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Scholarships and travel awards for scientists from developing

Сообщество и ФорумОффлайн-событияScholarships and travel awards for scientists from developing

Дмитрий Мусолин, 13.03.2007 10:52

Scholarships and travel awards for scientists from developing
countries to obtain modern systematics training in the United States

SSB announces the availability of scholarships for scholars from
developing countries to attend workshops and courses in systematics,
or to visit a lab engaged in systematic research for training. The
emphasis of this program is the transfer of knowledge to the
scholar's home country. Therefore, applicants should currently be in
their home country or have definite plans to return in the near
future. Courses such as the Molecular Evolution Workshop at Woods
Hole or the applied Systematics Course at Bodega Bay are examples of
courses that are appropriate for this funding, in addition to other
equivalent opportunities. Support for attending a course will be
contingent on admission to the course through the normal admissions

Applicants should submit:

1) a CV
2) a letter detailing the purpose of the visit (what class will you
take or what lab will you visit) and how the knowledge acquired will
be transferred to your country of origin
3) a justification of the course or lab visit as providing appropriate training
4) a letter of recommendation from a researcher familiar with the
scholar's work
5) if funds will be spent on visiting a lab in the US for systematic
training, please also submit a letter from your host expressing
interest in your visit.

E-mail submissions are required, and applicants are encouraged to use
pdf format for all documents.
Applications should be sent to Dr. Kelly R. Zamudio, SSB Award
Committee Chair, at krz2@cornell.edu

Application deadline is March 31, 2007

More information can be found at


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