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Где можно взять Oncopeltus fasciatus?

Сообщество и ФорумЭнтомологические коллекцииГде можно взять Oncopeltus fasciatus?

le lapin, 19.12.2006 21:56

Господа, где можно раздобыть живых клопов указанного вида?
Я знаю, что они легко культивируются, возможно есть в какой-нибудь лаборатории.


20.12.2006 4:44, Дмитрий Мусолин

совсем недавно попадалась русская статья про него....

I love Gmail!!! Нашел - вот (см ниже). Попробуйте посмотреть статью и спросить авторов.

Быстрый поиск дал еще это:


Tsitologiia. 2006;48(9):723-33. Links
[Development of cyst-like cells of the flagellate Leptomonas oncopelti in the midgut of the hemipteran Oncopeltus fasciatus]
[Article in Russian]

* Malysheva MN,
* Frolov AO,
* Skarlato SO.

The structure of cyst-like cells of Leptomonas oncopelti (Trypanosomatidae) found in the midgut of the bug Oncopeltus fasciatus (Lygaeidae) was examined with light and electron microscopy. The formation of "cysts" begins with an unequal division of active flagellates with promastigote configuration. Cytokinesis starts on the lateral side of the flagellate, and then the cleavage furrow moves toward the apical end of the cell. The anterior part of a smaller daughter cell, referred to as cell C1, remains associated with the flagellum of maternal promastigote. C1 divides twice to give rise first to two equivalent cells (C2), and then to four morphologically similar cells (C3). C2 join with each other, and afterwards C3 attach between themselves as well via short cytoplasmic outgrowths, which appear instead flagella. In the point of outgrowth attachment of only one C2 and then of only one C3 to maternal flagellum zonal desmosomes occur. C1--C3 of L. oncopelti are similar to so-called straphangers (cyst-like parasites attached to the flagellum of maternal promastigote) known in some species of the genera Leptomonas and Blastocrithidia. Basal bodies are present in C1 and C2 but not in C3. DNA fibrils in the kinetoplast lack their common circular configuration, they progressively condense to form a disordered mass. C3 chromatin becomes denser to acquire eventually a characteristic "labyrinthine structure" looking like a huge bundle of whorled filaments 3-5 nm width. Inside this bundle there are channels of 10-12 nm in diameter filled with karyoplasm. On becoming ovoid, C3 are separated from the maternal promastigote flagellum and differentiate into mature "cysts". Straphangers C1--C3 and mature "cysts" lack any visible outer extracellular protective envelope (cyst wall). Instead, these cells have a cortical complex made of a reinforced plasmatic membrane underlined by a layer of a dense granular cytoplasm free of subpellicular microtubules. The mature "cyst" endoplasm shows a high electron density, and because of this identification of the majority of cellular organelles is next to impossible. Nevertheless, in both C3 and mature "cysts" some unusual membranes are seen composed of two electron lucent layers, with a single electron dense layer in between.

PMID: 17089627 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

21.12.2006 15:49, guest: le_lapin

Спасибо большое за Ваши старания. Однако всех этих авторов я хорошо знаю. Статья опубликована по материалам, которые были подготовлены несколько лет назад. И сейчас никто из них в этом деле мне помочь не может.

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