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материал по стеблевому пилильщику Cephus cinctus (= Cephus hyalinatus) из Сибири или др.

Сообщество и ФорумКурилка. О насекомыхматериал по стеблевому пилильщику Cephus cinctus (= Cephus hyalinatus) из Сибири или др.

Дмитрий Мусолин, 15.10.2015 0:31

Дорогие коллеги, добрый день!

Я получил запрос о помощи от коллеги из Франции: он просит помочь найти хотя бы минимальный материал по стеблевому пилильщику Cephus cinctus (= Cephus hyalinatus) из Сибири или др. мест. Кроме этого его интересуют близкие виды - Cephus camtschatcalis и Cephus zahaikevitschi.

К кому можно обратиться? Кто мог бы помочь? Кто сейчас куратор Symphyta в ЗИН?

Спасибо заранее!

Всего хорошего,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent LESIEUR <vincent.lesieur@supagro.fr>
Date: 2015-10-12 10:34 GMT+03:00
Subject: Information Cephus cinctus
To: musolin@gmail.com

Hi Dmitry,

I work in the CBGP and in the European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL). The project is dedicated to Cephus cinctus, the Wheat Stem Sawfly, a major economic pest of wheat in the northern Great Plains.

One of the aims of the project is to « reconstruct the American history of this pest ». By reconstruct its American history, I mean this pest was, for a long time, considered as a native North American species. However, new data showed that the wheat stem sawfly also occurs in Eurasia. The new informations raised questions about its endemic status. One of the most likely scenario is that the American populations were introduced from North-eastern Asia during historical times. Due to the lack of Asian specimens, it is difficult to test this hypothesis.

I send you an e-mail to ask (again) for help. I would be pleased to get some samples from Asia (China, Japan, Russia particularly Siberia). I am looking for Siberian specimens (and surrounding areas) of Cephus hyalinatus, a synonym of Cephus cinctus (see attached file Ivie & Zinovjev). I got only one specimen of Cephus hyalinatus from China (in poor condition for DNA analysis). In fact, the taxonomy of the genus has to be revised, as described by Alexey Zinovjev of the Zoological Institute of St. Petersburg (see attached files). That’s why I am also interested by Asian specimens of Cephus camtschatcalis and Cephus zahaikevitschi probably conspecific of C. cinctus. Such samples will be of great interest for me.

I am aware that it will be very difficult for you to collect some insects. But maybe have you got some specimens in your collection (or maybe some of your colleagues) ? I could easily understand if you are too busy but please, let me know if you know other persons to contact. If you need more information, please, feel free to contact me.

Actually, I am interested by fresh specimens (ethanol conserved, which are always the best material for DNA studies) but dried samples would suit too. To extract DNA, we use a non-invasive method, therefore, the voucher or specimen is almost intact for taxonomy. The more the best...! More seriously, any specimen could be very helpful !

I would be very grateful for your help,




скачать файл Ivie___Zinovjev_1996___Discovery_of_the_wheat_stem_sawfly__Cephus_cinctus_Norton___Hymenoptera_Cephidae__in_Asia_with_the_proposal_of_a_new_synonymy.pdf

размер: 1.61мб

кол-во скачиваний: 310

скачать файл Hoelmer___Shanower_2004___Foreign_Exploration_for_Natural_Enemies_of_Cephid_sawflies.pdf

размер: 112.09к

кол-во скачиваний: 476


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