Сообщество и Форум → Система. Классификация → Postdoctoral position in Diptera taxonomy/systematics Систематика двукрылых: Постдок в ЮАР
Mike Mostovsski, 11.02.2012 0:03
Postdoctoral position in Diptera taxonomy/systematics
The National Research Foundation (NRF) on behalf of the Department of Science
and Technology (DST) is offering SABI (South African Biosystematics Initiative)
Postdoctoral Fellowships.
These fellowships will include scholarships to the value of ZAR150,000 per year (non-taxable) and running expenses to a maximum value of ZAR50,000 per year (which includes funds for international travel, if required). The fellowships will be for a period of one year with a possible extension of another year, based on satisfactory progress, mutual agreement with supervisors and availability of funds.
Being traditionally a centre of Afrotropical dipterology, the Natal Museum is willing to accommodate one or more postdoctoral fellows (subject to availability of funding), who will conduct research in Afrotropical Diptera taxonomy/systematics.
• should have received their doctoral degrees within a period not exceeding five years prior to application.
• should preferably not have held an established teaching post in an institution of higher learning.
• should not be full time employees of higher education institutions, museums or any other research institutions.
Potential applicants must contact me (mmostovski@nmsa.org.za) urgently, i.e. before 17 February 2012, to get additional information and to discuss a possible project.
Mike Mostovski
Assistant Director: Natural Sciences
Natal Museum
South Africa, Pietermaritzburg
Тел.: +27333410529
E-mail: mmostovski@nmsa.org.za
Требуется: Постдок
Место работы: Южная Африка
Область деятельности: Систематика двукрылых.
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