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Two $3,750 awards for research into Lepidoptera conservation

Сообщество и ФорумКурилка. О насекомыхTwo $3,750 awards for research into Lepidoptera conservation

Дмитрий Мусолин, 31.10.2006 4:17

[from Entomology Discussion List <ENTOMO-L@listserv.uoguelph.ca>]

The Joan Mosenthal DeWind Award

The Xerces Society is now accepting applications for two $3,750 awards for research into Lepidoptera conservation.

The DeWind awards are given to students who are engaged in research leading to a university degree related to Lepidoptera conservation and who intend to continue to work in this field. All proposals must be written by the student researcher. Proposed research should have a clear connection to Lepidoptera conservation and must be completed within one year from receiving funds. Applicants may be graduate or undergraduate students; however, please note that all awardees, to date, have been pursuing graduate research. Applications from countries outside the United States will be considered.

Submission Deadline for 2007 Awards
The submission deadline is Monday, December 18, 2006 at 5:00 PM PST. Award winners will be announced by March 31, 2007, with the awards given by May 2007.

Instructions for Submitting the Proposal
All proposals must be submitted by email to info@xerces.org. The proposal should be attached as a single attachment in one of the following file formats: Microsoft Word, RTF text, or PDF. The subject line of the email should read "DeWind Award Proposal."

Proposal Format (all text should use 12 pt font and standard margins)
1. Cover page (1 page).
a. Title. List the title in CAPITAL LETTERS.
b. Contact information. Provide the name of the contact information for the applicant and his or her major advisor. Include institutional affiliations, complete mailing address, and country. Also provide an email address and telephone number (include country code if outside the United States).
c. Abstract. Include a project summary immediately following the title and contact information. The summary should be limited to 100 words and should not exceed one paragraph.

2. Proposal body (2 pages). Begin with a clear statement of the problem or objectives, follow with a clear methods section, and end with a substantial conclusion. The proposal should include a discussion of potential conservation applications and results, and what products, if any, will result from this work.

3. Additional information. On separate pages, please include all of the following information: cited literature, detailed project budget, timeline, and a CV (CV must be 2 pages or less).

4. Please include all of the materials as a single attachment.
For more information on the Xerces Society and past DeWind Award winners please go to: www.xerces.org

Scott Hoffman Black
Executive Director
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
4828 SE Hawthorne
Portland, OR 97215
Direct line (503) 449-3792


Since 1971 we have been dedicated to protecting the diversity of life through the conservation of invertebrates.

To join Xerces, or to make an on-line contribution, please go to:



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