria (Staudinger 1871) ( no i )
Corrected data. Dichagyris duskei (Moberg & Fibiger, 1990) → Dichagyris duskei Moberg & Fibiger, 1990.
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 63—64 mm.
Corrected data. Wingspan: 36—38 mm → 34—52 mm.
Corrected data. Mustilizans hepatica (Moore 1879) → Mustilizans hepatica (Moore, 1879).
Corrected data. Mustilizans predicta Zolotuhin 2007 → Mustilizans predicta Zolotuhin, 2007.
Corrected data. Mustilizans sinjaevi Zolotuhin 2007 → Mustilizans sinjaevi Zolotuhin, 2007.
Corrected data. Mustilizans dierli (Holloway 1987) → Mustilizans dierli (Holloway, 1987).
Corrected data. Mustilizans lepusa lepusa Zolotuhin 2007 → Mustilizans lepusa Zolotuhin, 2007.
Ugums made.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Ethiopic.
Corrected data. Noreppa chromus (Guérin-Ménéville, 1844) → Noreppa chromus (Guérin-Ménéville, [1844]).
Corrected data. Amseliphora eupreta Walsingham, 1907 → Amseliphora eupreta (Walsingham, 1907).
Corrected data. → Amseliphora .
Corrected data. → Amseliphora .
Corrected data. Coleophora congeriella Staudinger, 1859 → Amseliphora congeriella Staudinger, 1859.
The taxons were merged. Amseliphora albicostella and Coleophora albicostella were merged.
Corrected data. Ardania albicostella (Duponchel, 1842) → Amseliphora albicostella (Duponchel, 1842).
Corrected data. Amseliphora colutella Fabricius, 1794 → Amseliphora colutella (Fabricius, 1794).
Corrected data. Amseliphora medelichensis Krone, 1908 → Amseliphora medelichensis (Krone, 1908).
Corrected data. Amseliphora niveicostella (Zeller, 1839) was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila deauratella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Glanycus coendersi Kalis, 1934 → Glanycus coendersi Kalis, 1934.
Corrected data. Parasa humeralis Walker, 1862, → Parasa humeralis Walker, 1862.
The taxons were merged. Biston thoracicaria and thoracicaria thoracicarius were merged.
Corrected data. Biston thoracicarius (Oberthür, 1884) → thoracicaria thoracicarius (Oberthür, 1884).
Corrected data. Eubyjodonta falcata Warren, 1893 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Biston subregalis Inoue → Biston subregalis Inoue, 1992.
Corrected data. Biston pelidna Prout → Biston pelidna Prout, 1929.
Corrected data. Biston giganteus Inoue → Biston giganteus Inoue, 1985.
The taxons were merged. Biston hypoleucos and Biston hypoleucus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Biston strataria and Biston stratarius were merged.
Corrected data. Apista stramentella Zeller, 1849 → Apista stramentella (Zeller, 1849).
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. frischella was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila mayrella Hübner, (1813) → Damophila mayrella (Hübner, 1813).
Corrected data. Damophila frischella (Linnaeus, 1758) was removed from the synonyms list
The taxons were merged. Coleophora mausolella and Coleophora mausoleta were merged.
Yeah, well.
Peter photos transferred to another species. It is necessary to clean the page.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
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