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Род Nephrotoma

Insecta подкласс Pterygota инфракласс Neoptera надотряд Holometabola отряд Diptera подотряд Nematocera инфраотряд Tipulomorpha надсемейство Tipuloidea семейство Tipulidae подсемейство Tipulinae → род Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803



Точек на карте для Nephrotoma: 1

Дочерние таксоны

Nephrotoma abbreviata Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma aberdarensis Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma aculeata Loew, 1871 [вид]

Nephrotoma affinis Bellardi, 1859 [вид]

Nephrotoma albonigra Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma alexandriana Byers, 1968 [вид]

Nephrotoma alleni Alexander, 1913 [вид]

Nephrotoma alluaudi Pierre, 1922 [вид]

Nephrotoma alterna Walker, 1848 [вид]

Nephrotoma alticrista Alexander, 1941 [вид]

Nephrotoma altigalea Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma altissima Osten Sacken, 1877 [вид]

Nephrotoma altrolatera Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma ambricola Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma ampla Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma analis Schummel, 1833 [вид]

Nephrotoma angusticrista Alexander, 1962 [вид]

Nephrotoma angustifrons Edwards, 1934 [вид]

Nephrotoma angustistria Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma antennata Wiedemann, 1820 [вид]

Nephrotoma antithrix Mannheims, 1962 [вид]

Nephrotoma appendiculata [вид]

N. a. appendiculata, N. a. pertenua

Nephrotoma astigma Pierre, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma atamoor Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma atrohirsuta Alexander, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma atrostyla Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma augustana Alexander, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma aurantiaca Macquart, 1838 [вид]

Nephrotoma aurantiocincta Alexander, 1941 [вид]

Nephrotoma aurocomata Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma australasiae Skuse, 1890 [вид]

Nephrotoma austriaca Mannheims and Theowald, 1959 [вид]

Nephrotoma baliana Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma baluba Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma bara Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma barbigera Savchenko, 1964 [вид]

Nephrotoma basiflava Yang and Yang, 1991 [вид]

Nephrotoma basutoensis Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma beckeri Mannheims, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma bellula Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma biappendiculata Savchenko, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma biarmigera Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma bicristata Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma biformis Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma bifusca Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma boliviana Alexander, 1947 [вид]

Nephrotoma bombayensis Macquart, 1855 [вид]

Nephrotoma bourbonica Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma boyesi Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma brevicornis Doane, 1908 [вид]

Nephrotoma breviorcornis Doane, 1908 [вид]

Nephrotoma brevipennis Wollaston, 1858 [вид]

Nephrotoma brevisternata Alexander, 1968 [вид]

Nephrotoma buruensis Edwards, 1926 [вид]

Nephrotoma byersi Oosterbroek, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma byersina Alexander, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma cacuminis Alexander, 1946 [вид]

Nephrotoma calinota Dietz, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma capensis Rondani, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma carinata Mannheims, 1958 [вид]

Nephrotoma catenata [вид]

N. c. catenata, N. c. guizhouensis

Nephrotoma caudifera Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma chaetopyga Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma chalybea Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma chapini [вид]

N. c. chapini, N. c. pattersoni

Nephrotoma chosensis Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma cinereifrons Edwards, 1933 [вид]

Nephrotoma cingulata Dietz, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma circumcincta Alexander, 1941 [вид]

Nephrotoma circumscripta Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma cirrata Tangelder, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma citreiceps Speiser, 1923 [вид]

Nephrotoma citricolor Alexander, 1949 [вид]

Nephrotoma citrina Edwards, 1916 [вид]

Nephrotoma clanceyi Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma claviformis Yang and Yang, 1987 [вид]

Nephrotoma colorata Walker, 1865 [вид]

Nephrotoma comoroensis Alexander, 1959 [вид]

Nephrotoma concava Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma concolorithorax Brunetti, 1912 [вид]

Nephrotoma condylophora Alexander, 1970 [вид]

Nephrotoma consimilis Brunetti, 1911 [вид]

Nephrotoma consularis [вид]

N. c. consularis, N. c. eminens

Nephrotoma contrasta Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma cornicina Linnaeus, 1758 [вид]

N. c. cornicina, N. c. sardiniensis

Nephrotoma cornifera Dietz, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma costofumosa Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma cretensis Oosterbroek, 1982 [вид]

Nephrotoma cristiformis Alexander, 1975 [вид]

Nephrotoma crocata [вид]

N. c. crocata, N. c. luteata

Nephrotoma crocea Loew, 1866 [вид]

Nephrotoma croceiventris [вид]

N. c. croceiventris, N. c. lindneri

Nephrotoma cuneata Yang and Yang, 1991 [вид]

Nephrotoma curtiterebra Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma cuthbertsoni Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma dafla Alexander, 1970 [вид]

Nephrotoma daisensis Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma dampfi Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma definita Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma delegorguei Macquart, 1846 [вид]

Nephrotoma delta Walker, 1856 [вид]

Nephrotoma dewittei Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma didyma Yang and Yang, 1987 [вид]

Nephrotoma difficilis Tangelder, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma dimidiata de Meijere, 1904 [вид]

Nephrotoma distans Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma dodabettae Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma dominicana Alexander, 1970 [вид]

Nephrotoma dorsalis Fabricius, 1781 [вид]

Nephrotoma dorsata Alexander, 1953 [вид]

Nephrotoma drakanae Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma durangensis Alexander, 1953 [вид]

Nephrotoma dutti Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma eburata Mannheims, 1958 [вид]

Nephrotoma ectypa Speiser, 1908 [вид]

Nephrotoma edwardsaria Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma edwardsi Alexander, 1917 [вид]

Nephrotoma effrena Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma electripennis Alexander, 1953 [вид]

Nephrotoma elegans Fabricius, 1805 [вид]

Nephrotoma elegantula Williston, 1896 [вид]

Nephrotoma elgonica Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma erebus Alexander, 1922 [вид]

Nephrotoma ericarum Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma esakii Alexander, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma eucera Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma euceroides Alexander, 1919 [вид]

Nephrotoma euchroma Mik, 1874 [вид]

Nephrotoma eugeniae Savchenko, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma euthynota Alexander, 1962 [вид]

Nephrotoma evittata Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma exastigma Oosterbroek, 1978 [вид]

Nephrotoma excelsior Bergroth, 1888 [вид]

Nephrotoma extensicornis Alexander, 1974 [вид]

Nephrotoma familiaris Osten Sacken, 1881 [вид]

Nephrotoma fasciata Macquart, 1834 [вид]

Nephrotoma ferruginea Fabricius, 1805 [вид]

N. f. ferruginea, N. f. surtularis

Nephrotoma festiva Walker, 1848 [вид]

Nephrotoma flammeola Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma flavescens Linnaeus, 1758 [вид]

Nephrotoma flavipalpis Meigen, 1830 [вид]

Nephrotoma flavofimbria Alexander, 1976 [вид]

Nephrotoma flavonigra [вид]

N. f. andohahelana, N. f. flavonigra

Nephrotoma flavonota Alexander, 1914 [вид]

Nephrotoma flavoposticata Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma flavoscutellata Edwards, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma fletcheriana Alexander, 1952 [вид]

Nephrotoma floresensis Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma fontana Oosterbroek, 1978 [вид]

Nephrotoma forcipata Pierre, 1919 [вид]

Nephrotoma formosensis Edwards, 1916 [вид]

Nephrotoma freemani Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma fulani Alexander, 1974 [вид]

Nephrotoma fulvomedia Alexander, 1958 [вид]

Nephrotoma fumidapicalis Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma fumiscutellata Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma fuscapex Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma fuscescens Riedel, 1910 [вид]

Nephrotoma fuscipennis [вид]

N. f. fuscipennis, N. f. pronotalis, N. f. triflava

Nephrotoma fuscoflava Brunetti, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma gaganboi Tangelder, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma gamma Brunetti, 1912 [вид]

Nephrotoma geminata Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma geniculata Yang and Yang, 1987 [вид]

Nephrotoma glabricristata Alexander, 1939 [вид]

Nephrotoma globata Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma globosa Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma glossophora Alexander, 1964 [вид]

Nephrotoma gnata Dietz, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma gorongozae Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma gracilicornis Loew, 1864 [вид]

Nephrotoma graueri Speiser, 1923 [вид]

Nephrotoma guangxiensis Yang and Yang, 1993 [вид]

Nephrotoma guestfalica [вид]

N. g. guestfalica, N. g. hartigiana, N. g. surcoufi

Nephrotoma guttipleura Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma hainanica Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma hamulifera Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma handschiniana Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma helvetica Mannheims and Theowald, 1959 [вид]

Nephrotoma hemichroa Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma hirsuticauda Alexander, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma hubeiensis Yang and Yang, 1987 [вид]

Nephrotoma hunanensis Yang and Yang, 1991 [вид]

Nephrotoma hypocrites Brunetti, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma hypogyna Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma idiocera Alexander, 1976 [вид]

Nephrotoma imerina Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma immaculata van der Wulp, 1891 [вид]

Nephrotoma impigra [вид]

N. i. fulvovittata, N. i. impigra

Nephrotoma inconsequens Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma incristata Mannheims, 1958 [вид]

Nephrotoma inorata Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma integra Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma iridipennis Pierre, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma irrevocata Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma javana Wiedemann, 1821 [вид]

Nephrotoma javensis Doleschall, 1856 [вид]

Nephrotoma jinxiuensis Yang and Yang, 1993 [вид]

Nephrotoma joneensis Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma kaulbacki Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma kaviengensis Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma kelimotoensis Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma kempfi Alexander, 1976 [вид]

Nephrotoma kigeziana [вид]

N. k. celator, N. k. kigeziana, N. k. trigona

Nephrotoma kodaikanalensis Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma koreana Tangelder, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma korpa Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma kraussiana Alexander, 1978 [вид]

Nephrotoma kunagi Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma laconica Osten Sacken, 1882 [вид]

Nephrotoma laffooni Alexander, 1950 [вид]

Nephrotoma lamellata [вид]

N. l. lamellata, N. l. sublamellata

Nephrotoma lateropolita Alexander, 1938 [вид]

Nephrotoma laticrista Savchenko, 1966 [вид]

Nephrotoma latispina Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma latissima Alexander, 1962 [вид]

Nephrotoma leeuweni Oosterbroek, 1985 [вид]

Nephrotoma lempkei Oosterbroek, 1978 [вид]

Nephrotoma leonia Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma lerothodi Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma leto Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma leucostigma Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma libra Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma ligulata Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma lindneriana Alexander, 1978 [вид]

Nephrotoma livingstonei Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma longisternata Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma lordhowensis Dobrotworsky, 1974 [вид]

Nephrotoma luaboensis Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma lucida Schiner, 1868 [вид]

Nephrotoma lugens Loew, 1864 [вид]

Nephrotoma lundbecki Nielsen, 1907 [вид]

N. l. alexanderi, N. l. lundbecki

Nephrotoma lunulicornis Schummel, 1833 [вид]

Nephrotoma luteopleura Seguy, 1938 [вид]

Nephrotoma mabelana Alexander, 1976 [вид]

Nephrotoma machadoi Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma macrocera Say, 1823 [вид]

Nephrotoma madagascariensis Enderlein, 1912 [вид]

Nephrotoma makiella Matsumura, 1916 [вид]

Nephrotoma malickyi Martinovsky, 1979 [вид]

Nephrotoma mambila Alexander, 1976 [вид]

Nephrotoma margaritae Alexander, 1970 [вид]

Nephrotoma marshalli Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma martynovi Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma medioflava Oosterbroek, 1985 [вид]

Nephrotoma medioligula Alexander, 1945 [вид]

Nephrotoma medioproducta Alexander, 1940 [вид]

Nephrotoma medipubera Edwards, 1932 [вид]

Nephrotoma medleri Alexander, 1972 [вид]

Nephrotoma megacantha Alexander, 1976 [вид]

Nephrotoma megascapha Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma melanaspis Alexander, 1970 [вид]

Nephrotoma melanoxantha Alexander, 1962 [вид]

Nephrotoma melanura Osten Sacken, 1881 [вид]

Nephrotoma meraca Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma meridionalis Yang and Yang, 1997 [вид]

Nephrotoma metallescens Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma mexicana Macquart, 1846 [вид]

Nephrotoma microcera Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma milloti Alexander, 1959 [вид]

Nephrotoma minuscula Mannheims, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma minuticornis Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma mobukuensis Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma monopsellia Speiser, 1923 [вид]

Nephrotoma moravica Martinovsky, 1971 [вид]

Nephrotoma moshesh Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma mossambica Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma muktesarensis Alexander, 1952 [вид]

Nephrotoma nasuta Oosterbroek, 1975 [вид]

Nephrotoma navajo Alexander, 1949 [вид]

Nephrotoma neopratensis Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigeriensis Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigricauda Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrichroma Pierre, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrirostris Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigritana Mannheims, 1958 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrithorax de Meijere, 1919 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigroannulata van der Wulp, 1885 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrocentralis Alexander, 1938 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrocostalis Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrohalterata Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrolutea Bellardi, 1859 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigropilosa Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrostylata Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma nigrotergata de Meijere, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma nox Riedel, 1910 [вид]

Nephrotoma nycteris Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma occipitalis Loew, 1864 [вид]

Nephrotoma ocellata Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma ochripennis Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma okefenoke Alexander, 1915 [вид]

Nephrotoma oligochaeta Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma omeiana Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma oosterbroeki Tangelder, 1983 [вид]

Nephrotoma opacistriata Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma opima Alexander, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma ordinaria Osten Sacken, 1886 [вид]

Nephrotoma ortiva Osten Sacken, 1882 [вид]

Nephrotoma ozenumensis Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma pallida Oosterbroek, 1985 [вид]

Nephrotoma pallidapex Alexander, 1938 [вид]

Nephrotoma palloris Coquillett, 1898 [вид]

Nephrotoma pamirensis Enderlein, 1933 [вид]

Nephrotoma pangerangensis Alexander, 1915 [вид]

Nephrotoma parascutellata Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma parva Edwards, 1916 [вид]

Nephrotoma parvirostra Alexander, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma paulianana Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma pedunculata Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma penumbra Alexander, 1915 [вид]

Nephrotoma peralticrista Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma perhorrida Alexander, 1942 [вид]

Nephrotoma perincisa Alexander, 1949 [вид]

Nephrotoma perlepida Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma perobliqua Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma petiolata Macquart, 1838 [вид]

Nephrotoma pilata Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma pilicauda Savchenko, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma pjotri Tangelder, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma platysphela Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma platysterna Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma pleurinotata Brunetti, 1912 [вид]

Nephrotoma pleuromaculata Alexander, 1927 [вид]

Nephrotoma polymera Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma praecipua Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma pratensis [вид]

N. p. eepi, N. p. pratensis

Nephrotoma profunda Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma progne Alexander, 1949 [вид]

Nephrotoma pulchella Rondani, 1850 [вид]

Nephrotoma pullata Alexander, 1914 [вид]

Nephrotoma puncticornis Brunetti, 1912 [вид]

Nephrotoma punctifrons Macquart, 1838 [вид]

Nephrotoma punctum Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma qinghaiensis [вид]

N. q. nigrabdomen, N. q. qinghaiensis

Nephrotoma quadrifaria [вид]

N. q. farsidica, N. q. quadrifaria

Nephrotoma quadrilata Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma quadrinacrea Alexander, 1949 [вид]

Nephrotoma quadristriata Schummel, 1833 [вид]

Nephrotoma quadrivittata van der Wulp, 1885 [вид]

Nephrotoma quincunx [вид]

N. q. edita, N. q. euryglossa, N. q. medioscalaris, N. q. quincunx

Nephrotoma rajah Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma ramulifera Tjeder, 1955 [вид]

Nephrotoma rectispina Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma relicta Savchenko, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma repanda Alexander, 1914 [вид]

Nephrotoma retenta Alexander, 1935 [вид]

Nephrotoma reunionensis Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma richardiana Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma ridleyi Edwards, 1932 [вид]

Nephrotoma rogersi Byers, 1968 [вид]

Nephrotoma rossica Riedel, 1910 [вид]

Nephrotoma ruanda Alexander, 1955 [вид]

Nephrotoma rubriventris Savchenko, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma ruiliensis Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma ruwenzoriana Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma saccai Mannheims, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma sachalina Alexander, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma saghaliensis Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma sakalava Alexander, 1960 [вид]

Nephrotoma sangoana Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma scalarifer Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma scalaris [вид]

N. s. parvinotata, N. s. scalaris

Nephrotoma schaeuffelei Mannheims, 1964 [вид]

Nephrotoma scurra Meigen, 1818 [вид]

Nephrotoma scurroides de Meijere, 1904 [вид]

Nephrotoma semicincta Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma semiflava Strobl, 1909 [вид]

Nephrotoma seniana Alexander, 1952 [вид]

Nephrotoma serricornis Brunetti, 1912 [вид]

Nephrotoma setirostra Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma shanxiensis Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma siamensis Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma sichuanensis Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma sinensis Edwards, 1916 [вид]

Nephrotoma smithersiana Alexander, 1959 [вид]

Nephrotoma sodalis Loew, 1864 [вид]

Nephrotoma solomonis [вид]

N. s. guadalcanarana, N. s. malaitana, N. s. solomonis

Nephrotoma sparsicoma Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma spatha Oosterbroek, 1975 [вид]

Nephrotoma speculata de Meijere, 1913 [вид]

Nephrotoma spicula Tangelder, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma stackelbergi Savchenko, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma staryi Oosterbroek, 1982 [вид]

Nephrotoma sternomarginata Alexander, 1964 [вид]

Nephrotoma strenua Alexander, 1917 [вид]

Nephrotoma stygia Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma stylacantha Alexander, 1937 [вид]

Nephrotoma subalterna Oosterbroek, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma subanalis Mannheims, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma subdentata Alexander, 1955 [вид]

Nephrotoma subeuryglossa Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma subinanis Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma sublunulicornis Savchenko, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma submaculosa Edwards, 1928 [вид]

Nephrotoma subopaca Alexander, 1952 [вид]

Nephrotoma subpallida Alexander, 1925 [вид]

Nephrotoma subumbonis Alexander, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma sullingtonensis Edwards, 1938 [вид]

Nephrotoma sundaica Edwards, 1932 [вид]

Nephrotoma suturalis [вид]

N. s. suturalis, N. s. wulpiana

Nephrotoma takeuchii Alexander, 1924 [вид]

Nephrotoma tealei Oosterbroek, 1984 [вид]

Nephrotoma tenggerensis Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma tenuipes Riedel, 1910 [вид]

Nephrotoma tenuis Loew, 1863 [вид]

Nephrotoma theowaldi Oosterbroek, 1978 [вид]

Nephrotoma thysia Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma tianlinensis Yang and Yang, 1993 [вид]

Nephrotoma tigrina Alexander, 1917 [вид]

Nephrotoma tigrinoides Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma tincta Walker, 1856 [вид]

Nephrotoma toda Alexander, 1951 [вид]

Nephrotoma toxopei Edwards, 1926 [вид]

Nephrotoma tricincta Alexander, 1921 [вид]

Nephrotoma trilobulata Alexander, 1936 [вид]

Nephrotoma triobtusa Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma tripartita Walker, 1861 [вид]

Nephrotoma triplasia van der Wulp, 1885 [вид]

Nephrotoma triquetra Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma tumidiverticalis Alexander, 1930 [вид]

Nephrotoma tzitzikamae Alexander, 1964 [вид]

Nephrotoma umbonis Alexander, 1964 [вид]

Nephrotoma umbripennis Alexander, 1917 [вид]

Nephrotoma unicingulata Alexander, 1917 [вид]

Nephrotoma unicornis Alexander, 1961 [вид]

Nephrotoma unisicata Alexander, 1969 [вид]

Nephrotoma urocera Dietz, 1918 [вид]

Nephrotoma usta Osten Sacken, 1886 [вид]

Nephrotoma vana [вид]

N. v. nigrovana, N. v. vana

Nephrotoma variventris Edwards, 1932 [вид]

Nephrotoma venusticeps Alexander, 1956 [вид]

Nephrotoma vesta Alexander, 1949 [вид]

Nephrotoma vicaria Walker, 1848 [вид]

Nephrotoma villosa Savchenko, 1973 [вид]

Nephrotoma vinsoniana Alexander, 1957 [вид]

Nephrotoma violovitshi Savchenko, 1967 [вид]

Nephrotoma virescens Loew, 1864 [вид]

Nephrotoma virgata Coquillett, 1898 [вид]

Nephrotoma vittula Loew, 1864 [вид]

Nephrotoma walkeri Oosterbroek, 1986 [вид]

Nephrotoma whiteheadi Edwards, 1933 [вид]

Nephrotoma xanthoplaca Alexander, 1920 [вид]

Nephrotoma xanthoplacodes Alexander, 1963 [вид]

Nephrotoma xichangensis Yang and Yang, 1990 [вид]

Nephrotoma xinjiangensis Yang and Yang, 1987 [вид]

Nephrotoma xizangensis Yang and Yang, 1987 [вид]

Nephrotoma zhejiangensis Yang and Yang, 1995 [вид]

Фотографии Nephrotoma, определенные до надвидового таксона

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Nephrotoma sp. Nephrotoma sp.


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