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Old literature - the Biodiversity Heritage Library

Сообщество и ФорумКурилка. О насекомыхOld literature - the Biodiversity Heritage Library

Дмитрий Мусолин, 04.11.2008 19:01


About the Biodiversity Heritage Library

Ten major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and
research institutions have joined to form the Biodiversity Heritage
Library Project. The group is developing a strategy and operational
plan to digitize the published literature of biodiversity held in
their respective collections. This literature will be available
through a global "biodiversity commons."

The address is www.biodiversitylibrary.org The site has complete runs
of early regional and national literature (late 1800s in 1900s)
including the Irish Naturalist, Scottish Naturalist, Entomologists'
monthly Magazine. There is a useful search by species name.

The participating libraries have over two million volumes of
biodiversity literature collected over 200 years to support the work
of scientists, researchers, and students in their home institutions
and throughout the world. The 10 member libraries of the Biodiversity
Heritage Library (BHL) members now have over 1.124 million pages of
key taxonomic literature available on the web.

The BHL will provide basic, important content for immediate research
and for multiple bioinformatics initiatives. For the first time in
history, the core of our natural history and herbaria library
collections will be available to a truly global audience. Web-based
access to these collections will provide a substantial benefit to
people living and working in the developing world -- whether
scientists or policymakers.


06.11.2008 8:46, KingSnake

Хороший сайт. Давно оттуда книжки тяну...

12.12.2008 6:41, Juglans

http://gallica.bnf.fr (Bibliotheque National de France), by far the most important, with reproduced copies of many important early malacological and other natural history publications

(University of Goettingen, Germany) is an index to on-line taxonomic
publications in various libraries, including a number available at
that university itself

Сообщение было отредактировано Juglans - 12.12.2008 06:42
Поблагодарили: 2

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