Germán San Blas
Posdoctoral fellow working in the Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas (IADIZA, CCT-CONICET Mendoza).
My thesis project was the systematic and phylogeny of South American species of Agrotis Ochsenheimer (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Now I am working with other close genera from South America like Feltia Walker and Synclerostola Berg.
Also, I am working with systematic, phylogeny, biogeography, and biology of South American species of Cecidosidae (Lepidoptera, Incurvarioidea) a small group of cecidogenic moths with Gondwanan distribution.
Город и/или страна: Argentina, Mendoza, Mendoza
Фотографий автора в галерее: 26, таксонов на фото 9
Комментариев в сообществе: 1
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