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2012: The Sixth European Hemiptera Congress

Сообщество и ФорумКурилка. О насекомых2012: The Sixth European Hemiptera Congress

Дмитрий Мусолин, 12.10.2011 21:30

The Sixth European Hemiptera Congress, organized by the National Museum of Natural History (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", will be held in Bulgaria, 25-29 June 2012 under the patronage of UNESCO, in close collaboration with the National Commission for UNESCO, Bulgaria. It is unique opportunity for all of us who study the numerous aspects of the hemipteran insects to present and discuss recent challenges and achievements.

On behalf of the Organising Committee, I am pleased to cordially invite all hemipterologists from all countries to join us in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Located in Southwest Bulgaria, a mere 100 km from the capital Sofia, the host town is a university centre with peculiar geographic location and due to that, very interesting of biodiversity view point. We have envisaged easy access to protected environmental areas, including to Pirin National Park which is on UNESCO environmental heritage list.

The official web site of the EHC 6 is http://www.ehc6.eu. As the time approaches, the site will provide you with up to date information on all stages of the preparation for participation.

The sessions are yet to be confirmed and we seek your active contribution in defining the specific areas of our common interest. Every effort will be made to accommodate contributions from all areas of the hemipteran studies - taxonomy, faunistics, evolution, phylogeny, biogeography, ecology, ethology, physiology, palàeontology and applied researches on Hemiptera. A special focus on the results on the cytogenetic and molecular studies of Hemiptera within the congress timetable will take place if your interests in the matter support the idea. We are very keen to have your input on all aspects of the congress through the Forum.

The congress proceedings will be published later next year.

The official language of the Congress is English.

As a first step of expression of your interest, please log in and fill in the Provisional Registration. Once you have registered, you will regularly be updated on the process of preparation. Rough estimate of the number of participants will enable the Organising Committee to better handle the event.

Provisional timetable:
Provisional registration: 15 November 2011
Second announcement with detailed information: December 2011
Information on potential support and selection criteria for support: January 2012
Final registration and submission of Abstracts: 15 April 2012
Early birds payment: by 15 April 2012

Please disseminate this message through your channels to researchers, academics and students that might be interested and never hesitate to contact us.

Looking forward seeing you in Bulgaria!

Alexi Popov
President of the Organising Committee

EHC 6 Secretariate
e-mail: info@ehc6.eu
fax: + 359 2 988 28 97
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


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