Сообщество и Форум → Курилка. О насекомых → Bionomina - новый онлайн журнал по биономенклатуре
Proctos, 05.01.2011 3:15
Bionomina (International Journal of Biological Nomenclature & Terminology) is a peer-reviewed journal for rapid publication of high quality papers on any aspect of biological nomenclature and terminology. Bionomina considers all types of papers on these questions, including: (1) historical, descriptive and critical papers regarding practices and traditions; (2) epistemological analyses about the different approaches to terminology, philosophies of the naming process, and the use and role of particular scientific concepts; (3) contributions to our open forum for confronting different opinions; (4) papers seeking a balance between prescriptive and normative goals and descriptive, informative and clarifying aims, i.e., providing a precise and concise lexical starting point; and (5) in cases where consensus emerges (possibly as a result of meetings), recommendations to the international community of biologists. Open access publishing option is strongly encouraged for authors with research grants and other funds. For those without grants or funds, all accepted manuscripts will be published but access is secured for subscribers only. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review before acceptance. Bionomina aims to publish each paper within one month after the acceptance by Editors.
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