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Heterarthrus ochropoda (Klug, 1818)


класс Insecta подкласс Pterygota инфракласс Neoptera надотряд Holometabola отряд Hymenoptera подотряд Symphyta надсемейство Tenthredinoidea семейство Tenthredinidae подсемейство Heterarthrinae род Heterarthrus → вид Heterarthrus ochropoda

Полное название

Heterarthrus ochropoda (Klug, 1818).


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Первичное добавление вида: Петр Храмов.

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27.10.2021 21:24, Петр Храмов

The photos were moved to Heterarthrus fasciatus (Andrey has confirmed the species but he didn\'t send the message to the website).

27.10.2021 15:13, Андрей Пономарев

Hi Andrew

I completely agree with you.

Regards, Andrey

27.10.2021 13:00, Петр Храмов

Andrew, I've sent the message to Andrey, let's wait what he has to answer. Thank you for your comment!

04.04.2019 11:24, Andrew Liston

Dear Andrey,
I apologise first, for not writing in Russian. I am sure that these fine images are of Heterarthrus fasciatus (Malaise, 1931), not H. ochropoda. Heterarthrus fasciatus differs clearly from ochropoda in numerous characters, including colour pattern: fasciatus pale forewing costa (ochropoda dark), fasciatus pair of white flecks on dorsum of thorax (mesoscutum) (ochropoda dorsal thorax entirely black), broad white stripe along side of abdomen (ochropoda female abdomen entirely black). Heterarthrus fasciatus was fully described in a paper by Hara (Hara, H. 2012: Heterarthrus fasciatus (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), a Leaf-mining Sawfly of Populus spp. in Northeast Asia. - Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, Matsuyama 18(2): 405-414). The known hosts of fasciatus recorded in the literature are Populus nigra and P. suaveolens. The host plant of your specimen looks like Populus balsamifera. Previously recorded published distribution comprises Japan (Hokkaido: Hara 2012), Kamtchatka (Malaise 1931), and East Siberia (Buryat Republic: Sundukov 2017. Novosibirsk and Irkutsk Oblasts: Kirichenko et al. 2018). Your specimen seems to represent the first record of fasciatus from Europe.
Regards, Andrew

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