Here you can find the web forum messages and all the comments of registered users on photos and species descriptions. Feel free to comment any thread you find interesting, ask a question, read users comments and the administrator's replies. To comment a photo or a species description, please use relevant photo page of a species or the page with description
All the comments on species, genera, families and other insects taxa, also subspecies and taxonomic units alike. To comment any taxa please use relevant taxon page.
I thank Dr. Stuart Longhorn for the correct species name info.
If you are the author of the photo with the insect, just upload it to the website gallery, so it will be seen faster by specialists. If you are not the author of the photo/image, then publish your question in this section
Андрей, да, это огневки. Если будете еще вставлять фото с фотохостинга — используйте полный ...
Discussions on general taxonomy questions of the Insecta. Suggestions on the website database updates and taxa ordering.
Try contacting Bezborodov you very much! I am glad to get any advice, any help.
Insects biology and faunistics
У меня тоже есть некоторые наблюдения... ...
Tips on the insects collecting and insect specimen care. Entomological equipment for collecting and storing specimens.
Всем доброго времени суток. Прислали жуков формалиновых. Совершенно резиновые. Я уж их и ...
Announcements of new literature and web resources, literature search, links to interesting thematic sites and books
For me, some Richard E. White, Donald J. Borror may be enough for a start. A Field Guide to Insects America North of Mexico. It is old, it is not in the form of an atlas, but ...
Travel reports and impressions
На южном берегу Крыма бабочки ещё летают, да и не только они, но также двукрылые, ...
Insects breeding
The topic has been moved to the section "Keeping and breeding insects".
How to get rid of insects
I am not a great, to put it mildly, expert on ticks and, moreover, not an expert on methods of dealing with them. But apparently, these are gamase mites. Clean your vacuum ...
All the comments on the website photos sorted by newest first. Once again, to comment any photo please use relevant photo page.
All the questions on image upload on the website, editing data and stuff alike. Bug alerts and suggestions on upgrading the project.
I see the photos are connected. But if not all of them are connected, and the problem remains — please let me know.
Talks on Insecta shooting in nature and in collections. Technical and aesthetical aspects. Links to ace photographers.
Most of the small beetles in the last 2 years were taken on this macro module,Insecta
Insects images
Once upon a time, thanks to publications on the forum of respected people, I managed to "calculate" the place of the summer of Apollo in the Tambov region. When I arrived ...
"Entomologists in your city" project and more
Уважаемые коллеги, нет ли у кого биографических сведений об исследователях чешуекрылых ...
Entomological exhibitions, seminars and other offline events, as well as permanent exhibitions and places of entomological power offline!
With the blessing of Pavel and Anatoly, an "official" section dedicated to the insect fair and exhibition, which takes place in Moscow in spring and autumn, has been opened ...
Congratulations to colleagues on entomological occasions and not only on them
Education, job openings in entomology and related fields. Job search
*the survey was conducted in the environment of real boys.
Obituaries and condolences
I'm posting an ad late. I believe that in this section it will be correct to publish information about deceased entomologists even after some time after their death (since ...
Comments and ideas on relocation of the threads according to the Community structure. Complaints on moderators, curators and the editor. Users appreciation.
I am happy for you and Olya and I envy you with white envy!) I would join with pleasure, I also never got to the end of July or the beginning of August... But so far, only ...
Posts and discussions on website updates. Only administrator is authorized to add posts on website updates. All registered users are free to comment.
The "official" section of the Moscow Entomological Exhibition and Fair is open on You can find full information about the event, view photos and videos from the ...
Posts from the Blog. Please, write to the editor if you want to post your text about insects in the blog.
Голосование — сегодня. Кто регистрировался — не забываем смотреть почту и кликать по ссылке с ...
Comments and suggestions on the technical aspects of the website. Ideas about new sections and projects. All registered users can upload topics and comment.
As for me, discussions do not interfere with images, but only complement them and make the topic more interesting. But this, of course, is just my opinion.
Other Insects threads not subject to the previous sections.
Каким способом лучше всего снимать ночных бабочек с полотна светоловушки для последующего ...
Humour, cars, sport, fashion, non-insects themed trips, books, cinema, gambling, rumors, gossip, scandals and other off-topic: free talks between the website users.
Feed of all comments on all the themes of the Community, and all taxons and photos. Comfortable home page for hardcore users who want to stay up to date.
Stenoptilia pneumonanthes?